can you name a better rematch battle in the history of anime? I mean in most series these feel pointless and souless, yet in this one we watch how both of them actually grow, specially chronos/crowler who was one of the most hated characters at the beginning end up being one of the best secondary characters of the whole franchise up to date.
Can you name a better rematch battle in the history of anime? I mean in most series these feel pointless and souless...
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Who won?
Judai. In the exact same fashion he beat him in the first game.
Did judai ever lose?
it was unironically great, it was one of the few moments where I felt something out of a duel in yugioh.
Plenty of times.
many times in fact
that makes me mad
He lost against Edo and technically lost against Ojamanjoume, even though he won. I can't really remember any other losses.
Manga Judai jobbed a lot though.
Zane and Kaibaman as well. While the manga was very well written and I liked giving Chazz the one win he should have gotten, I really feel like Jaden should've gotten him back, preferably at the end of the story, cause it's already established that he's better than Koyo. Also, Masked HEROES jobbed way too much, the least successful MC archetype ever.
Ryuhou vs Kazuma.
Where can I read the gx manga?
Why that makes you mad? Do you like mary sue MC?
Thanks base user, has our sensei chronos any spotlight there btw?
He's hardly in the series, sadly. I don't think he gets even a single duel other than them mentioning that Jaden beat him offscreen
That's so sad to heard, chronos was one of the best thing about gx.
he probably got his ass handed to him on screen the most out of any yugioh protagonist. If we go by flashbacks it's either Yusei or Yuma
No it would be yusaku, don't you remember that he got ptsd out of losing too many card games.
That's weird, yudai's face doesn't look like he is losing.
Judai is taking defeat like a man.
That was a great episode. S4 had the best duels.
Judai didn't act like an annoying child in S4. That helped a lot.