Darling in the FranXX

Reminder that Ichigo is the Jorōgumo:

In the bathroom scene where Hiro washes his face, the butterfly that he notices is trapped and cannot fly. Since episode 1 and all throughout each subsequent one, we know that the ability to "fly" (to ride a FranXX) is what separates the "living" from the "dead" in DITF's world, or at least the world as seen through Hiro's eyes. In Hiro's first scene in the anime, for example, he notices a bird that flies into the canopy of the nest, injures itself and dies. That is part of the same motif.

It stands to reason then, that the spider's web represents the "bird cage" (that is what, ironically, the parasites call their home), which Hiro needs to escape. From episode 1 through episode 3, Hiro grows increasingly aware that he is living in a trap, episode 3 ending with his realisation that riding Strelizia together with 002 is his only chance to escape. Strelizia is the only FranXX he can use, and Hiro is the only stamen with whom 002 can ride without killing it in the process. Episode 3 also revealed that 002 wants to escape from the plantation(s) which she compares to graves, something that reinforces the association of the spider's web with the "bird's cage".

Other urls found in this thread:


And this is where Ichigo comes in. Of all the characters, she is the one who is trying the hardest to integrate Hiro back into the nest. In episode 1 it is revealed that she doesn't much care whether Hiro can "fly" or not, as long as he stays there (with her). That is her primary goal: not having Hiro grow into his own (and potentially away from her), but him staying close to her, whether he can ride a FranXX or not. Which is why she constantly gets between Hiro and 002 (i.e. Hiro's "wings", his other Jian bird half). Ichigo is the leader of the P13 parasites, and the "queen" of the nest (which 002 remarks upon in episode 5). She is the conduit of the system. Nana only uses her as an intermediary to convey orders to the kids, for example. And it doesn't stop here. Ichigo's FranXX unit, Delphinium, is named after a genus of perennial flowering plants all of which are toxic to humans and livestock. How do spiders kill and consume their prey? With poison.

Henceforth, Ichigo's attempts to sabotage Hiro's relationship with 002 will escalate gradually. Of course, she will fail every time, just as she has failed thus far.

A thread died for pastas. wew. how does Sup Forums do it?

I don’t think they thought that deep with one scene. If anything it was a misdirect to cause brainlets to go on a surge of these speculations.

This isn't pasta.


make nu tread bout frenKS
why is 00002 so goode Sup Forums
fugg itshigo cuck

End game in 19 weeks

It's both. It is easy to assume that the spider represents 02 if you treat episode 5 (and that scene in particular) in isolation from the rest of the story so far. 02 being a Jorougumo is the superficial interpretation of the scene, while Ichigo being the Jorougumo is the hidden truth behind it.

Literally worse than anything else, kill yourself retard


The fact that the 4-kima parodies the idea that 02 is the spider makes the red-herring even more obvious. I think the staff failed with this one, because they gave it away too soon. They should have kept quiet about it and leave it amiguous for a while (at least until episode 6).

The fact that they parodied the 02-spider relation kills the tension.

>still thinking Ichigo is the spider
you should have to take an IQ test before being allowed to post.

>they didn't intend this symbolism, they just included it so others would interpret it as such
Really jogs my noggin

02 is actually the butterfly, as Ichigo catches her at her weakest later in the same episode, the same in which she moves into the parasite dorm (caught in the web)
Hiro is just a caterpillar at this point

>feels guy


I did the WAIS IV and got 147. I also have a degree in mathematics. What are your credentials faggot?

no it's Hiro

Ichigo is Hiro's twin sister

how do people find this shit honestly

You're probably autistic, that's where your complete lack of understanding of analogies and human interactions comes from

Posting this like Incest matters?

That's pretty close.

Make your case.

wait what the fuck was that shadow always there?

It's an old promotional poster for the anime that the staff discarded.

>Thread isn't even 40 posts in and its already gone to shit

Christ, those euro- scum are right, americans ARE fucking cancerous, the late night threads I've been a part of are far better then this shit. When the majority of posts are topic related discussion instead of shitposts.


>the staff discarded.
[citation needed]

I didn't think Sup Forums would be attached to one scene from the perspective of one character.

Zero Two isn't the spider either though. Also, you're a faker going by that file name.

If you pay attention the title say Darling in FrankXX instead of FranXX.

It's the meme of the week.

>you're a faker going by that file name.

I mean what did you expect? As soon as it was nearly 5PM EST, the Ichigofag shitposting started which is after schoolwork. Everything was fine earlier in the day 2 threads before.

Hiro is not just the MC, but he is the only character in that scene. From which other character's perspective do you think it should be interpreted from?

Are you feeling alright friend?

>Christ, those euro- scum are right
Haha YES! Those Yuro-peeners (as myself and my fellow Americans say) sure do suck but lets be honest fellow Americans, we suck so much more. I hate those darn dirty Euros more than anything (as I am American) but I do in fact think that we Americans are so much worse. I'm sure Americans (like myself, who is also American just like you) can surely understand where I'm coming from.

That's what I'm saying. From Hiro's.



Fuck off to Sup Forums

>ichigofags are this mad

But this interpretation is from Hiro's perspective.

Holy shit don't tell me Karling in the Franks shitposting actually has credibility.

It’s SEAniggers and abboalians, they are considered subhumans for a reason.

mad burger detected

You can still make the case that the spider is 02 based on the perception of her, rather than her true character. Everyone who looks at her sees a stamen-devouring monster. Even Hiro isn't blind to her reputation. However, he's able to see past that and treat her as human nonetheless and embrace her as his partner.


Yeah the show was originally called Frankxx. It was changed (I assume because it sounds better.)

I know. I'm saying it goes quite far when I think it's pretty simple.

I agree.

what??? what the fuck???
yeah I agree even though they used the specific spider and butterfly that perfectly represent characters, it's obviously a much simpler thing.

You're one of those faggots who are dying a little inside whenever people point out that Franxx isn't just about butts and sex aren't you?

You just got fucking rekt son hahahha.

I don't think it was ever putting her in a malicious way. It was just a sea of shitposts.

I agree though. It's obviously much deeper than that.

What?? No.

do you know what The Jurogumo represents in myth?

Yes user. I don't think Zero Two fits due to several things in story and some even mentioned by APE is all.

The spider conflicts with pretty much all other 02 plot points and symbols anyway, it never had any solid ground to stand on from the beginning.



It makes more sense that the joro is ichigo

Instead of creating too tension around Hiro, since anyone with a brain can see that he isn't dying in the next episode, they choose to create tension by making 02 appears as dubious as possible, so in the next episode they could confirm if she's evil or is just being misunderstood. We most likely going to see some flashback about her past in next episode so they can show to us how she felt about her partners dying.

no but that's certainly malicious if you do think it is

>implying there are ichigofags

>We most likely going to see some flashback about her past in next episode
I very much doubt that.

They exist, but they congregate on other sites mostly. Usually, the more people like Ichigo, the less they think of DITF.

The best cosplay I've seen so far

Can we stop talking about this fucking spider already

02 is really cute.


I don't think the spider is meant to be any great symbolism. It is just something to make you feel anxious about Hiro's situation. Obviously they are wanting you to doubt 002 right now and are playing that up for the big moment to come. It's not like the bird story from ep 1 where it's some overriding symbol that defines the entire 002/Hiro relationship.

No. People need to learn that 002 is not the spider.

Kill yourself

They don't need to gave any important info, jut show how she felt about them dying and how she doesn't want to be alone.

But user, the spider is you.

You're selling the scene short. It wouldn't have caused such a ruckus if it was just that.

The hell?

The episode is directed by Akira Amemiya.

So if you look at the scene as if it was just normal spider it's Ichigo but if you use the mythology Joro then it's 02?

What if Hiro's the flower and not 02

The mecha is the flower not 02

It caused a ruckus because we are seizing on anything and subjecting it to absurd levels of interpretation. The purpose of the spider is simply to build apprehension in the viewer about 02/Hiro so when it gets BTFO in the next episode the feeling of emotional release will be stronger.

Hiro himself barely even reacts to the spider. He sees for a few seconds and that's it. Compare this to the bird where we get multiple bird monologues from 02 and Hiro, Hiro explicitly comparing himself to a bird that can't fly, a bird taking off the moment 02 pushing him down and licking him, etc. There's just no comparison.

The spider will be forgotten after next episode, I assure you. And there will be some new symbol for us to obsess over.

Nice reading comprehension user.

0ni can still be in love, but the more information is given the more you have to believe that this is happening Just According to Keikaku
There is definitely no way 0ni didn't know about Hiro before 0ni, Dr F, and Nana got to plantation 13.
>Why was she sent to that plantation anyway?
>What else do the other plantation kids know
Gotta set sail for the Frontline

The official skit confirms 002 is spider and Hiro is moth. Time to let it rest.

Who is going to die?

sorry im autistic :(
>Hiro himself barely even reacts to the spider. He sees for a few seconds and that's it.
this is just dishonest. he has a heartattack.

>Hiro himself barely even reacts to the spider
That is not true. He grabs his chest (right above the blue tumour) while looking at the spider.


The "official skit" is a parody of the anime. If it confirmed anything, it's that the scene with the spider is a misdirection.


Either no one, or some of the P26 people.

>the unofficial 4koma done by someone not even related to the production team proves it's misdirection.
it means nothing you're all retards

This. Fuck off on the spider shit now please.

Norio Takao did not meant to put the entire fucking anime and character direction in one scene for christs sake.

No retard the spider scene obviously means something important. They gave literally every single part of the scene some symbolism. The problem is nobody can agree on WHAT symbolism it is.

So Mitsuru rode 02, hm?

Weeks behind.

It's an official 4-koma you idiots. It's released 3 times a week on DITF's official twitter: twitter.com/DARLI_FRA/status/963072449540538369