VEG hype and discussions diie the fuck out

>VEG hype and discussions diie the fuck out
>not a single day goes without multiple FranXX threads

I love fan-base wars am I right fellow Sup Forums bro

FranXX truly is the new Umaru huh

Both of these shows are garbage and having a billion threads isn't a good thing. It's obvious Franxx fans aren't from here.

I love Violet Evergarden.
FranXX is okay-ish so far.
02 is bad character and people like her because they are weebs waifu fags.

I prefer FranXX, but let's be frank: it's only being more discussed because it and its viewers are much, much hornier.

I love the complete and utter lack of irony in this post and how in of itself ironic that is

the fuck is VEG?

I'm not watching any of them.
VEG seems to be pretentious and boring; FranXX seems to be angsty and juvenile.

okay lets hear it. list at least 3 reasons why 02 "is bad character"

Ive seen its shitposters all over Sup Forums so yeah probably

Franxx is not pretentious, it’s dumb and fun. It’s Lewd

>can't read
sasuga Sup Forums

i want my benis inside her

>discussing VEG or any kyoani for that matter
>on Sup Forums
At least you could have some discussion about Hibike on /u/ but here there is only several layers of falseflagging and straight up shitposting. Such is fate for anime made by the greatest studio from this era.

I personally loathe the "teenagers and their mechas are world's last hope and their teenage, hormone-fueled angst and romantic entanglements are the key to everything" format used by Gunparade March and Muv Luv so I'll never touch Darling, no matter how much Sup Forums hypes it.

I fucking hate 02 as well, but Darlifa is a good show. No I'm not an Ichigofag.

Sup Forums - Anime & Manga

ITT: fanbase wars, not anime & manga related, be ready for the blogposting

-Interesting world
-Unique characters
-Mecha fight scenes

-Autistic doll typing

Really jogs the ol' noggin

is /m/ a good place to tall about mecha?

But they aren't the last hope. It's obvious that they're insignificant to the greater picture and that the higher-ups are just lying to them about being important at all.

Yeah just like Code Geass posters weren't from Sup Forums.

When it's not dead.

Don't worry, the war is clearly over.