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I'm going to start reading this one of these days.

>I wand to fug Margueride :DD

Leave making these threads for the weekends OP

I want to rape Nazis.

Me too, starting with Rusalka

Go away Soviets. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_occupation_of_Germany

You already had enough.

But they are asking for it.

Kek has spoken. It was not rape. The nazis wanted it.

I started with Acta est Fabula last night, since I'm pathetic and want those 18+ scenes.
Did I make a mistake by not just going with Amantes Amentes?
Can I do alright by just doing the extra ending Amantes Amentes gives us after finishing Acta est Fabula

Sure, as long as you read the side stories and Rea's route extra ending later.

Why was the anime tsukihime tier?
How long until we get an at least watchable version like fate ended up getting? Is it impossible?

>Why was the anime tsukihime tier?
Crowdfunded plus inexperienced studio
>How long until we get an at least watchable version like fate ended up getting? Is it impossible?
Never, give up.

>not Karl

I want to fuck Marie


>ufo fate
>"at least watchable"
Type moon fags are probably the whiniest fanbase ever. If any of my favorite franchises got an adaption like ufo's work on Fate, or even half as good, I'd happily be prostituting myself to fat japanese men that funded it.

When will they release Pantheon?

Why no Snek daki?

Summer apparently

Was there some official info? I just hope they haven't forget it.

One of principles of nazi ideology was that strong people with better genetics should spread.
Their mistake was thinking that them were superior.
Life verified their mistake proving that allies and soviets were indeed superior breed of mankind.
So any true nazi female would want to be genetically enriched by strong red army soldier, for he proved to be superior than german soldiers and by breeding with victors they would better german genetic stock making them more likely to win next time as they would carry genes of victors not looser.

Sure there will be superior specimen if done correctly but there will only be the ideology of the winner which would effectively wipe Nazis out and leaving only communists.