
What do you think of her voice?
I want to protect this smile ;_;

Other urls found in this thread:


Its not the best, there are VA better for her, but now its time to pray Madhouse will do something right with the final battle.



Re-posting speed translation before I sleep:
Solu: This is the 6th Department
Ainz: I wonder what this department is like?
Aura: Today I'm also working energetically!
Ainz: Well done Aura
Mare: I'm also doing my best!
Ainz: You too Mare
*6th Floor Guardians introductions, Ainz stares at Mare too long while thinking what class he is*
Solu: President Ainz, you're staring at Chief Mare
Ainz: Eh? Was that too sexually harassing?
Solu: Like tasting your prey
Ainz: Eh? How with this face...
Ainz: By the way what type of department is this?
Aura: Human Resources!
Ainz: Umu, you can't tell at all!
Mare: Yesterday we had an interview
Ainz: Oh, how was it?
Aura: Totally helpless, youngsters these days have no fighting spirit!
Mare: Being younger they should try harder!
Ainz: (You guys are saying that while looking like that?)
Solu: I want younger ones
Aura: You're a maneater huh?
Ainz: Don't say that while making a face like that!

She deserved a better voice.
Especially with how she never takes off the mask

This is the part we start to repent to even wish having a S2 right?


How is it that a tale of an evil world conquering God can be such a warm hearted story about family?

>same VA who voices Zero, An and the Yuru Camp MC
To be honest I really like this choice.

I thought it was fine

Holy shit I forgot how boring the first 90% of this arc is

>3 threads in a spawn of 6 hours
This doesn't bode well to user.

Not cute enough for Entoma to take.

I hope you can say the same when she really needs to be moe.

What would be your reaction if they cut all of her inner dialogues?
Because she never says out loud how obsessed with Momon she is.

Tyrants often care for theirs.

never, I'm having fun

Also Koyori.

I've seen plenty of people here complain about this episode but it seems just fine. It's inevitable that things will get cut since they're condensing a LN that's thicker than most typical LNs into a limited amount of episodes so expecting otherwise after the first season is just wishful thinking.

I move my ass to this wonderful place.


Faggots are illegal there.

but what if it was 2 cour and we had 10 episodes of lizards instead of 5 to really get that backstory on fish farms across to secondaries

Why does this season feel so rushed when season 1 was directed so well?




Season 1 was also very rushed and it's being done at the same pace as season 1 was with 4 episodes for each volume adapted. As I recall, volume 5 was told a bit out of chronological order at the start, with some flashing back and forward especially regarding the Blue Roses' activities. So I think they've just straightened it out and made it more linear.

Are we still retarded?

Best meido

>when season 1 was directed so well
s1 still had a shit ton of stuff get cut and it'll only get worse since Maruyama keeps writing longer and longer Volumes. Fucking get him a new editor already Kadokawa


More like get another studio to animate Overlord, because holy fucking shit.

You're not gonna do better than this unless you get a very wealthy person willing to dump truckloads of money on an OVA series.

Maybe they fucking did, that's why we're barely getting 1 volume per year now. I want to live to see the series through, thank you very much!

chair is better

Another studio with the same restriction still isn't gonna placate LN fags. Then again, nothing but 1:1 adaptations will.

I don't think it's any faster than when a new chapter of the fic is out.

Evileye is the cutest!

>I want to live
get a load of this humie

>1:1 adaptations

Honestly Overlord would bore most people to death if it was 2 cour and we would never have gotten a s2. The fast pacing works to its advantage in a way and it also drives sales for the LN because people want to learn more.

Im going to fuck the elves

> speed editors
You mean like this?

Is true, but i reject reality demanding a better adaptation yet i will never be satisfied.

>1:1 adaptations

>you will never feel Gagaran's embrace


that's pretty good

They've decided to translate honorifics since episode 1 why are you bitching about it now?

It was just me or does it seems they spent only some bucks on this episode? Sebas' face was hurting me physically

Maybe they are saving for when the demon Jaldabaoth attacks?

>watching secondary garbage

They can do something like add something to make LNfags to actually watch the anime but no.

Why are you even in this thread?

Anime is mainly to get people to buy the LN. It's a giant advertisement campaign.

>misusing the term secondary
Stop trying to fit in

To feel superior.

They're saving it for the Evileye x Momon scene.

this episode saved all the budget
>reused frames
>still frames

>It's a giant shitty advertisement campaign.

Next episode they'll have to actually spend some budget, though how much depends on how fast they decide to go through Climb's early parts in volume 5. Dunno if they'll get to him meeting Sebas or not.

where are the lizards bring back the lizards

>using shit to advertise anything

>add something to make LNfags to actually watch the anime
Like what? Long-winded monologues and exposition?

>all the budget is for climb ep
feels good

Only people I see calling it shitty are crotchety LN fans who complain about everything. Season 1 was extremely popular with secondaries and probably gave a bump to sales, hence why they bothered to make season 2. No telling how effective it will be til its impact on LN sales is seen.

I wish there was a s1 recap thrown together because I can't remember where everything left off.

God I hope not. They better be saving it for Sebas cleaning out the brothel and Jaldabaoth's attack.

Shut up.


>Madhouse saving budget for X
Niggers it's February.

You mean all of it is saved for Evileye squashing that nasty bug.

Is there a single anime where the LN fags don't complain about the adaptation?

> brothel scene
> Sebas 1-shotting everything
Even the LN skipped most of it. All the good stuff happened with Climb

Best maid.

Next season on the next arc they appear briefly, then only on the 11th book, so, season 4?

strong agree

Nothing can beat source material. You should learn this, kid.

Nope. But it's only an unpleasable minority of LNfags that complain. I actually enjoy most of the anime adaptations of the LNs I read, very rarely is the adaptation bad enough to be upsetting. Most of the adaptations are definitely mediocre, but I don't really care since the LN still exists and I can always read it if I feel like it. Sometimes though I just like watching the scenes I've read come to life, even if they're not perfect.


>Nothing can beat source material

Im going to fuck the bug

>LN Promo adaptation
>Third-rate team, airs in Q1
>Chinks just do a shit job instead of taking a longass vacation for their whole fucking New Year
I'm going enjoy that recap episode in 1cour anime and no volume 6 adapted.

My daugtheru is cute and she will be fine.


U'r dead archer.

Don't lewd the insect loli.

fuck you
let best girl be happy

Arguments faggots, bring me the arguments.

Because the LN are like this, Ainz is the focus in the beginning and then only in book 9 or so he becomes the MC again.
There's also the bath-house/beach episode if you wanna count it

But your daugtheru is impure and masturbates at night.

What's with all the focus on boring side characters? Death March is much better than this shit. At least it focuses on the MC wrecking shit instead of weaklings nobody cares about.


>What is Usagi Drop
>What is Shinsekai Yori

GATE is better than both.

Bug not for fug

>released her back into the wild
>mfw it wont be animated

What is this expression supposed to mean?

No meming, srsly why did she blush when the twins talked to her

Death March's MC somehow manages to be more boring than Overlord's side characters.

They called her oni leader. She was embarrassed by that.