Tonikaku Kawaii

I'm pretty sure someone's gonna pick this up, but I might as well give it a quick swing since I got time and there's surprisingly less text than I imagined.
But I'll stop if someone releases it while I'm working.

Other urls found in this thread:

Did anybody do Kumeta's obeshot?

she seems smug, how blue balled is the MC?

The pure white snow
Is sucking my life away...

Am I...
Going to die...?

The pain...
It's like my whole body's burning...
Really hurts...

I was gonna do it after these two chapters since the oneshot's content is largely based off this manga.

"You're fine"
"People don't die from something like this"

"Besides, you..."
"Still don't want to die either, right?"

"Good luck"

As my consciousness dimmed,
I heard a very kind voice.

Was the first time I talked with my wife.

Double spread

1) Moonlight is a message of love
[side] Whether I'm healthy or I'm sick,
[side] I swear my love to you!!



If you're going to get married and have a kid,
I have one piece of advice for you.

"What a healthy boy"
"What name should we give him?"

"Let's see..."
"I'd like him to become a man who's as vast as space..."

"We'll write his name as 'Hoshizora'"
"Then call him 'Nasa'"

Give your child
A normal name
[Paper] Yuzaki Nasa

When I entered kindergarten,
"Your name is Yuzaki..."

"Nasa-kun, huh"

Every adult who saw my name
Smiiled a little bit.

"Hey hey Nasa-kun"
"You gonna be an astronaut in the future?"

"No I won't..."

"But your name's Nasa man!!"
"That's just weeiiiird!!"

Back during that time,
I didn't know that "Nasa" was the abbreviation for the American Aerospace Agency...

I knew they were making fun of me.

Anyways, I hated it.

Which was why...

Nice. Heard it's savage.

"I'll become a man nobody can make fun of"

"Even if every person in the world"
"Hears of my name..."

"I'll definitely..."
"Make them say I'm more amazing than NASA!"

And I'm sure
That inside me, my soul would go to the extremes if I lit the flame. [Emphasize 'To the extremes if I lit the flame]

So when I became a third year in middle school,
"Ehhh!? You're applying for Tsukuba High School!?"

"But Yuzaki-kun, that's... one of the top ranked schools in the country, right!?" [Note: High schools with a standard deviation of over 70 is considered S-class]

"But I think I can get in"
This is what I was like.

"W-well, you are a hard worker, Yuzaki-kun.."
"And you can go into an A-class high school with your grades..."

"But what about your backup?"
"Yuzaki-kun, you're even rejecting private schools because you said they're a waste of money..."

"Do you know what a perfect superman is?"
"P...perfect superman?"

"Supermen who have surpassed emotions"
"And attained perfect strength."
"Those who are closest to the gods..."

"And I think..."
"I'm probably one of them."

I have no idea what he means by that, but anyways, he has a lot of confidence...

"I have no need for backups!!"
"Because I won't ever fail!"
"Get it, sensei!? My name is Yuzaki Nasa!!"

"The man who'll attain the speed of light..."
"Faster than NASA!!"

He can really study...

"No no, but Yuzaki-kun!!"
[side] You idiot
"If by any chance you fail, you'll be a jobless middle schooler!"
"No chance at all!!"
"Because I'll be the man who'll..."
"Oh come on, stop it!!"

"W-well, there's still time before the exams"
"Make sure to talk with your parents about your future"
"Fufu, sensei... I never talk with my parents when it comes to my own life decisions."

"But you have no idea what life has in store for you. If you let your guard down, you could lose your life."
"These are your grades from the last mocks"

"No matter what fate comes at me with"
"I should be able to do something about it"

That's what I honestly thought.
"The heavy snow that has assailed the Tokyo area has hit during rush hour."
"Right now, there are around 300 cars stuck on the Rainbow Bridge"

I changed everything with hard work.
[Name] Yuzaki Nasa
I thought I could change any fate.

"Number one this time too..."
"I sure worked hard"

"At this rate..."
"I'm sure I can do well in..."

I let my guard down.

I unknowingly...
Encountered fate.


There's no logic to it.

She's just cute!!

Reversed pages

What kinda middle school does she attend?

Is she in my year?
No, maybe she's younger..., that doesn't matter!
Is surely fate...

Rephrased things
I'm sure
Calling out to this girl

Was the reason I was born...

Letting my guard down...
Cost me my life...

What now...
There's so much blood coming out...

I never exected this die this way...
I didn't even ask for her ame yet...

"I don't wanna die..."
"I don't wanna die..."
"I don't wanna die..."
If I die here, I'll...

Why was I...
Even born...

"You're fine..."

"You won't die from this."


Why does she have blood...?

"H-hey, you okay!?"
"Oh yeah I'm fine. I'm fine."

"More importantly, take this kid to a hospital"
"He's been hit hard on the head"
"No no, he's in a terrible state...!"

"But weren't you the one..."
"Most of the car's blow by protecting him!?"


"Don't waste effort into speaking"
"You won't die from your wounds, but they're pretty bad"

"No need for thanks"
"When you wake up after a nap, just forget about me."

She looked like she was going back to the moon as she said that.

It's like...
She was Kaguya-hime.

[side] Is this heroine somewhat different!?
2) ...and just like that, happily ever after.

"My consciousness was fading"
"You are fading"

The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter [Or Taketori Monogatari]
Is a tale about a couple who couldn't get wed.

Kaguya-hime returned to the moon.
Neither the emperor nor the old man could stop her.

"Is it okay..."
"For me to sleep here?"

"I didn't even ask her name yet."
"If I lose sight of her now..."
"I won't meet her ever again..."
"Miracles don't happen twice!!"


"That's right!!"
"So please, call an ambulance now..."

"Don't worry about me."

"More importantly, the girl..."
"The girl from before. Where is she?"
"No no, you can't move!!"

"That's what you say, but you got run over real bad!"
"So just lie down and..."
"It's fine. I've recovered."
"You have't recovered at all!! There's blood bursting out of your head!!"

"Anyways, just calm down now!!"
"The ambulance will be coming very soon..."
"Hospital first!"

"Shut up!!"
"Now's not the time for that!!!!"

Now is the time for that, right?

"I know how you feel. You want me to go to the hospital!!"
"If I got run over by someone, I'm sure I'd beg him to take me to a hospital too!!"
"Because I'm gonna die!!"

"I-if you understand that uch..."
"Why're you even...!!"

"But even so...!"
"She was just cute!!"

I don't really know what he means,
But he's really persuasive...

"With that said, goodbye young man!!"
"My name is Yuzaki Nasa."
"The man who'll attain the speed of light faster than NASA!!"
"Seriously waaaait!!"

The snow was pouring hard.
And it gradually got hardr..

I might have no idea where she went,
But I desperately continued...
To pursue the girl whose name I didn't even know...

"Is it because I lost a lot of blood?"
"It's so cold I could die...!!"

I don't know how I can even find her.
But, if this is fate...

"I'm sure..."
"I can find her!!!"

"She's there!!!"


"Thanks for before..."
"You saved me there!!"

"My name is Yuzaki Nasa!!"
"It's written as Hoshizora but read as Nasa!!"

"This is surprising"

"You can really move despite your injuries"
"I said this before, but they're pretty bad okay?"

"I really just wanted to thank you"

Hayate, is that you?

"Well whatever. Just sit right here"
"You sure?"

"Whatever the case, you're all bloody"
"And I just saved your life..."
"Take off your dripping wet coat."

"Good grief..."
"Value your one and only life"


"Now that I'm close... I wonder what that smell coming from her is...
"Is this shampoo?"

"I see!!"
"Girls are living beings who smell super good!!"


"H-h-hey, what's wrong!?"
"Why're you taking that off when it's so...!"

"You're losing too much blood"
"Anyways, you have to warm your body up"

The warmth of the coat she put on me
And the intensely sweet scent.

Could just pass out now.

Looking at her again, I just think...

This girl is really...
She's just cute!!

"Crap, getting excited..."
"The blood's coming..."

"But aren't you cold?"
"I am"
"It's snowing hard"

"But I'll just go call someone, even though it's cold"
"You'll seriously die if you stay like that"
"I-I'm completely..."

"The pain only goes away right after a terrible injury"
"Both your legs are collapsing now"

"Besides, this is around the time when those effects wear off"

"The pain is probably already coming..."
"It's becoming harder to stay conscious right?"

"If you don't wanna die, just wait and don't move"
"I'll go call an ambulance"

"So farewell"
"Value your life"

Losing consciousness...

It's like my body's searing with pain...
I should've gone...
To the a hospital earlier with the ambulance...




"You moron!!"
"If you stand, you're seriously gonna die!!"

"Awhile ago... I thought..."
"You were Kaguya-hime..."

I don't mind dying.

"When the dreaded envoy came from the moon..."
If I'm not gonna see her ever again...
"Both the emperor and the old man didn't put up a fight while wishing for Kaguya-hime to take care of herself..."
Then I might as well go like this...

"But if they knew they weren't ever gonna see her again..."
"She should've fought... chased her... and brought her back..."

Even if I die here...
"Even if I die here..."
"If this is true love...!!"

Last bubble

"Love you"


"Only met you awhile ago..."
"And I don't even know your name..."

"But that's why..."
"Will you go out with me?"


Now, she probably thinks he's got brain damage.


"If you get married with me,"
"I'll go out with you"

The words
I immediately answered her with at that moment...

Later became
The pride of my life.

"With pleasure!!"

After saying those words,
I lost consciousness.

When I woke up,
The cherry blossoms were fluttering outside.

Looks ok. Hopefully it doesn't devolve into an harem in a few months.

Fixed some stuff

I was miraculously saved, but my injuries were really bad.
I was told that I would've instantly died had the girl not forced her way through.

And in the end,
The girl disappeared without even knowing her name.

I didn't know how serious her words were back then,
But seeing the situation back then,
I took it as I got dumped.

"Well of course..."
"If a boy who just met her was covered in blood,"
"Started blabbering on about Kaguya-hime,"
"And declaring a one-sided love"
"It'd just look gross..."

"Her question..."
"Was probably her way of refusing me..."

After that, I spent everyday in rehab and studying...
I couldn't make my exams or the entrance ceremony, so I became a jobless middle school student.

I was expecting her to suddenly visit me back then...
But that day never came and I got discharged.
I solely focused my studies.

During New Year, I took my entrance exams one year late.
Of course. I passed at the top.
But I didn't feel like going to high school, so I turned them down before I paid tuition.

I was hoping once more that I could see the girl by a turn of fate, so I put my mind solely to jobs that involved delivery and serving customers.
But as expected, the day never came.
My parents were getting worried about my overworking, so I decided to get a small apartment and live alone.

Then time just kept on rolling after that...
And I turned 18.

[Top header] Total Assets
[Screen] Day before
[second header] Expenditure this month
"Really worked hard..."

"I didn't expect to make this much..."
"While solely focusing on work..."

"I'm not really after the money..."

"I don't need this money..."
"If only I could see that girl one more time..."
"Ding dong"

"Did I buy something from Amazon?"

"Who's there?"

"Long time no see"


This is a continuation of the Tale of the Bamboo Cutter...

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this..."
"My name's Tsukasa" [Emphasize her name]

I took back Kaguya-hime when she was going back to the moon,'
"Anyways, can I come in?"
And got happily wed.

"My husband"

This is a story about a married couple.
[side] A marriage comedy about love and happiness now starts!!

I'll take a short break now, but I'll be back. So be free to discuss Hayate 2 here.

What happened to the other "Hayate 2" aka Ad Astra Per Aspera?

I have no idea.

Back to the show

[Intruding one shot]

"No no"

"Marry me if you wanna go out..."
"That just can't happen!"

[Title] New map

"Good morning"
"It's time for "Weekly Shonen Sunday Review""

"In this round, we would like to ask your opinions..."
"About a manga that just started this week..."

"Hata Kenjirou-sensei's new serialization..."
[Title] (Temp) Marriage love!
"We would like to ask you about this..."
[Bottom] If you guys don't know some things in here, google it!

(Temp) Marriage love!

"They decided on an official title?"

[Board] Koi wa Ameagari no Youni
"Here... no wait"

[Board] Konzenkou show
"This isn't right either"

[Same title as Hata work but upside down]
"About this"

"I would like to present our anonymous symposium now"

"No no no"
"I'm saying that just can't happen!"

"Getting suddenly married after hearing "Please go out with me""
"What kinda virgin delusion is this!?"

At least this series has avoided a Hina.

"This theme of 'marriage'..."
"Maybe he's aiming for a drama adaptation as a successor for 'Nigehaji'?"

"Beyond a doubt!"

"His motive's as clear as day!"
"That's not true"

"Simply put,"
"The Hayate readers are now at the age where they're getting married, right?"


"If anyone was reading Hayate back then,"
"There's no way they'd ever get married!!"

"And they can't"
"So he's giving them some delusions"

"That's sweet"

"Maybe Hata-sensei just has a knack"
"For materializing virgin delusions"

"In any case"

"Isn't better to inject a little more reality?"
"This crap isn't persuading anyone at all!"

>Abe forced the Hayate author to write manga about marriage

"Coming from someone like me who's seen mountains of women"
"I'm telling you it's just impossible!"

"No no"

"Like you know, like big boobed women who's full of openings"
"No woman in the world would have that many openings"

"And a romance involving girls with communication problems?"
"No way that'll ever happen"
"Your invective is going off course."

"We can't go spewing lies now, right?"
"That's why they can't get married."

"They are getting married,"

"We're steadily losing readers, after all..."

"Don't phrase it as if they'll stop reading"
"Once they get married!!"
"You're the one who started this"

"That's right?
"People who get married would read Jump or Magazine to begin with"
"You've been the cruelest one here for a while now!!"

"The new serialization"

"Any prospects about the future?"

"She means future developments, right?"

"Public predictions [to destroy Hata-sensei's future material]" [If you publicly declare ideas, the writer will (hypothetically) find it hard to use them]

"If it's not popular"
"He'll bring out the Hayate characters"


"At first, they'd appear in cameos and stuff"
"But when they recover popularity"
"They'll remain among the main characters in the blink of an eye"

"And the title will end up becoming Hayate 2 at the top. Then it'll end up as Hayate 2: Tonikaku Kawaii"
"Is this Negima?"

"So painful to see"

"Then he could've just"
"Written Hayate 2 to begin with!!"

"Hayate fans want to read Hayate"
"They don't wanna read Hata-sensei's new work, am I right?"

"You've been the cruelest one here for a while"
"But I'm right, right?"

"Like how Kochikame readers wanna read Kochikame..."
[Board] Different topic
"Ahh, let's put that to the side"

"The readers"
"Are still full from Hayate, so sticking a "2" on [Hayate] outta nowhere is a bad move"

"It'll be a 2-3 volume blunder then the readers..."
"You gotta start Hayate 2 when the readers are craving for it"

"Ohh I see..."
"So it's like "Major 2nd""

this is bullshit you're not supposed to survive turck-kun

"You really are the cruelest one!!"
"Buyden was interesting. But only because the Heroine was a maniac."

"Please wrap it up now"

"Well, we're beat.."
"I did say "No no" And "Impossible" though..."

These days...
Compared to manga...

Realty has had...
A lot more unbelievable events happening...

"Yeah that's about it"

"Well, what's most unbelievable here"
"Is that something dreadful happened while this manga was being written..."

"The material handed to us..."
[Paper] Hata-san's new serialization plan.
A high school boy (Name written as "Hoshizora" but pronounced as "Nasa") fell in love with a cute girl he happened to come across on the road at first sight, and he confessed. She says "If you get married with me, I will go out with you". Then they suddenly begin their wedded life.
"Was this sole sheet of paper"

"You're not going to read that?"
"It's not credible"

"Well... and other magazines might have spies here"
"Things'll be bad if it gets leaked"

"Good work everyone"


Kitaku Zaijuu T.T-san (38)

"Am your prototypical Sunday reader, huh"

I might've had another life too.

"What a happy family..."

"All you happy people"
"Are Jump readers huh!!"

"Personal bias, I guess"
[Note from Kumeta] I really don't feel like reading Hayate 2 lol. Good luck with your new work. (Kumeta)
[Bot right] That's all, sorry for the bother.

I'm curious. These characters for his new series are from his other series Ad Astra right? What happened to that series? I liked it but it stopped getting translated

Absolutely savage

Looks very interesting. Thanks OP.

That's all from me. If anyone wants to typeset these, go ahead.

I have no idea. I haven't read Ad Astra in a long time. But I assume it's still on hiatus.

Oh, but if someone's gonna do all these, upload the Kumeta one shot as like ch 2.1 of Hata manga, since most of the one shot is a commentary on Hata's manga.

Thanks user

iirc, he just got married himself so this is probably related.

Jesus, this is savage.

I'm a casual Kumeta Koji fan and it's not like I've read all there is to read of Katte ni Kaizou but I still really enjoy it and I didn't expect a new one-shot of it, much less in this random thread for a different manga. That was hilarious, thanks for translating. The main manga was quite good as well, thanks for that too.

Why did Kumeta write this one-shot, though? Cheering on his ex-assistant? Or is it something he does often?

Is this a sign of Kumeta making a Sunday comeback?

Where do you download your Sunday raws? I've been getting them from bszip but the file quality just suddenly dropped in half in the past 2 weeks

>and I didn't expect a new one-shot of it, much less in this random thread for a different manga
same, tonikaku didn't really catch me but I'm glad I kept reading and didn't just close the thread