Strange Manga

Post only impossibly odd, weird, and/or thought-provoking manga.

What the actual fuck.

Where the fuck all those kids come from.

Hen na Nee-san is the weirdest fucking thing I've read in a long time

This isn't that weird, it's like a manga version of Big Mouth, which is normie as shit

Shut up normalfag


Is that the one where the girl has sex orgies with herself?

Yes, that one

>Odd Sister 3
I feel violated.

Thats just a sex ed manga.

I remember this, I recall the series being so "offensive" that it was refused publication, the author had to crowdfund to publish it herself, she was a former assistant of Miki Yoshikawa, author of Yakee-kun to Megane-chan.

What's wrong?
Couldn't take based Pinochepi?

Yep, it's actually very pure, but some people in Japan still flipped the fuck out, it was refused publication once.

I remember a strange manga an user posted few years ago (pic related)
Sorry that the pic is cropped but it was about a girl doing weird things with her vagina

Does Sumire 16 count?

>it was about a girl doing weird things with her vagina
Well *that* definitely narrows it down

how is that strange? it's just a SOL about a girl

I suppose you're right.

I know which one are you referring too. The one where she inserts bugs in her vagina and shit. Shit, I wish I remembered the name



Is this the new amigara thread?

Look at all those butts i want to rape