Saki tanoshii - is it?

Ritz did it again.




poor Ritz, bullied by the editors again.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hajime-chan no oshiri...

And a chin chong nip nong to you too, young lesbian.

translate you weeb fag

>It is a Young Gangan released this week but it is closed.
>Immediately after the last deadline, there was a request from the supervisor and I was asked to advance the schedule for the holiday to this week's issue and draw some colors.
>I drew such as my husband's ass.
>Until we report soon. Excuse me.


>I drew such as my husband's ass.
Why does google translate Hajime as husband?

Because Hajime x Arata is the endgame pairing.

Don't hate Ritz, she barely missed the last deadline because she did spend days toning Hajime's ass.

So no new Saki chapter on the 16th, right?

There are plenty of things to hate Ritz for regardless.

>There are plenty of things to hate Ritz for regardless.
And that's the first thing you think of?

Awai's upgrades can be explained by her ability, at least, with her being supernova and all. Ako just grew up for some reason.

>Ako just grew up for some reason
>for some reason
It was necessary for her job.

Enough with the memes, Ako is pure. Pure!

>feels good to be around boyish person getting touchy-feely
Definitely not helping there.


Wake me up when Tacos becomes the new Nodoka.

>lying on the internet

>It was necessary for her job.
Ako will become a miko like her sister and transfer to Eisui?

That already happened user.

>Monkey is a god
>Ako is her miko

Is this a new trend where you type in what you're doing?

Says the person trusting the Achiga manga translations that brought us such pearls as Toki's "three armies".

a job offer - hopefully someone that knows mahjong will apply and fix the Saki manga translations.

>hopefully someone that knows mahjong will apply and fix the Saki manga translations
>inb4 it's changed to craks, bams and dots

>Bachelor’s degree in English preferred
>Japanese language skills strongly preferred
Preferred, but not necessary, huh?

This upgrade is not okay

it's not for an editor job, but an assistant.

I thought it was a good thing we have lots of spinoff manga and live action series, but I've realized that it just automatically makes money and makes Ritz lazier.

Ritz doesn't care about money, she only authorizes new spin-offs and live-actions to add more people to her lesbian harem.

it's Sae's birthday in Japan.

sae has a cute butt

She doesn't do girls, that's all.

Rude. Shizu is a cute girl.

yeah, you are right

damn skirt


Monkeys don't count. Also she wanted to wear this just for the ease of access.