Dumb buzzwords

This tells me you either can't talk using more sensible terms like suspension of disbelief, foreshadow, or plot hole; or you want to smuggle invalid criticism in with valid ones to make your arguments look better.
No one’s getting paid to lose.
Jerking off to thirty seconds of an anime then making a tag out of it. People who use it assume movement=good. This is anime; you’re here to obsess over voice actors and pretty still images. If you want good animation, watch old Looney Toons episodes.

Agreed until you went retarded with
>This is anime; you’re here to obsess over voice actors and pretty still images. If you want good animation, watch old Looney Toons episodes.

The one word to completely deny all criticism without effort.

>anime means obsessing over pretty powerpoint slideshows
Are you a Shaft employee?

stealth Superfag thread?

Just because people think it's enjoyable doesn't mean it's good and that it's a valid argument.

even if it sells well, it doesn't have to be good.

>No one’s getting paid to lose.
That is pretty much the only one I agree with. Asspull is synonymous with "plot hole" and has less letters.
>This is anime; you’re here to obsess over voice actors and pretty still images.
That's just retarded.


movement is good tho

That's true, something can be entertaining while not objectively good. Shit like Dokuro-chan can be incredibly entertaining, but it collapses under any kind of objective measurement.
I also enjoyed myself a little with Blood-C simply because how stupid the characters were.

It's cartoon you weebs

The proper term is weaboo, and everyone who watches anime is one.

>weebs (then)
someone who is obsessed with japan and japanese culture
>weebs (now)
someone who watches anime

lel, great image

>This tells me you either can't talk using more sensible terms like suspension of disbelief, foreshadow, or plot hole;
Those are all buzzwords and mean the same shit you pedantic retard.

>job is a buzzword
As expected from a welfareshitter.

I didn't grow up with "lol"

goku literally asspulled ssj3 in the anime.

If an anime was truly bad it wouldn't be entertaining. The goal is to entertain you and if that succeeded then the anime is good.

>nerd (always)
someone who polices the use of "weeaboo"

Not really. And asspull would be him fighting Majin Buu up until he's about to die and then whip out SS3 as if he had it the entire time. Nothing suggests he couldn't have had the form so it's not an asspull, even if it wasn't directly foreshadowed.

>No one’s getting paid to lose.

t. someone who has never held a job in their life

So every time bad writing, pacing problems and plot holes are pointed it is actually just a character flaw of the comment author?

>Shaft employee: The post

Asspulls exists. They're extreme suspensions of disbelief that arguably should not have existed.

Jobbing is just a natural occurrence if you need to hype up the newest villain but it's overused. Jobbing is when the hero loses specifically to show how strong the new villain is, not just whenever a hero loses.

Yes. You can easily describe these problems using the manga/anime's content but if you go directly to say "bad writing" "muh pacing" etc then you're just shitposting.

I just disergard the opinion of anyone that uses terms like "generic" or "pandering". It's never worth anything.

Using the correct terms for something is not shitposting you flaming retard.

For me worst offender is "forced animation".

Unless you elaborate on your buzzwords then it is.

don't give (you)'s to the tripfag, user

some things never change.

>b-but tripfag!
Sorry I called you out on your shitposting ways. I'm sure people is going to still fall for it so don't worry.

why are tripfags so damn retarded

>tripfag being dumb
everytime, added to the filter

Oh no he didn't quote me. Now I can't feed my children because I didn't meet the weekly (You) quota.

stay assblasted you tripshit

Nice thread you fucking faggots

Just a buzzword for expressions you don't like

That's just another term for Deus ex machina if it's about the ending.

Well, pacing is an actual problem in a lot of animu. When it's too slow or too inconsistent, it's really annoying.

Deus ex machina doesn't need to be used in the ending. Any conflict resolution out of nowhere is a DeM.

>forced drama

>cool fight scene or some shit
>explosions everywhere, body parts flying around
>characters getting beat up or killed, hell yeah watch this with your bros it's fucking badass
>female protag suddenly comes from nowhere
>"watashi... watashi...."
>camera focuses on her
>she monologues about no longer being a useless tool and has the courage to finally stand up and fight all while crying a literal fucking river across the screen
>turn it off and go watch something else

>That's true, something can be entertaining while not objectively good.
there's no such thing as objective good in the entertainment industry.

That's a legit crticism, but nowadays people are screaming "FORCED DRAMA" on anything that has a character shedding a tear.

How to tell if someone is retarded.

>"unnecessary fanservice"

"Unnecessary" for who?

There's a reason why it's called FAN-SERVICE (serving the fans).


You mean sasuga?

All buzzwords were legit criticisms before people started to overuse them to the point that they turned into buzzwords.

>forced animation

the word buzzword is a buzzword and even worse using buzzword isn't a legitimate criticism and is overused

How is animation forced?

There ARE good places to use the phrase "job". It's less about being paid and more about sharing the same purpose in terms of drama: Losing for the sake of building up the winner for a later confrontation. Yamcha of Dragonball fame is a great example: His completely brutal loss to Tien in the second WT arc was intended to paint a picture of both Tien's strength and ruthless nature. This made Tien both a worthy rival to Goku's and quite the heel.

But people tend to use job as a synonym for losing these days, so I'd agree that it's basically evolved into a buzzword.

Some melodramatic scenes shouldn't even exist. See every time a female character does something that isn't blowing Kirito in SAO.

Kind of a different kettle of fish but

>the threads were good


Yeah, nowadays when people call something "forced drama" I'm almost always sure it's just normal drama instead of actual forced drama like Your Lie in April or AnoHana

the fucks a job

I think that's supposed to be erotic. It's not in there just to make it look more realistic

You could call it forced fan service. Though fan service feels forced most of the time.

What the fuck, not even that autistic kid i had in my same class at middle school that threw food everywhere in the lunch room did so many spastic movements everytime he ate something.

Source? What anime is that?

What would you prefer for when the author literally just makes something up mid-fight for no good reason? Plot hole and Deus ex Machina don't cover everything
That's the point, they lose so pitifully it feels like they're just putting the other guy over
>Everyone has to have my exact preference for visuals or else they're faggots

Lost it's fucking meaning. "Meme show"? "Meme character"? Fucking infuriating.
"I unironically like this show", how the fuck can you ironically like a show?
It only works when making fun of the fuckers who overuse it, ironic weebs mainly. But then I see it get used incorrectly for other shit all the time.
I don't care if this isn't /k/ this shit just gets thrown around as an insult to anyone someone disagrees with, it lost ALL of it's original meaning
When the fuck did this shit pop up? Out of the fucking ground and overnight it seems to me.

Agreed until you went retarded with
>This tells me you either can't talk using more sensible terms like suspension of disbelief, foreshadow, or plot hole; or you want to smuggle invalid criticism in with valid ones to make your arguments look better.

Feed your children, please!

I've been looking for the name of this manga for years, thank you for posting this image

The submissive footfags fantasy one?

Yep, it was dumped like 3 years ago on Valentine's day and I completely forgot the name

so what's the source of OP image?

I agree, okay to criticize more and better to be more accurate

An example of suspension of disbelief:

My biggest problem with "Fraxx" is the nonsense with everything in the show, the Butt Control, robots that are just a giant girl, forced symbolism, and aggravate the problem the show wants to be taken seriously as a drama like "Evagelion" , with the visuals of "Kill la Kill", which breaks my suspension of disbelief, one hour is about the protagonist depressed by his impotence, then the show shows him piloting a cute little robot where control is a butt, this is to be comic or emotional?

or I can simply say this show suck. I do not contribute anything, I offending the creators, offend the fans, and act like an asshole, and we have nothing to discuss

The problem is, user throws around term like “JOBBBEEEEER” whenever a character loses, doesn’t matter if the character never lost before or it’s just the natural progression of the story. It has lost its original meaning

But if something is fun it's still worthwhile and has merit, and that's what I think most people who say that are trying to communicate.

The author making it up mid-fight part is unnecessary to mention with respect to evaluating the work itself. If someone was able to make things up mid-fight and it was a good move, I'd just think the guy is fantastic at writing on the seat of his pants, which is generally seen as just another valid creative process. If he planned it out, then the author is great at planning things out. Therefore the brunt of the legitimate criticism in that phrasing you gave is burdened on, "for no good reason." "For good no reason" can take many forms, including having an event that's inconsistent with audience's understanding of what's possible in the setting, having something hitherto unmentioned resolve major conflict, or just having this general feeling of being put out by the story.
Now, the reason people bring up the fact that the author made up a solution on the seat of his pants in these cases is for meta reasons -- they want to give the real world reason for why there was shitty writing. But there's the issue, if all you say is that something is an asspull, you've just mixed textual criticism with meta criticism, and you haven't clearly elaborated on what your textual criticism actually is. I just want better communication among fans.
Correct, I'm fine with this usage. I should have appended that it annoys me when people use it to just mean someone lost when it forgets the terms wrestling origins.
A bit tongue in cheek. My point is that the majority of anime doesn't have consistently good animation, to the point that it can hardly be your hobby if that's legitimately your main reason for watching something (at least, I would expect.) We all obviously don't think animation is the end all be all.