Is this finally proof that Asuka>Rei?
Darling in the FranXX
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Oni is not Asuka and Cocona is not Rei. This is all wrong.
why would you need proof for a simple fact of the universe? Like asking for proof that 2+2=4. Doesn't make much sense now does it?
What are you even doing here shitposting drunk and alone on Valentines day?
>dat cocona
I hate this meme. Ichigo is nothing like Rei and 002 is nothing like Asuka. Kill yourself.
t. Reifag who likes 002.
I am not drunk.
Where does one store the balls and dick when wearing that suit?
explain this, Sup Forums
Grim reminder.
I don't think you quite have enough artifacting there buddy.
Funny shitpost, I grinned.
he tucks
Not a problem. Shinji has no balls.
Ichigo's breasts are nowhere near that size
Neither are yours.
Rei > Asuka
Haven't watched darling in the franxx.
She is an young girl and has some volume, unlike some certain flat devil.
She will grow up to C or D
Will Reifags ever recover?
It's 002 > Ichigo in DITF.
Reifags like 002.
Rei is a toilet
Delete this disgusting shit.
Seriously, at least find some good fan art.
impeccable taste
tfw Asukafag and Ichigofag
What does it mean
it means you should think long and hard about your taste, and maybe you can come to some realization and change it into something that isn't complete shit.
You try too hard
>This is all wrong
Is Goro Kaworu or Toji?
On one hand I want Ichigo to be happy, on the other hand I dont want Goro to get cucked
Tonight on the Grand Tour..
Asuka > 02 > Rei > Ichigo
But 02 might end up overtaking Asuka by the end of the show.
>Rei above anything
ok bb
Asuka > Rei is a given. But Ichigo > 002 is truth.
Asuka > Rei
002 >>> Ichigo
Asuka > Ichigo > 002 >>> Rei
I like you.
Ichigo > Asuka >= 02 > Rei
Search your feelings, you know it's true. Ichigo is the cutest and most emotionally caring from the get-go.
Some guy wrote 200 pages on why 1+1=2 derived purely from logic.
You think kissing Hiro made Ichigo happy?
I wonder if that guy fugged the two thots.
Well, I've tried to reason with people who think calling me a retard wins them the argument, so I am not in any position to judge.
I understand liking Rei more than Asuka but liking Ichigo more than 02 sounds ridiculous.
>foreveralones discussing a love story on Valentines Day
what are you doing here then user?
This guy have his own strip club.
Ichigofags only like her because she's flat chested.
I hope we get a decent fight in ep 6. Fight sequences don't matter that much to me but this series could stand to have a good one at some point. The fight in 4 wasn't horrible, but mech combat can be a lot better.
>genuinely cares for Hiro
>trying her best
>literally perfect body
02 is okay but Strawberry is perfect.
Kaworu > 02 > Rei > Ichigo > Hiro > Asuka >>>> Shinji that little fucker.
Do you think 02 ever fucked for real?
>generic trait
>generic trait
>generic trait
>flat chest
Damn, looks like was right.
02 is perfect and 02Hiro is OTP
Have you ever fucked for real?
t. Reicuck
Not but seriously. I mean no one knows what a kis s is in the anime, maybe 02 already fucked idk I'm drunk m8
So this is how you choose to spend Valentines Day. Says a lot about Asukafags.
Unironically this
Rei was a placid bitch without any depth of character, Asuka was just a bitch.
Aside from the red motif for Oni I'd say these characters are not at all alike.
I really liked 4's because the momentum was great and the lead into the finisher + finisher and same with episode 1. 3 was great too with Strelizia's destruction and overwhelming atmosphere.
I can tell 6 is going to be crazy since Trigger decided to focus on that one.
002 is pure love.
What did you do for Valentines day user?
Daily reminder that only Sup Forumstards like 02
Daily reminder that we, Sup Forums, should cheer for Ichigo.
Remember to support her VA too on twitter. Franxx is her first work.
I dedicated a good fap to Zero Two.
"Getting fucked by someone who doesn't love me gives my life meaning and that's all I'm good for" -Asuka
>Calling anyone else a "cuck"
the absolute state of asukafags
define 02 in three sentences
Darling in the Franxx - Karling in the Franks?
/his/friend here.
I've got this particularly bizarre theory. Darling in the Franxx is based off of the story of Charlemagne and Desiderata, where Hiro is Charlemagne and Zero-Two is Desiderata:
> "Desiderata, or Ermengarda[1], was one of four daughters of Desiderius, king of the Lombards, and his queen, Ansa. She was married to Charlemagne, king of the Franks, in 770, probably to form a bond between the otherwise enemy states of Francia and Lombardy. The marriage was annulled in 771 and this hurt relations with Lombardy, presaging the war of 774. She had no known children and her ultimate fate is unknown."
The Lombards are the Klaxosaurus. Hiro is Charles before he becomes Charlemagne. He "marries" Zero-Two, a Lombard/Klaxosaur princess and eventually throws her away to invade Lombardy/conquer the Klaxosaurs, eventually becoming Holy Roman Emperor/God-Emperor of Mankind.
Furthermore, what we see here are the other three girls in the back of this image who look suspiciously like Zero-Two. They are the other "three daughters of Desiderius".
What we see is that Charlemagne had at least one illegitimate child, Pepin the Hunchback. This may be interpretated as insinuating that Hiro will engage in sexually unbecoming behaviour in the future, siring a bastard child, who, like Pepin will attempt to rebel against him.
Notice additionally, that the Capetians who succeed the Karlings, had a floral coat of arms - we see very clearly the floral symbolism in Strelitzia and Delphinium. Thus Hiro/Charlemagne's successors will also be floral and might have something to do with the fleurs-de-lis.
Thank you for reading my crackpot theory.
Trigger animation is trash for the most part to be honest
Having Yabuki draw the manga is a low blow. My penis can't take it.
>Franxx is her first work
I didn't know that, she's doing a great job.
Based Charlemagne-kun
she will never love you Goro
I'm not well versed in seiyus, but I was under the impression they got someone established based on her performance. If this is her debut, I'm honestly impressed.
02 a test tube baby that was injected with the cancer Hiro has right now. That's why she seems to know it's painful.
Hiro will turn oni to complete the Red & Blue Oni folklore.
Hiro is Azuka/Shinji, H0ni is Kaworu/Kaji
Do people remember what happened to them when they were babies, or did Franxx tell her...?
Belongs on the red one.
Hiro and the other children have memories of their childhood. They have a flashback where they're all kids and Hiro is naming everyone.
I want Goro to hold me!
has 02 ever said Hiro's name or code at any point?
is 02 turning him into an Oni knowingly?
So the snowy toddler scene was a flashback that took place not long after she was injected?
Reminder that only contrarians like Ichigo.
this is my thought
She was injected and slowly grew into a full-form Oni.
She got pissed/sad that her former childhood friends saw her as a demon.
She ran away.
---- flashback starts now. -----
Got attacked by Klaxx
---- flashback ends ----
was saved by someone
was given a limiter that suppresses her Oni.
grew up
---- present time ----
She mentions unlocking his potential, but other than that she seems to want it to be a surprise.
Not that Hiro is asking his waifu any questions.
Much better.
Did episode 5 eat the budget of 4?
possibly. If you see the promotional poster and spider as signs of 02 being manipulative or doing something to Hiro, then yes.
but nothing is really for sure.