Did they really had to be siblings?

did they really had to be siblings?


More like, did there really have to be 8 episodes of non-canon routes?

If you have to ask that, you completely missed the point of the show.


>censored nipples on Sup Forums
Also, yes.
Yes. It adds context to the others and is pretty cool .

They fed into the main route in their own ways.

Would be better if it was a hentai, I need more of the sex scenes.

If it was hentai it wouldn't have gotten glorious Feel to do the adaptation.

nah then there's no build up and emotional investment

>did they really had
Why are there so many third worlders on this board?

Finally, a smart anime for smart anime viewers.

more blood related incest fucking when
im tired of this step sibling shit

Never, because Tokyo bill.

morality ruins everything

Worst is that we'll never get a YnS equilvant but with daughters

op is a faggot

Why do you continue being an EOP and thus unable to enjoy various incest eroge?

Then just play the game the anime was based on you flaming faggot.

What the fuck? What would be the point if they weren't?

Sonohana will get an anime one day.
Or you can just watch Candy Boy.

What would be the conflict if they weren't? There are already 4 or 6 non incest routes with other conflicts, if Sora wasn't his sister it would be a completely different story and it would even affect all the other routes.

that isn't animated

>scissoring middle school twins.jpg
Oh god, I really need to catch up with Sonohana.

18 year old middle-schoolers, mind you.

Yeah, we can just ignore that.

I like sora but if I have to be honest my favorite girl is Amatsune.

I love when they do this


Who is Tokyo Bill? Send him back to Burgerstan.

what are the chances of that ridiculous bill getting repealed in the future?

Yosuga no Sora was accepted by the committee though because it didn't present incest as something acceptable by the society, not to mention it was R18 from start so it's not affected by the bill.

That's good, incest turn me on only when its portrayed as breaking the rules.

Eventually Abe will understand that there is only one source to boost nips birthrate left, and it will be revoked.
And in order to get accepted they had to insert lots of drama that wasn't in the original and imply that they drowned because INCEST IS BAD.

More like implied they left to europe, where it's ok to be a degenerate unlike in japan.

Anime was more ambitious about it, while VN just stated it and gave them the happy ending in the fandisk which will never be translated.

Of course, imoutos are for their onii-chans

>which will never be translated.
More time for you to learn Japanese.

Oh yeah, forgot they translated that one. Time to head to sukebei.

>learning a whole language just for cartoon porn

No, in the VN they went to Europe to visit their parents' friends, and then tell their friends to look forward to the souvenirs.
The glasses girl was just shocked and then accepted their relationship in the VN.

More anime needs to have scenes like this one.

Like this one?

Comedy gold.

>Oh shit the two girls that have crushes on me just saw me pounding my sister into multiple intense orgasms.

Truly, this was japan's magnum opus.

No and Yes. This show is a fetish romance about forbidden love, does it have to be incest? No, it could be difference of classes, people already in relationship, Romeo and Juieta shit, differences of age, illness, etc ... but this show is for people who like incest, the Japanese media is focused on niches sometimes focuses so much that turns into fetish, this is one of the examples, so yes

>this thread

Is it really death penalty in some US states? Kinda exaggerated for a victimless crime with two consenting adults, and if it's about a potential kid then he will only get more fucked up by having his parents executed than any genetic condition.

Why does she look like a less curvy Sento?

>hear the sounds of sex
>barge right in
What the fuck! I thought Japan respected privacy.

In this context states means countries. Zimbabwe and Iran have laws which make incest punishable by death (although Iran allows lesser penalties as well).

Because incestfags can't seem to comprehend the concept of locking the door before they start fucking in the hallway.


>not learning a whole language just for cartoon porn
For what else would you learn it

They thought they were wrestling

They just want to fuck, who are we to judge?

Where would the drama and conflict be then if they were just a normal couple?

I thought Sup Forums had more faggots than this.

Concerned citizens who know better than to let two consensual individuals in love to enjoy their mutual happiness.

We humanity clearly need to purge them.

Neither had a father boning his little daughter.