Decide to start watching kokoro connect because of pic related

>decide to start watching kokoro connect because of pic related
>expect light-hearted sol with funny body-swapping shenanigans
>4 episodes in and all the girls are depressed and have serious emotional issues
what the fuck?

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It's kind of drama bait the show. The end of the first arc kind of deflates any sense of real stakes or danger. The second arc is more about Inaba though, so that's a plus.

Iori is the fucking worst though.

I got as far as episode 8 and dropped it.

Read this OP.

>Reading more that 1 line of text


Oh is that what it was?

Ichiki didn't deserve any of this. I'm glad he seems pretty happy now-a-days. Good on those who stood up for him.

jesus, that's fucking heartless

Welcome to Kokoro Connect, user.

Literal worst girl, dropped the show because of her, what a fucking slut.

Drop your life right now you lying shit.

Inaba a shit
Iori a best

Its true though, useless fucking slut, shit anime, shit. SHIT. SHHHHHIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Said no one ever. Iori has some serious brain problems.

Fucking Japs. Glad I dropped this show.

Inaban best kokoro

Fucking hell. That's so pointlessly cruel.

That screencap there is why I watched the show.

Kokoro Connect is one of the shittiest examples of overblown teen melodrama in anime. What a fucking chore it was to sit through that. There's some supernatural being doing some supernatural shit to fuck with everyone lives, but nobody gives a shit aobut that after a couple episodes. But when it comes to whether Generic Boy A has a crush on Generic Girl A or Generic Girl B, that's when the 10 minute long melodramatic cry scenes happen. What a load of shit. Don't even get me started on the genki girl's existential crisis.


Are they still getting jobs after that?

I'm glad too

Every arc of this show
>I made supernatural thing happen because it amuses me.
>One of the girls freak out because she can't handle it and decides to isolate herself in order to not "play" the bad guy's game.
>Bad guy is not amused and makes the supernatural thing even worse, especially for the girl
>MC needs to save the day.
>Bad guy moves on to next supernatural thing.

Iori was a complete nutcase, I guess it was expected when grew up with a single mother and went through like five step fathers in her life.

Terushima and Kanemoto are as popular as ever. Asuka Oogame is still getting the token imouto roles.

I still to this day hesitate to watch shows with Kanemoto or Terashima in them.

Can I get a TL;DR? I'm not reading all that shit.

Drama is shit

Then fuck off you worthless idiot. Nobody gives a shit about feeding your tiny brain.

>Kanemoto: You're really busy this summer! Isn't that great? Going from Kyuushu to Hokkaido (lol)
>Ichiki: As the Publicity Chief of this project, well after various things, I have to do it...
>Kanemoto: Wait, you "have" to do it? But didn't you want to do it? I mean what with that-
>Ichiki: No, didn't you see it?!
>Kanemoto: At the audition you yourself said "I want to do it!" so passionately, didn't you?
>Ichiki: [Turning away from her] How can you say that when you know exactly what happened?!

A case of "Did we hit them too hard or were two nukes not enough?"
Just fucking read it, it's a real case of the infamous Japanese bullying.

>Sugita, after seating down, gets as far away from Terushima as possible.
>He maintains his distance throughout the show.
>Sugita does not glance at Terushima one bit during the show.
>Terushima talks to Sugita but is ignored
>While they're playing games, Sugita does not talk to him
>Sugita: (Something about 00Gundam). Terushima laughs but is ignored
>Sugita: (Something about signing). Again Terushima laughs but is ignored again.
>Sugita: [BUSHUUU~~] Terushima: [At the end that's it? lol] Sugita: *Ignores Terushima*
>Terushima does a body touch, Sugita completely ignores him.
Fucking based.

It's not that long but
>Promise an aspiring VA a role
>Give him specific lines to recite and record him saying them
>At an event where he thinks they're gonna announce the character he'll be voicing, they play the clips but spliced to make it look like he was agreeing to be the Promotional Chief and just promote the anime all across Japan
>On streams they act like he did agree to it and fucking electrocute him while laughing
In the end he tells some others VAs like Sugita Tomokazu and they get pissed off for him at the fucks behind Kokoro Connect.

Damn. People like this producer and these voice actors never mentally left high school, did they? Terashima himself is in his fucking 30s. Cunt ought to know better.

You think Sugita still hates him?

I hope so.

Sugita is the man

That's pretty terrible.
Kill yourself

>can't read
>thinks he deserves to live



>MAL loves this anime so much they actually try to defend and sometimes justify the bullying, trying to claim it wasn't that bad

Yeah I remember when Sup Forums went full reddit and sent dick pics to the WRONG voice actor too when their high school memories came flooding back.

i hope the director still gets the daily death threats

this shit is so good

also pic related best girl

Sluts are good though.


why is she not ok btw?

>i hope the director still gets the daily death threats
He got them at all? and wasn't it the producer?

director, producer who knows? the bully is who im talking about