Do people really taidama and itadakimasu in Japan or is that just an anime thing?

do people really taidama and itadakimasu in Japan or is that just an anime thing?

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gooks aren't animals?

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Do people actually "Hi, honey, I'm home" in America?

how would anybody on Sup Forums know?

Because their parents did it?

I'd guess most people on Sup Forums are from broken homes

>do people really greet each other or is that just a thing?

Do people really die when they are killed or is that just an anime thing?

Couldn't hear dad getting home from my basement so I don't know.

Nothing terrible happened. What a waste of time.

That's just an anime thing.

I am not from America
in Poland we say Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus (Jesus Christ be blessed)
we are religious


I say this when I return to the gym, thanks machio

>you will never be scratched by cute zookeeper

My friends family says grace at dinner. At least they do when they have guests

Jak tam na Podlasiu?

chyba Podkarpaciu

ale morde zamknij, Polska A here

kurwa kurwa pierdole

Omae wa mou shindeiru

What a piece of dog shit.

damn, why did it do that?

Yes, they do. They also ittekimasu and sumimasen. And sometimes even shitsureishimasu and irasshaimase. No need to hontou ni arigatou me, user.


but it didnt try to eat the other dog. It just killed it and walked away. It almost looked liked when you give a dog a toy and the dog just shakes it aound then loses interest.

Probably a dominance thing or that dog is just fucked up and aggressive.

Probably not used to socialize with other dogs, especially smaller ones.

jestem z miasta tamtego anona i potwierdzam, user jest z Podkarpacia

Im glad

This is sad

is kill?


This friendliness often pours out to include strangers and other dogs. Thus, this over-friendly dog will certainly not make a good watchdog.

On the other end of the scale, Siberian Huskies possess a very distinct prey drive, an instinct from their days in the wild which is still very much embedded within them today.

They have been known to destroy cats, birds and other household pets and wreak havoc on livestock when can break loose.

do people really say grace in USA or is it just a movie thing?

C U T E !

Why do animals like to be rubbed all over? Does it really feel good?

If I rubbed you all over you would like it.

This is the cutest long snout doggo ever



don't you like it when you girlfriend touches you?

its the same for them. humans are just weird in that we don't constantly touch each other

3d lolis are thankfully unsexy

That's a platypus, you fucktard.

I agree with this statement.


Its like a girl who isn't your mom that spends time with you in exchange of money and free rides so you can get access to her birthing hole. Its a normalfag scam, don't fall for it



IT's a werid custom if you are American. Remember, they lock the room of their children.


That gave me tingles.

Japanese people say it. Maybe not 100% of the time but they do.

>not locking your children in at night
How else do you protect them against predators? Do you live your front door open too?

No, nobody is married in America.

I'm American and I grew up not needing a lock on my room.
This is because unlike most families, my deadbeat uncle did not live in my family's house, therefore there were no predators to protect us from.

Triggered hole


We were the opposite growing up. We'd pray before meals when it's just family, but skipped it if we had people over


Triggered incel

do people literally say literally in every sentence in America or is it literally just a mass media thing?

"I mean" is a much worse offender

Is this how you have sex

>I mean, like, I wouldn't literally do it, but y'know

Jesus Christ that's lewd.

No, this is a vampire cat drinking the other cat's blood

I don't even know what that means, just use virgin if you want to insult me.

Have you never had your head rubbed by anyone? Your mother or sister? I mean shit have you never went out to get a haircut and got your hair washed? It's nowhere near the same as doing it to yourself, it's absolutely fucking amazing, especially in an area as sensitive as the scalp.

Out of fun I tried to use it in my own language and god damn does it sound wrong and awkward.


translate this garbage

I mean, we don't say I mean that often.
I mean some people do but not everyone, you get what I mean?

It's trying to cure his receding hairline

fucking furfags

I think "I mean" has actually replaced "um" as the most common filler word. It's genuinely impressive.

Underrated post

Ich meine, irgendwie, ich würde es literarisch/wörtlich nicht tun, aber d'weißt

Um, I mean, you might be literally right

Do germans really use irgendwie the way we use like?

When Americans eat food, do they actually say "Rubba dub dub, thanks for the grub"?

I couldn't find a more meaningless fillword.

Did you guys have dubbed Scooby Doo? What does Shaggy use as his filler word?

No. Those of us who are truly enlightened say "through the dark lord, amen".

>my deadbeat uncle did not live in my family's house, therefore there were no predators to protect us from.
Why would you need to be protected from your uncle?

Only commie subbed americans. In my family we are all from Hadena so we simply say thanks for the itadakimasu.

Someone should translate every instance of itadakimasu using the full text of the Lord's Prayer

Yes, but I can't remember, because around 2000 the channel that did all the CN dubs became only accessible through Pay TV.
Other popular fillwords are "also" "ähm" and if you are talking to someone "Alter"

d-do they have sex?

Because it's the kind of culture where you can't trust your own family to not be a sexual deviant/murderous psychopath. The media loves showing those stories too. So yeah, people are paranoid.

No, but real Americans say grace.

you forgot the common German filler word, which is :) or :D

That's finnish :DDDD

Don't forget ^^

they're all emotionally stunted retards who can only relate to humans through the internet anyway.

So, we finnish now, Sup Forums?

>Hans has joined the server