This is a designated thread for the best hair style anime has to offer.
They never get caught in anything and nobody ever pulls on them in a fight. But the same is true for any long hairstyle so, yeah.
how to be otacool
1. get a twintails waifu
embrace the flatness
looks like a guy desu
Why no s2?
Best hair style you say?
Even flatter than Tohsaka Rin. That's an achievement.
Too much is too much, user. Next you'll be posting quad drills.
>1 is too much
look at this retard and laugh.
OK we have ponytails twintails and quadtails but has anyone ever seen tritails?
I want to squeeze her really hard so our chests can be really close
says you, liking a boy.
Jokes on you, I was actually talking about Souji. No need to be so defensive.
What's this from?
A doujin I read years ago, can't help you there.
>not translated
Look at this smug titty girl.
Too bad they're both going after Souji.
But she's flat, user. And boyish.
They want to be pounded by him, and he's opening up to things beyond twintails
Posting the only one that matters.
If both of them had their hair in a ponytail and they had a threesome with Souji, would it be like having sex with a twintailed girl for him?
>Two best girls used to be boys
How does it work?
If you need something to be done, namely being a good girl, you gotta do it yourself, user.
Twintails + flat has got to be the most attractive combo in all of 2D.
This bitch really conflicts me. She's cute as a button and has a nice design all round, but fuck I can't stand her personality.
But she was really cute and naive without being helpless.