Buyfag thread

Wonfes in 5 days.

Yes please

Tried to enjoy this from the different angles but they are pretty lame. No preorder from me I guess.

Armpit sniff

Its fine

Cute idols.

>Dead series
>Still getting figures

What's a good acrylic riser for figmas on a DETOLF shelf?

The franchise is love

and (a)live

Not even a fan of it but its quite far from being dead

I like this

Waiting for (at least) finished prototypes is suffering, I want my slutfu.

The colours and gold details are nicely done.

I wonder if their hands are going to be welded together? I would just saw the base in half and dispose of Nico

>Figure by a literal who company
I absolutely hate that these prices seem to be here to stay.

Just goes to show that retiring them was a mistake.

The power of yuri.

Who is it by?

Sentinel is not a literal who actually, sentinel are utter shit.

Different things

This seems okay

I don't know about their anime figures, but their Iron man figures are the best ever produced so I think they'll do fine.

That's usually a bad comparison point though, just look at Bandai, they release mighty fine homoerotic bugmen and armored men, however their females are beyond horrible

Painted prototype this wonfes?

Nendos announced in 5 days, r-right?

Only 200 smackers for your own stylish lesbians.

Not liking that meek look on Nico, she should be the dominant one.

Tomato is fine, still miles far from the halloween maki


For $200?

I feel like the frames would be too thick

Right here with you on this man!

There's already another buyfag thread going.

That will get deleted because they linked the guide in the OP, and was made 30 minutes before the old one died on top of it.

One which was created when the previous one was still up and has the guide linked in the OP, which will get it deleted and OP banned, my dear newfag-kun.

i got 2 parcels
happy valentines day to me

holy fuck that's blurry


Ok grandma


cant see shit

>Not putting on a character type for her audience
Did you even watch the show?

Aside from the obvious sideboob, that sweater texture is amazing. I wonder how hard that is to sculpt.

I need it



hey I recognized that liliru

Literally the most boring possible outfit. Why? Not even a TA3 futa demon Sakura. Not even hot pants Sakura. It's just generic school girl outfit Sakura

I hope you enjoyed the slope ride


Stop bumping this thread.


>guide in op
>created early
Fuck off, newfag-kun, it will get deleted anyway.

Not to mention /vg/-tier "Edition" bullshit.

who even cares about Ro-Kyu-Bu! anymore?

The designs are very cute, I guess.





Seems like a pretty big point of failure in shipping if they were shipped actually hand in hand. Could see a lot of broken arms.

Post dem Bingos



>Created when last thread was at page 10 bump limit
>Crying about muh guide in OP which is a nonsensical rule just so you can mass report it and take it down
You are just another turbo autist who loses his shit when people ''steal'' your OP. Eat a dick and go die in a fire you bitter loser.

wtf they gay?

>fishnets over a body stocking
For what purpose

>For what purpose
Fetish purpose.

>crying because he got banned and his thread got locked

>public ban
>when there's so many horrendous threads out there that deserve it more than that
Mods are quite pathetic.

>public ban
lol, rip

>You are just another turbo autist who loses his shit when people ''steal'' your OP
Sounds like projection, given how early you made the thread.

Told you so.

>public ban

Lurk more, retard

>6 hours late

It's weird how these cases have increased lately, it's like the faggot is trying to act cool but fails horrendously.

>You can get anything from WF
>The only thing you want is GK
>You have no where to paint nor you ever did this before.
I guess i just kill myself.

>implying you know if it’s really him or not

You just need to git gud, faglord. It'll be expensive and hard but not impossible.

Who is that in your instant win?
Also, Izana Shinatose was better when they were nonbinary, before the tits.


>projecting tumblr terms onto an anime hermie

>tumblr terms
It's just what the fuck it's called. It's a third gender that's neither male nor female before they "choose" one, retard.

>third gender
It's called "mentally ill", >reeturd

The plug to this outlet.

Eat a bianary dick.

I didn't think anyone could be this fucking stupid. I salute you.

git gud or just get the incomming nendos

It's "hermaphrodite".

Whatever makes you feel better, tumblr-chan

Their action figures might be good, but that doesn't always translate to good scales. Not every company can be Max Factory.

Watch the fucking series.

Ready for this weekend's rapid-fire thread? Gonna be fun.

Hoping they do the other ST girls. Would love Sakura, Erica or Maria bunnygirls.

Is Mordred non-binary?

Look up what nonbinary actually is. It's not what she is.

Depends on how much money you use on rolls

I don't know, looks a bit boring to me and I'm probably the biggest bunnyfag here.


I find it strange that a show of low-to-medium popularity like Potatoes have had a rather large amount of fan-made figures made compared to some vastly more popular series that usually just gets doujins and maybe a bootleg plush or two from fans.

It is what they are, because they always used gender-neutral pronouns in the original Japanese before they changed.

Look who just arrived from Manda!