Buyfag thread


Nendo of the year Edition

Tell me why I shouldn't buy her if I have the money.


when did they make archers cool?

Price is not a problem.

>too early
>guide in OP

It costs 20k dude, unless you actually get paid for breathing is a shit investment for a mediocre figure at best.

>Always several seasons behind
>The figures of characters I actually want are always sold out or overpriced by the time I realize they're good

I have her figure on preorder, I'll probably steer clear of her nendo. I generally only get a nendo when there's no figure available.

Think of all the other things you could buy with 20k.

This thread will eventually be deleted anyway

Some nendos are very good, don't know why people here like to shame them as if they were the fucking Funko of the east

Go to Solaris Japan

>tfw my waifu doesn't has any figure at all

Find a flaw
>Protip: You can't



>shitty face

Nendos are only good if you're creative and make set ups for them. They look stupid all lined up like figures which is what most people do.

Fuck you fags, it's a solid Ryobi figure fuck you again

>Pulchra meme
There is nothing wrong with NuPulchra figures.

>fuck you

B-but user we aren't even married yet!

Except everything, paint is shit at best, they still use fragile resin and specially for that Ryobi the hair will just break in no time. The seam lines are still present and theres no skin tones on the final figure compared to the prototype.

And this is a figure released not even a month ago

What started the guide triggering janitors anyway? It was allowed for the longest time and then all of a sudden it was a problem.

>hair guaranteed to come broken in pieces.

Now compare it to the exact same slut released by GSC for 5kY less

Because there will be a better thing to spend money on.

Sorry if I was rude user, I just can't stand people talking shit about my waifu, even if it's just a figure

it's because generals were banned and apparently having links in OP is all it takes for a thread to count as a general

fucc I want that fig.

People were talking shit about the manufacturer, retard. Not about your shit waifu

>That shitty quality in 2018
How do they even manage to sell? they should've gone bankrupt by now unless they sell their figures by bootleg prices

Shitheads like exist, that's why.

If you want steampunk figures, there are better alternatives. I just don't get the appeal of that figure

You should see the rest of their figures

Bases included

How long until this gets deleted? Should we migrate to the other thread?

I feel guilty about this too. There was a point when I saw a figure and I though "Hey, maybe this company improve itself already, it is 2017 already".

Oh boy, how wrong I was. Instant regret when a package came.

Tell me why I shouldn't preorder right now because I'm in love and I don't feel like that since September 2016

Just move to the other one, the OP of this one is beyond cancer anyway.

Did Shimoneta really flop that hard to a point of getting no merch and S2 or it was all because her Seiyuu died?

Their nendos will be announced in 5 days, right?

I'm not convinced this isn't a chinese knockoff
this one seems to have come out significantly better (even besides the better lighting).

Go for it senpai

Those are the same figure, they are resin and paint application on resin is iffy at best

both are legit you can check at mfc

Don't know, but I would easily pay up to 50k for a solid Anna figure. not even her dakis are good, its a fucking heartache

How long does it usually take a figure to bin after release?

From 0 days to never

>34% off
Any redflags about this one or we good to go?

My oni arrived! This is what C-grade damage looks like.

Her eyes are pretty; they remind me of dollfies.

Go for it! I like her pose, boobs, and her expression.

For +3k you get pic related

Doesnt even look like 18

>C-grade damage looks like
Only that bit or is there more?

How would her clothes even work? Wtf is that shit

She's cute, i'm tempted too. The skirt and her braids look lovely

>Don't know how jeans work
Go outside more

awesome. I love huge tits, and this android bitch is right up my alley. It's a bit off putting that her knockers aren't even bigger, and she's even fully clothed. At least the fabric is nice and tight so you can see her curves. I love her other statues in the line with cleavage spilling out the top. One charm point I just now noticed (after having ordered it months ago) is that her tight adorable little tummy pokes out under her shirt. It's brilliant.

For a 12-year-old figure, she is STUNNING in person. Aside from a few paint spots in her hair (which aren't noticeable unless you bring her up to your eye), I'm in love with her sculpt and pose. Sexy non-welded cleavage, pink shading on her body and booty, amazing detail on her weapon and clothes... this is what $20 gets you. No complaints, really.

Only that bit.

>Man of culture
Usually I don't preorder, but I made a exception for her. For me her breasts are perfectly sized so I don't have nothing to complain

>20$ for a 12yo fig in good condition
Where did you get her?

Obligatory panty shot. Although she came sealed, the mirror base was smarmy. A little cleaner helped, but I can forgive it since it was probably due to age.

Amiami's preowned section.
>Item: A
>Box: C

sorry but it looks like shit, and that's an awful facel being a scale released in 2006 is no excuse.

Damn, nice snipe. I don't buy preowned stuff because I'm paranoid but posts like yours makes me reconsider my philosophies specially now that my budget isn't that high anymore

Saber is sculpted


>Body Perfection/10
>Face meh/10

Does anyone here have any experience with Solaris Japan?

No problems here, bought at least 80,000 from them. They have the best packaging but it's expensive.

It just binned and they wanna get rid of it. She's not that popular so that's why.

It's not bad but "stunning"?, seriously you have pretty low standards.

Always buy old stuff factory new from them. Don't really have a problem, except my Akari nendo came with a very small spot in her back that I can't clean off.

I don't really know if its due to age, or if they picked a used mint item and sold as new since someone said they do that sometimes and because of that I'm taking a break from buying from them unless I really want something ''new'' only they have.


Overall, 9.9/10; would definitely recommend. I can say that most BOME figures look good with the passage of time and others look like crap, but your mileage may vary.

Thanks! I had my doubts too, but I'm really happy with how she turned out. There's nothing wrong with bargain buying so long as you do your homework and look carefully. I do admit that when I saw the box "damage" in person, it raised my expectations of Nip autism. It's a wild card, but for the most part isn't a big deal.

Well, she's far from being MOMA-worthy, but some figures age like fine wine. In my case, I judged her from MFC pictures, but it's your opinion.

Honestly, luck of the draw with plastic. This was brand new in box from ami.

You have a really low bar to get a 10/10

Ok, you like the fig but 9.9/10?, lol calm down a bit, girl.

Holy fuck user, did you even tried to get a refund or some shit?

paint transfer is something to be expected from A+


I've sent the email. I don't think they're going to do shit about it really. What I get for buying A+, I'll stick to the monopoly figures from this point.

For something released long ago that for the most part aged well? Pretty much. Have I seen and do I own figures that look miles better than her? Hell yeah. I'd say she's an 8 in my book, mainly because of that and being offered still sealed.

Yeah, I might have gone overboard, but then again who isn't excited after opening a package? After a second look, I'll give her an 8 and leave it at that.

They scratches actually deep and black.

that's also something to be expected from them.

Yup, but anything oda really tingles my horrible weeb aesthetics.

>Sent a email
My man, you gotta hurt them were it hurts more if you wanna a chance at winning, public image. Should've complained about it with pics and shit on fb, twitter, mfc and so on

Expecting them to be nice and do the right thing for you just for goodness sake, is like expecting a tiger to not eat you because you are vegan

They're replacing it, don't even want the damaged figure. You want it? Remember life is evil, but living is nice.

Knowing all that, I still ordered this.

Vegans taste like shit though. I expect that tiger to try and bury them first.


Good to see you're well. Good luck!

Just got her while in Japan last week. She's really cute.

Not even Sup Forums

Really nice despite being another bunny

They can never make the toe part of heels look right.

>sonic colors

This one is better desu

These cuties will be my first love live merch.

It was like 5 bucks. I didn't even play it

Wow, she got painted already? Looking really nice. She might be my first 1/4.

why are some people that desperate to be first ones to upload pics to MFC?

I don't get the question.

I saw this, so now you have to see it too

They're fucking cute but I'm too poor.

>¥21,111 w/o taxes