So, do you think they will make another season?
Walkure are crazy popular and making mad $ with music.
So, do you think they will make another season?
Walkure are crazy popular and making mad $ with music.
Probably. Minori and Naobou are more popular than ever. Walkure prints shekels.
No way, Freyja would be dead in no time.
They need to fix that. And even worst case scenario she still has years.
It seems pretty obvious they were designed to die young by protoculture, their dying/aging effect seemed to literally imply it wasn't age itself killing them. So it could easily be waved off as their bodies just need some sort of easily produced nutritional/protien/biochemical supplement to give them normal human lifespan.
>windmemers still butthurt
>freyja is still dying
>walkure still printing money
I'd be surprised if there wasn't.
Didn't Kawamori mention it already?
They are Salarians of Macross. I doubt it's easy to fix unless they give up their runes.
The guys who do the music and manage the singers made money, but the main producer, Bandai, got totally cucked:
>Decent show sales but no international streaming rights due to HG.
>Limited plamo sales because Tommy, Hasegawa and Goodsmile sell better kits.
>Mobage goes to DeNA.
>Get little to nothing out of concert ticket sales or concert BDs.
The new Macross will either have very limited budget or dogshit music produced by Lantis.
HG lost rights last year and all claims they could have will disappear in 2021. If it wasn't profitable they wouldn't be making all those games or movies.
Will Kawamori ever make a good Macross again?
When he stops trying to escalate it to oblivion, everyone is sick of saving the Galaxy. Just let it be about an honest war between peoples and overcoming their differences.
Macross: Weekend at Freyja's when?
Isn't he working on something completely unrelated to Macross at the moment?
>Isn't he working on something completely unrelated to Macross at the moment?
Yes and it looks like shit.
But he also said they are making more Macross this year.
I'm glad that they reached 1st place in itunes.
He should make another series without the Macross name and see how that fares.
Don't spam this piece of feces user
>breaking another Macross tradition again by bringing back the same old group
They never learn do they
I love Kaname!
We know, Messer.
I’m surprised the birdman didn’t return to fix it, but it can’t be helped.
Poor fucks
I'd give all of my shekels for an Ace Combat anime/movie by Kawamori
user posted a movie soundtrack last thread.
Im surprised they didnt do a walkure spinoff yet
Delta was a mis-
They're making a new Macross this year for the anniversary
He's making one this year and it looks like crap.
Walkure sell as much music as Love Live. It's fucking ridiculous they are not making Delta S2 right now.
More Delta, probably.
What is Aqualion?
jarring cgi
hes makes original series all the time you fuck
I want more Delta and 0048.
Yeah second half was bad, but every Walkure is 10/10.
>Junna smiling
Aw, shame. I remember feeling like there's some kind of conscious effort on her part early on to stay stone faced.
I loved delta, but mostly for Walkure. They carried the fucking show. I'd love to see more though. Minori and Junna were the best performers at that AX concert and I don't regret flying across the country just for them.
I love Walkure music and it seems they are quite popular. I wasn't around for the Frontier hype back when it happened, so I'd like to ask, how is Walkure doing in comparison (sales/popularity) to Frontier's Sheryl and Ranka?
Damn. I love Makina now.
>this cunt thread still up
Sup Forums was a mistake
I really like Dancing In The Moonlight. Brings out my disco queen.
The three songs are pretty catchy, but Change and Dancing sound pretty complex for a seiyuu unit. I wonder if they'll be able to pull them off in the concert.
Industry changed a lot so it's hard to compare. But Walkure sell about as much as LL or im@s.