Shonen Anime

Anybody else feel disgust and anger when you see a female fighter get brutalized?

It pains me to watch and makes me want to kick the writers ass

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Lol, if they don't want to be metaphysically raped by stronger rivals they can stay in the kitchen

I don't have mental problems so no.


How many times have you jerked off to this fight that you keep making threads about this?

Nah, I just cum like any decent human being.

Why do you want to beat up the writer? He portrayed a bad guy beating up a girl. That's the point of bad guys.
I'll never understand a mindset like yours. It's like saying Doom is satanic because there's satanic imagery even though you're killing the demons.

Yes, I know it's sexist but it makes me really uncomfortable. I was raised by a single mother in a house full of women so I secretly worship them although I'd never admit it IRL.

When I saw Rei get defeated by the mass produced EVA's. I literally felt nauseous and threw up. My friends made fun of me for weeks afterwards. The lurid details and drawn out suffering seemed perverse. Almost as if the writers were getting off on it. Honestly it ruined evangelion for me and was one of the reasons I could never really support it.

Seeing a male hero get brutalized is part of their epic journey and can sometimes even be comic relief. Seeing a woman get brutalized? Not funny and fucked up. I'll still support women wanting to be fighters though if that's what really makes them happy.

Honestly besides Videl when does this happen I can't think of a lot of it.


Asuka. Asuka was beaten by the MP EVAs

This fight in particular made me really sad. Videl trained hard and wanted to impress her dad and she was beaten up by some literal who in a cheap attempt to raise the stakes.

To be fair, I did fap furiously to Kid Buu beating up East Kai. Holy shit this made me cum buckets when I was young. Only because I'm 5'1 and Kid Buu isn't really human.

I usually just get a boner

Oh right, It's been a while.


>I'm 5'1

Hinata and Neji's fight, she got her fucking dumbass handed to her

Forgot about that Videl Hinata and robin I guess during the Enis lobby arc in one piece are really the only ones of mention.

someone post gonsan vs pitou

Im glad that japan isnt full of fucking spineless sjws because they'd never let women take falls.

>getting this triggered over literal drawings

Bear with me on this, read it to yourself slowly now OK?

it's not real.

>videl literally breaks his neck first and he would've died if not for babidi's magic

na she got what was coming to her.


Decent bait

I know it's not real you fucking imbicile. OP's question was if seeing this makes us uncomfortable and it does.
You can't just throw our accusations without proof.

It makes a point that said antagonist is ruthless and therefore must be defeated. We saw how they went afterwards and it was that much more satisfying because of the thrashing Spopovich gave Videl. Plus, she's a warrior (at least in this arc) regardless of being a woman, getting beat up was bound to happen as it has countless times to the gang.

Plus, as many have said, she broke his neck in a very screwed up way, she seems to bbe down for brutality.

Reads too well like a satire of an sjw inadvertently having a sexist disposition for me to believe it's real. Also, you can't tell me what I can't do.

>popavich needs a real woman who can take a pounding.

I used to, but after seeing it happening over and over again I grew tired of it and realized it's an anime thing. So when I find a badass female fighter/knight who also happens to be a cool character I just enjoy their run while it lasts before dumb writing kills their credibility.

I never liked Videl so I laughed more than I should at this

>Im glad that japan isnt full of fucking spineless sjws because they'd never let women take falls
Problem is they rarely let them get back up decently from said falls. Unless she's the MC a female fighter ceases to exist as a character the moments they fall badly in combat. 9 times out of 10 they recover from their injuries and become cheerleaders like Videl.



please do not post again

I literally started feeling hot and wanted to jump in the TV then protect her. Can’t stand violence against women in any medium. They’re meant to be protected.

Looks interesting. She sounds like a hardened badass.

Her next line is "just kidding, I kill for fun"

No, it just gives me a boner.
Videl vs Spopovich is pure bonerfuel.

>makes me want to kick the writers ass
>white knighting 2D girls

Get out, normie

It's not really white knighting then

What if the female gets brutalized by another female?

Who else thinks Videl actually enjoyed? I bet that whenever that pansy Gohan is not around, she calls Spopovich for a "rematch".

No user, you are the normalfag.

I will tell you what you can do as much as I want you fucking whore slut bitch.

Ryona is hot

Get the fuck out you filthy normie

Whatever you say, normalfag.

It's Dragon Ball, man. Every non saiyan is destined to be a cheerleader. That's if they're lucky and aren't forgotten about completely.

Videl's beat down was legendary. Ever since she was on the fast lane to being a plain housewife, not even 18 had that kind of a personality backdown. Videl had the tomboy beaten out of her.


>has countless times to the gang.

It's like her initiation to being a Z Fighter. That's why Goku said no interfering to Gohan.


>it's only ok when men get beat up
what a fag

I want to see more males crying during a beating.

Pretty sure it's Clementine from Overlord.

Legit falseflag

Read BNHA then, the guy cries even outside beatings


Mind your language user! That wasn't very PC of you.
And I mean, you can, but I'll pay your words little heed.

I agree, it just makes little boys think that it's okay to hit females, and adds to the rape culture. They grow up to be angry virgins that watch anime all day.

These fans... "Muh why there isn't any good and strong female fighter in the shounen"

The author includes a female fighter, she lost a fight respecting the power scale and suffers the consequences for it "Muh why is the author such a savage with the poor female character, I wanna hit him now!"

What those guys want of a female character is a mary sue which never lose a fight or get beaten by the enemy.



This is some good satire.

Mention one female fighter in anime that comes back stronger from a beating. It usually only happens to guys unless she's the protag.

100% unironically this.

>This fight in particular made me really sad. Videl trained hard and wanted to impress her dad and she was beaten up by some literal who in a cheap attempt to raise the stakes.

This. I have no problem seeing this happen to females who think they're all that without putting in any effort, but it makes me sad to see someone who tries really hard get curb-stomped like that.

Same thing with Hinata. I mean her loss against Negi was expected, but the real tragedy is that she kept jobbing through the entire series, then then gave up and became a housewife after training hard her entire life in order to be a ninja.

I think reddit would more your speed, normie. Wouldn’t wanna cramp your “style”.

Just like real life, those series were ahead of their time

>then gave up and became a housewife after training hard her entire life in order to be a ninja
This is specially sad. So much for her "ninja way". I wouldn't have so much issue with female fighters getting beaten if she were given the chance to persevere and become stronger from the experience like their male counterparts. Where are the shounen upgrades for girls?

Is there any shonen manga where the female characters aren't always sidelined, given the weakest enemies or just job all the time? even in a manga like One Piece with tons of female character none of them are particulary strong or important compared to the guys.

In BnHa they say that it would have gotten banned after Deku vs Muscular if Deku was a girl

Sorry, I don't follow normalfag orders.

What kind of feminist bullshit is this and from where are these tards coming from? You already destroyed western animation with your drivel, we don't want you shitting up this as well.

>even in a manga like One Piece with tons of female character none of them are particulary strong or important compared to the guys.

Isn't the main villain of the current arc a woman so strong that the entire group has just been running away from her, and the main character is looking for a serious powerup just to be able to fight her subordinate?

I say let girls get beaten but also let them become stronger from it and settle the score themselves instead of some guy doing it for them.

We’re a lot alike in that regard, normie

I say fuck that as well and let the artists and writers do whatever the fuck they want.

Big Mom is ugly so doesn't count as woman

You wish, normalfag.

Medaka box, most female characters are top tier waifu and never job

In the kitchen

Shougeki no Souma begs to differ. Even in the kitchen girls keep getting stomped.

All I feel is joy.

Beatings are what all women deserve.

she was cuter with the braids

>so I secretly worship them
the definition of soy

What about women beating up women?

If she played like shit, she deserves to lose.
If she played well and still lost, the game is imbalanced.
If the game is imbalanced enough that the decisions of one player invariably lead to defeat, the game isn't worth playing; the only winning move is to not play it.

>I mean her loss against Negi was expected, but the real tragedy is that she kept jobbing through the entire series
>I don't know what jobbing means, please fuck my face
Neither Videl nor Hinata Jobbed, you uncultured normalfag. First of all, Videl's defeat didn't serve to establish Spopovich as strong because we knew right away that no matter how badly he pummeled her, everyone in the cast would still be able to destroy him rather easily. Spopovich beating the shit out of Videl hapened to make Gohan angry so we'd learn what Babidi's plan was, and to foreshadow his control over fighters with darkness in their hearts or whatever corny shit Babidi used to power them up.

Hinata's case was actually the complete opposite. Her only two canon fights showed on panel ended in defeat against opponents that were established as way stronger than her much before fighting her, which is obviously not what jobbing means.

>If she played well and still lost, the game is imbalanced.
You're not much for game theory, right user?

Wait. It was female?

So about OP, /r9k/ or Tumblr? Because either way he sounds like a bitch

She was, but then she mutilated her hair and Spopovich delivered justice.

Don't know about shonen, but there's plenty of them. Some manga/anime which have them might be shonen, or look like shonen.

- Karulau (Utawarerumono)
- Teresa (Claymore)
these are some severe restrictions though (coming back stronger and not being a MC).

What game