


>no ponytail


daaaaaaamn look at dat ass jeaaaahhhh homie gonna ride dat later

It never ends

Well, can't get mad at her for stating the truth

She most certainly is!

I saved it for you, Haruhi. Bitch...

>Turns down potential boyfriends because they're not ayyliens
>Spergs out at Kyon because she actually likes him
>Ignores Koizumi
>Mikuru doesn't count
right back at you

I'm so glad these massive eyes went out of style

She dated like twenty guys during middle school

How could anyone be attracted to that bug face.



People don't fuck when they're in middle school

didn't seem much like dating, more like getting told to fuck off because they aren't interesting.

Nerds don't!
up top!

Get a load of this virgin

Oh innocent user bless your heart





is that a phoenix wright reference?

First the chocolates, now this!

What ass?

I miss Haruhi guys, when is season 3 coming out?

being this retarded should be a bannable offense again.

>Amerimutts don't have proper sex ed


They just gently walk girls to their home

having no name should be illigale

Read Haganai LN.

We don't! That's why most of our girls become turbo thots in middle school!

the act of making haruhi say virgin to me, makes me aroused.

>baseless assumption about nationality
>thinks sex ed = no sex for some reason
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?

>The government should be in charge of educating my children about sex

Given how retarded most parents are over here, I'd almost prefer that...

I get your point but in most cultures it would be really awkward if the parents did it. I mean I can hardly imagine how that would work. Maybe something like "Son, let me tell you how you came into this world. Once upon a time I plowed your mother real good."

The goverment should be in charge of fucking children to teach them about sex

>She dated like twenty guys during middle school
No she didn't, at least not by western standards. Besides, when nips use foreign words they usually mean something different than what it actually means. Dato is not the same thing as a date in our sense, it can be something like casually hanging out and that's what she did with those guys.

Literally knew a girl whose mom only told her that men are rapists and all they care about is anal. I don't want roasties making more SJW trash by trying to "teach" them sex ed

>that men are rapists and all they care about is anal
That's rude, I'm also into armpit licking.

I knew a girl who got pregnant in middle school by one of the PE teachers.

M-me too...

PE teachers are always the biggest creeps at school. Mine couldn't stop making penis and masturbation jokes to the point that everyone felt uncomfortable around him.

include me in the screen cap

Has nobody in this thread seen Sex and the City?


No, because I'm not that gay.
Thanks for the keks, Skull

Oh you sweet summer child

How naive.