Since it's Valentines Day, post your favorite canon OTPs

Since it's Valentines Day, post your favorite canon OTPs.

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It's been a long time.











If the seiyuus aren't married, they're not a real OTP.







Anime was a mistake


Good taste.







Surprised no one has posted this yet.

Baccano was full of top tier OTPs.



>no KomiXTadano
I'm dissapointed












God I love those dumb fuckers. Thank for reminding me them.






Season 2 when?


I wish Busou Renkin stayed alive longer





You sir, have patrician taste.



They r father and daughter, right?

I'm so sad that this ended, I really liked it.



I thought these two were too stupid to love





She won in my heart

The author really needs to work on new stuff. TADA BANRI was not as cool, even if the group dynamics were top tier.








I literally can't find a more beautiful picture.

Do Kino and Hermes count?

Fuck you.

Fuck off with this filth.


eternally funny


no u


Best anime pairing right here.

I just finished this show. That pairing came out of left field but whatever they're alive and happy so I don't get the butthurt there was when it was airing.

Please don't trigger the IchiRuki fags.



>Being a bitter Ichirukicuck in 2018.


>probarly the most underrated series since 2001.



damn this series is such a high trip. god-tier.



I love these two.

When all couples are OTP.