JCs make anime better?
JCs make anime better?
JKs are fine too
No. Only JS and JC.
Do your normie friends know you fap to JC's Sup Forums?
They haven't asked what kind of anime girls I fap to before. Normalfags just think all anime porn is highschoolers with huge tits getting fucked by tentacles, best to keep it that way.
>Normalfags just think all anime porn is highschoolers with huge tits getting fucked by tentacles, best to keep it that way.
can confirm, my co-workers all think anime is exactly this, kinda glad I hid my powerlevel after all
People fap to JCs?
Yes, we do. What are you, a bot?
Over 1000 times for just one JC alone, who knows how many times in total
they know i prefer shorter girls and smaller breasts, so, maybe?
JS are better.
what the fuck are you nerds talking about?
Which is the more fuckable JC, Megumin or Sup Forums?
These j* terms came into vogue after my time. Seems they're variations of 'little girl'.
I'd prefer Megumin being real over Sup Forums being real
they are the only reason i watch anything anymore
JKs are not little girls.
I remember /l/
JCs are best when they are drawn with impossibly large hips.
Why are JCs always the best MCs?
The only thing Kancolle anime did right was make Fubuki sexy.
Hell no, they would think I'm a pedophile. I-I'm not though, I just like cute JCs and upper JS! Perfectly healthy for a young man to like such things!
>upper JS
That's pretty borderline. Are we talking 11-12 or down to single digits?
I'm glad. I'm also a healthy young man that likes JS4-JC2 and wants to have sex with them, totally not a lolicon.
High school girls, right? That falls under the loose connotative definition of 'little girl' that most adults hold.
Some JK are really cute.
They have to be at least adolescent, so JS4 (10yo) at minimum. 2D only, ok! I'm not some sort of sick pervert!
What the hell do all these terms even mean? JS? JC? MC? What the hell?
You wouldn't do perverted stuff with your JS?
Hebe Pride worldwide!
Häzuki is very cute!
this artist is a miracle worker
But not the cutest exhibitionist.
I don’t have enough charisma to be open about my pedophilia
code words to avoid auto reporters
Just post the lolis.
remember, cute not pedo!
Cute little JS butts are god's gift to the world
I know JC = juicy cunt, not sure what the others stand for though...
>when you see a newfag that doesn't know JC stands for Jackie Chan
You're missing the best one.
Would you win against this elite 4?
Why does she look so flustered, Sup Forums?
I want to see Kotoha's JS butt.
Hell no. They would think in a pedophile despite my hatred for child sex offenders like Ted Bundy
I-It's not pedophilia! It's L-O-L-I-C-O-N! There's a huuuuge difference!
There's only one way to find out.
>he's in the closet
You can think little girls are sexy and still think that being a serial killer rapist is bad.
Try telling that to normalfags, they think "pedophile" "Child molester" and "Child predator" are all exactly the same thing.
they also believe that liking 17yo is pedo too
Well yeah you should definitely lie to normalfags about being a pedophile, but you don’t have to lie to yourself or to Sup Forums
What if it's a battle where you have to make the lolis cum first? They go one by one and you're not allowed to have breaks.
Id give up megumin to get oldchan back
17 years and 364 days old? Ew dude, she's like, a kid, I'm not a pedo.
18 days and 0 milliseconds? Oh fuck dude I wanna smash that pussy!
yeah but they're lying. Virtually 100% of straight men have some sexual attraction to girls aged 15 and up, which is why the term "ephebophile" is such a joke.
that's a nice butt
Alright, give it to me straight, fags. Is the anime actually decent or it's only good for full motion Megumin?
First season is hilarious, lives up to the hype. Second season less funny, but worth it if you enjoyed the first.
I'm a hardcore Megufag but Aqua is genuinely hilarious and her relationship with Kazuma is great.
You are aware there's a term for a preference for adults too, right?
These terms don't exist to put negative labels on those they describe, just to name the natural groupings we seem to see in human sexuality.
Is "JC" some pedo secret intern word?
Hm, maybe I'll try it then.
No, it simply means "Just Clitoris". As in, no penises, just a thread with girls in it.
It'll be an ordeal, but with enough training and items I'm sure I can pull through.
My friends are very vocal about their hatred for anime and how it's all pedo fetish pandering. They'd probably stop talking to me if they knew I watched it.
how about JCs + oppai?
>implying they're wrong
How about (You) + Death?
X percentage of JCs are going to have massive tits anyway, it's just a matter of statistics.
CL are JKs
Here's a picture of JC showing off her butt, I'll just leave it here
I know that feel.
I have friends that have never met each other. With one I'll watch anime in public and talk about it non stop. With another that I've known half of my life I've never even shown a hint of liking it. In all that time it came up maybe twice and he called it "chink shit" so I've just had to keep it hidden. I almost enjoy keeping it a secret now. I've spent every second of my free time watching anime for 15 years and he has no idea.
Why do they always do this?
It's hands down my favorite anime that I mentally file under /tg/ related. Kazuma is honestly pretty good as an iseaki MC, far from being generic Self-Insert trash and actually really relatable. Aqua is hit or miss for most people at first, but is definitely a bro as time goes on. Darkness is boobs. Boobs and masochism. Over time I liked her the least as a character and just saw her as a source of comedy. Megumin is my waifu, don't talk shit about her. She is best girl, and that's all you need to know.
to tempt you
My roommates hate anime and relentlessly make fun of the people who openly talk about it on campus. They think I'm playing video games or fapping when I lock myself in my room. Little do they know that I'm watching cute girls do various activities for hours on end behind my door.
>With one I'll watch anime in public and talk about it non stop
That's nice. I wish I had a friend to watch anime with. It gets lonely sitting at my computer all the time.
Why are JC so thirsty?
Fucking JCs, it's their fault there's so many lolicons these days.
They're at that special age.
they know they're at their peak
BD version?
No, but I think the BD version is the same. The joke won't work if you remove the light and no one wants to see an uncensored loli cunny while watching anime.
I want to smell Gab
>scared to show my friends Made in Abyss because the author is blatant lolicon/shotacon and it shows
>turns out they were both already watching and enjoying it
The Air Force is pretty good
>no one wants to see an uncensored loli cunny while watching anime
Maybe if you're a fag.
Just call them lolis you faggots, calling them JC, JS, ect doesn't change the fact that you're sexually attracted to underaged girls.