I'm really conflicted if i should gamble on something this iconic. Sup Forums what do I do ?

I'm really conflicted if i should gamble on something this iconic. Sup Forums what do I do ?

I would need to work for 1,5 month in my shithole to be able to buy this

Go for it! Its more than I would pay for it but if that’s what your into than why not. 頑張る!

It's a piece of paper, user. That's money that could be spent on food, bills or gas. Don't be a dummy.

Thanks for the tip user. I'm going to outbid you now.

money is also paper user
It's pretty stellar grab concidering It's international asking price is 5k

If you actually have the money and that doesn't represent a big loss for you the go ahead.
If you're a neet who leechs off his parents or a poorfag who will not be able to afford rent afterwards then don't.

how do you know it's not fake?

Wouldn't be worth that much even if Anno himself delivered it to you.

would this shot be worth more?