How much has waifus evolved since Asuka Langley Sohryu?

I guess waifuing didn't exist before Evangelion.
You didn't see males worshiping female characters like Sailor Moon, Bulma, Nausicaa.

The first time guys wanted anime characters as girlfriends was with Asuka, which elated Hideaki Anno.

In my opinion it evolved a lot.

If you get any girl from Love Live like Maki or Nico. They are on another level of cuteness.

Don't forget how much of an effect the K-ONs had

>4 eva threads in the catalog despite being a dead franchise


It is very far from dead

>tfw your own statement contradicts itself

>dead franchise


textbook false statement.


"Eva isn't relevant"

>asuka fags are cucks

>rei fags are weebs

>misato fags are by all facts, simply men who know a good woman when they see one

>no new episodes, movies or manga
>not dead

>How much has waifus evolved since Asuka Langley Sohryu?

Nothing, Asuka is still only waifu for me

>alcoholic trainwreck with daddy issues, probably barren too

Asukafags are Chads
Reifags are toiletsexuals
Misatofags are contrarian snowflakes/radical centrists

>Asukafags are Chads
Does this look like a chad to you?

> a "dead" franchise has more daily and lively threads than every other franchise that isn't airing right now
The absolute state

Techi Myuo came out in 92.


I’ve unironically never watched this show what’s the appeal of it again?

who's that?

"my waifu is better than your waifu" shitposting isn't discussion.

>discussing waifus isn't a discussion

You seemed to have confused shitposting for discussion, whoops!

>you seemed to have confused a shitposting board for a discussion board

they have devolved....


Bulma was waifu material long before Asuka.

At least it isn't 20 dbs threads you fucking cock mongler, eva never dies.

You’re wrong. Lum from Urusei Yatsura was the first waifu. People were obsess with her but then.

I was 13 when Asuka became my waifu. I'm 32 now. And she's still my waifu.

Waifuing is an ancient thing even long before evangelion. Even miyazaki came to this industry thanks to him waifuing

Not this shit again.

>I guess waifuing didn't exist before Evangelion.
>The first time guys wanted anime characters as girlfriends was with Asuka, which elated Hideaki Anno.
No. At the very latest, it was Lum.

Obviously. Look at that fucking jaw.

>Asuka will never sit on you and put her pussy right in your nose