Has anime ever inspired you to better yourself as a person?

Has anime ever inspired you to better yourself as a person?

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my waifu has

Absolutely not.


Yes, but I never wound up doing anything with that inspiration.


yes. get /fit/ for my waifu


Le epic nu-Sup Forums blogging thread? YASSS QUEEN LET US BLOG MY NORMIES!

Are these push-ups or just holding a pose?

Holding a pose.

Take a guess

Over time I realized that being rude, neglectful, or aggressive with others would put me at odds with the aesthetics of iyashikei media, and I didn't want that -- so I guess it's made me more conscientious overall.

Today I did
3 sets of concentration curls
3 sets of hammer curls
5 sets of zottman curls
4 sets of wrist extensors
3 sets of wrist flexors

Tomorrow is core/shoulders/chest.

*highfive* bro normie

My waifu motivated me to change my habits as well as my beliefs. Basically I'm becoming a completely different person thanks to her, o e that's healthier and more resilient.

lol thats epic ftw (for the win)

Lift for your waifu instead of being grumpy user.

haha yes waifu funny meme lol my normie friend on discord know about it too but how can i find the waifu????????????????

no.. infact it’s completely the opposite desu~

Hajime no Ippo got me into weight lifting, cardio, and martial arts.

Spotted the pudge palace.

Is the plank meme even true?

nani the fu*k bro?

defiantly good for your core, but mostly a meme

No anime has told me of an easy way to commit suicide, so no.

yeah. Kenshin's humbleness had a profound effect on me.

>Hasn't seen SZS


Nowhere in the house tall enough for a noose.

Sun Ken Rock, honestly, dress better, eat better, exercise more and learn karate.
I lost 20 kg. since 2016

Why does this board love to blog so much?

You can kill yourself by lying perfectly still and doing nothing for a few days.

Anyone who complains they "just can't find the right method" to kill themselves is just a pussy who has no intention of doing it and is looking for attention.

Kamina inspired me to be a real man

I'll do that once I move out of my parent's house.

I became a pedophile. Pretty fun to be honest.

Case in point: You can literally hang yourself off a door handle, your entire body doesn't actually need to be in the air.

It's good to build core strength but you won't get defined abs unless you diet right and do other exercises to burn fat


Does it really work?
I am a lazy fuck

You won't do shit.

So how do you do that?

I might give weed a try.



I do 3x100 pushups daily but that's it. im still a skinny fuck







Something wrong?


Hello normalfag.

>I don't like a thread because it reminds me how big a fuckup I am at life
>lemme tank it by posting loli

Remember, this thread may die, but you will always be a failure of a human being.

Who said anything about it being 2D only?

All the time but at the next moment I remember i'm already over 30 and too late to fix anything.

Sorry about your blogging thread maybe you could try a more normalfags friendly anime community?

Who gets triggered by a post like this? Not that I'm complaining

Maybe you should try cyanide.


It made me into sexually addicted, friendless, kissless, virgin asshole.

This. If you don't have your life together by 22 you never will.


lol even my naked loli are more anime related xD

No, in fact it’s made me worse as a person. when I first started getting into anime it was as if all the gifts of life were at my fingertips, the effortlessness of obtaining instant pleasure by staying in my room fapping watching anime and browsing imageboards combined with the lack of success and pain of the real world led me to become more and more reclusive until eventually I stopped caring about everything. Why should I try to better myself if I have a beautiful waifu who will unconditionally love me loyally and passionately whether I was chad or not; why should I change myself to attract normgroid friends if I can just watch a self insert anime or go on an imageboard? Why should I get a job if I am able to survive and be happy on neetbux? Every form of entertainment i could ever need is downloadable from torrent websites, all the porn I will ever need is saved on several external hard drives. I fail to see any reason why I should change, I am happy as I am now.

Falsehoods. You can always change things around.

Now now you can't just say that, user.

Fuck you buddy I turned it around at 25 when I recognized the downward spiral.