Anime is not filling the void today, Sup Forums

anime is not filling the void today, Sup Forums

That's because you're posting here instead of watching it.

How does Sup Forums do it?

I'm secretly glad it's bombing here

>the void
The void of what, do people actually want another person to share their life with? I will never understand normalfags and their "wants" and "desires"

I'm gonna play some vrchat and pretend to be a cutie.

why move from left to right


worst day of the week

you're not actually watching Boruto are you?

Who cares? Are you telling me you don't visit any other boards?

No I'm not watching any of that which is why today sucks

There's a difference between other boards and Sup Forums. Nobody cares if you browse /out/ or /po/.

Why? What is wrong with Sup Forums? I just don't get the hate for it.

Look at the screen. He's being the waifu.




>twitter screencap threads
>e-celeb orbitting
>buzzword gallore
>90% of the discussions are about politics
>crossboarding encouraged
>overall blatant newfagism

This but unironically.

It's worksafe Sup Forums full of underaged newfags

>The void of what, do people actually want another person to share their life with? I will never understand normalfags and their "wants" and "desires"

Just because you hate everyone and don't want to be with anyone,
it doesn't feel less lonely.

>They do things I don't like.
Fuck off with your elitism. Newfags are what keeps this site going and what will keep this board going. Do you really think without crossboarders Sup Forums would have as much discussion as it does now? People say franxx threads are filled with Sup Forums crossboarders but it's literally carrying Sup Forums right now. Without franxx threads this board would be dead as fuck.

Never stop lurking.

Wont crying like that damage those googles ?
and, is he crying from happiness or sadness ? i think he is doing it because he is very happy with his 2D waifu.

Today is a great backlog day. I'll finally be watching all the shit I put off for the week since I had no time after work.

I've only got one episode of Antarctic adventures and my data is running out. My crush hasn't replied yet.

I deserve this.

>and, is he crying from happiness or sadness ?

>having a real-life crush

fucking normalfags

Too busy choking on Chad dick to respond to you beta faggot

I've had this problem this week.

Gaming, reading, anime, etc. Nothing seems to make me happy this week and I feel like an ungrateful shit.

No one wants Franxx threads here. They're just blatant shitposting.

because you look for joy
joy is temporary

happiness is not found, it's built.

big breasted slut

Well at least you get to watch best episode of the season so far

>VEGfag detected.


Big if true

Fuck off you absolute waste of space. These shitty reads do nothing for the board and are just shitpostign generals. The other treads make the board fairly fast as is, we don't need 13 fucking treads talking about a piece of shit anime that only brainlets watch.


>we don't need 13 fucking treads talking about a piece of shit anime that only brainlets watch.

what was KLK
what was TTGL
what was Code Geass
what was Endless 8

it's like you came to Sup Forums in 2017

>kyoanus licker

Nice Anime & Manga related thread. Upvoted.

> the board as shat upon before that means it's ok to shit on it now.
>You dislike? fuck you, you should be used to the smell by now.
The absolute state of franxx defenders...

>it's Valentine's day
>I didn't even notice

>board stays the same for years
>somehow not getting the message that it's not getting better

If you don't like it just leave. It's like you're staying in an abusive relationship to catch the magic of what you thought your girl could be.
