Anime makes fun of muslims

>Anime makes fun of muslims

Why is it allowed in Japan?

They're racist.

I'm Muslim and I don't find this offensive. It's in good humor.

Incoming edgelords who got spoonfed through reddit, Sup Forums and MSM saying I'm devil's spawn, etc etc

How old was Aisha when Muhammad fucked her?

muslims aren't immune from being made fun of regardless how much people try and make them into a sacred cow

Little Witch Academia was a cute anime

Who cares. He's more well known than you'll ever be.

not an argument

Underage by Muslim traditions, since she explicitly mentioned that he would join her in playing with her dolls, and playing with dolls is only permitted in prepubescent children. Past puberty it's idolatry.

The goatsee guy is more well known than Muhammad.

What did you think of the noragami soundtrack thing?

What's the most common name on Earth?
Who's the most influential man in history?

She was 9 (nine) years old. One (1) year older than Oomuro Hanako.

>What's the most common name on Earth?
Unimportant. Names are meant to identify. By that definition, Muhammad is not a name, it's a title appended to the actual name of the firstborn.

>Who's the most influential man in history?
Christ, since Islam was influenced by Christianity.

>9 (nine)
>one (1)

LWA's animations was pretty nice.


i never understood why pork or seafood was forbidden by mudslimes


i guess he never help her in cleaning the semen off of his clothes

Because it's funny. No group on earth should be safe from being roasted in good humor from time to time.

Pork is forbidden. Seafood is fine. We follow the same God of Abraham .

so why are pigs such a big issue anyway?


it spoils easy in hot weather so hundreds of years ago it made sense. but in the day and age of fridge freezers there's no reason to avoid it

Topkek. That’s why I love muslims. You don’t even have to dig for evil shit in their religion.

Answer me next. What is the punishment for leaving Islam according to the Hadiths?

Pigs remind muslims of themselves.

Your an devilspawn

It was death because the Jews at the time joined the religion and left the religion in order to defame the religion when it was new. It was a way of preventing that kind of propaganda away.

Pigs are filthy according to the books.
Scholars believe the reasoning is because pigs realistically can easily have diseases that mutate and can affect humans like swine flu

what if i came to that conclusion by actually knowing muslims personally?

Islam is just the edgy spinoff series based on Christianity, which in turn just a remake/sequel to Judaism which only oldfags care about.

Lol I have never heard that story and I listen to all kinds of crap.

It's usually taken out of context that's why.

Japs are the most racist people in the world

Was? It WAS? Hmmmm....moving on.

>Hey guys! We gotta kill the people leaving Islam!
>Because they’re claiming we’re violent!
No way

the thing i'll never understand is why lots of them lose their shit over dogs.

go to sleep Koren
you are drunk

That literally means Allah is greater.

Not really. Its actually africans. If it wasn't for their authoritarian ruler they would have chased away all the Chinese investments away

Way back in the day pigs were used as garbage disposal and, being fairly similar to humans in biology, that meant eating them would usually give you like fifty fucking parasites. Unfortunately bacon is delicious, so the only way they could get people to stop stuffing their faces with tapeworms was to bring God into the picture.

Same deal with shellfish. Cook it a little less than it needs and oh hey now your whole household is shitting themselves to death.

At least in that case its mutual. If I was some poor ass african nigger, I'd be scared of being enslaved by some chinese guy too.

So is Jimmy Savile

Japan give no fuck about religions

taqiyya. Fucking disgusting

I don't remember this. Edit/joke subs right?

No such term in Orthodox Islam.
Good job in listening to propaganda.

Muhammad was a cat person.

False. In order of hatred in Africa it’s

>other africans

t. user Agbaje

It's pretty simple, really. Every human population that developed in proximity to tameable wolves wound up practicing some form of beneficial domestication, and as a result an affinity towards domestic dogs is embedded in millenia of culture and arguably their DNA (as populations less inclined to keep pets were outcompeted by those who did). The middle east had shitty desert dogs that couldn't be tamed, so they have no such inclination.


What did the lebs do?

i wouldn't trust a muslim as far as i could throw one. the ones i know are all lying bastards

In the ME dogs were basically just hostile scavengers. Even now they’re often feral and vicious cunts.

>No Hijab on Hinata

Lebanese are worse than Jews

Exactly. As far as evolutionary history is concerned, liking dogs has been a maladaptive trait for Middle Eastern populations since time immemorial, so they simply don't. The opposite is true for European populations, so they like dogs instinctively.

Because religions are stupid and therefore religious people should be ridiculed to death.

Common among third worlders that reproduce like rodents. As for influential, look at any muslim shithole and compare it to any first world country.

Good. All the better to wipe out others.

I can't believe my thread hasn't been deleted and I haven't been banned yet. Usually mods are a lot faster.

I'm gonna make another shitpost on Sup Forums about how North Korea is the happiest country on earth then spam /jp/ with webms of japanese women taking a shit then I'll reset my IP like I always do and one of you fuckers living in my area may one day deal with a permaban when you plug back your cables.

Dogs can sense evil

Same reason poor black people do. The people around them with dogs raise them like shit, or abandon them on the street, and they all become super aggressive.

How intellectually backward are you thinking? It's not racist if it's religion, doubly so if it's a religion as evil and stupid as Islam that is terrorizing the world. Religious people are stupid and Muslims are even stupider for harming others in the name of god. Our current world has no place for religions. Religions should be wiped out completely off the face of earth.


>Demonizing Muslims
Maybe in Israel

because there are no professional outrage groups announcing their outrage and no big media companies that react to that outrage since they're afraid they will lose their mcdonalds advertising deal

You fuck goats like Muhammad?

>He believes and worships a prophet us who fucks children
>not lolis but actual children
>he worships and would kill for this man who tried to convince him 9 year old poon is best poon

Ask me this why doest this bother?

all muslims go to anime hell

pigs require moisture to regulate body temperature so have a habit of rolling around in their own shit especially in arid environments

Christ hands down. Your pedo lord even claims he is the right hand of God and shit.

Why not go to Sup Forums if you want to discuss topics not pertaining to anime or manga, you fucking retards?