Streaming doesn't support Japan

>streaming doesn't support Japan

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I pay for Crunchyroll for this reason. I never actually go to their site.

Fuck off kike.

How much more would they be able to give back if instead of paying you to post fake numbers on Sup Forums they actually gave back even a hundredth of a percent of the bullshit quotes you're spouting?

It's fucking nothing though, anime industry generates 16 billion per year, physical distribution to overseas is 2.3 billion with the vas majority of it coming from China.

And that shit is reporting 10 million a year average? Pffft.

That's actually a good idea. I buyfag, so I support that way, but if I didn't, I feel like paying for a site like crunchyroll while pirating all you want to actually watch keeps you morally clear.

>$100M over 10 years
>Giving back
That's far less than even a percent of what they made, there are no royalties they pay back, it's shit level flat rates.
But hey, they were able to employ you full time to post this garbage here instead of actually hiring competent translators or coders, firing everyone who knew how to encode video and dropping the quality even more.

So crunchy shit makes about 0.4% of the international sales, and about 0.06% of the whole thing

Yeah, freaking nothing. I rather just keep buying my PVC butts.

Fold your money into paper boats and put it in the Pacific, that will have a greater effect on the anime industry than paying these middleman shills who are actively detrimental to the industry.

>makes about 0.4%
Gives back to the industry 0.4% of international sales, they make a few hundred times more money than that.

>Middleman shills
I mean, I guess you could call amiami a middleman since I'm not buying direct from the manufacturer. And I guess you could consider it detrimental in the sense that money influences the direction of the industry and most money is spend on things I don't like.

Fuck the west

Base Crunchyroll.

>supporting the bald faceless old men who cucks animation staffs from getting your money

Yep, this is just propaganda to get people to pay crunchy.

Bad comparison though, since amiami gets a tiny fraction of the sales. The rest actually goes to the manufacturer and hence to the wholle industry chain.

Here you have a shit business where not even a 1% goes directly to the anime industry. The remaining is split among a few jews

>$100 million
This is a chump change in the entertainment industry.

>these middleman shills
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were calling stores for buyfagging middleman shills, not Crunchyroll.

I'm not Tha original user, just replied, and it's obvious by "middlemen shills" he's talking about the retards thinking crunchy roll is the best and trying to get more people to pay for if, hence "shilling".

Crunchyroll is over 10 years old since they went legit right? A 1-cour anime usually costs around 2 to 3 million. I don't think 100m is a lot. They should be paying that in a year.

90% of that 16 billion is merch sales from shounenshit series and kid shows plus gundam.
CR is giving the small and medium companies good money, now fuck off.

Even if you were to only consider the remaining 10% crunchy roll is not even a 1% of that.

Also, please back up your retarded claims with proof, not with numbers from your ass.

They lumped certain pachinko machines into that bloated figure. As it stands anime has cult but not global lifetime appeal, as in its a phase most western kids go through and something they drop because they've outgdown it. A 4th wave would only come from the older market with jobs.

Technically it does support it. Just insignificantly. Importing BDs still do way more.

op, db and gundam merch sales alone are over 2 billion dollars, you do the math.
CR supports the low end companies struggling to get the scraps.

>those anglicised names
I need someone to suffer painfully for this.

It's fucking nothing though, anime industry generates 16 billion per year, physical distribution to overseas is 2.3 billion with the vas majority of it coming from China.

And that shit is reporting 10 million a year average? Pffft.

Based Crunchyroll.
How can Netflix shills even compete?

BD sales do more than enough compared to CR.

Cr supports Jackshit, you are still talking about 14 billion for the rest of the companies per year, and Cr giving 10 millions per year on average. It's not even a 0.1%, so they are giving those small companies the scraps of the scraps.

Again, please show the proof of those made up numbers.

At least Netflix isn't killing fansubbing.

It's fucking nothing though, anime industry generates 16 billion per year, physical distribution to overseas is 2.3 billion with the vas majority of it coming from China.

And that shit is reporting 10 million a year average? Pffft.

Are these numbers in $ or ¥?

I pay but I actually go when there's a series I want to watch on there because finding seeds is too much effort for me.

Well maybe if they gave a little more, Junji Ito could have had better animation.

I'm talking usd

actual crunchy rolls are shit. just eat raw fish

Google their sales faggot.
Average doesn't mean shit when they were so small at the beginning so it's closer to 20 million for the past 4 years.

Only because they are too incompetent to do simulcast.

So is 0.08% instead of 0.04% and they gave 0.02% for 5 fucking years.

Great fucking deal, truly funding struggling studios.

do people actually use CR here? i guess people did stay after the election

Helped irrevocably destroy the american anime and manga fandom all so they can make nickels and be the king of the heap.
Not realizing that the industry was self sustaining and they are getting smaller and smaller and smaller chunks of pie that is demonstrably shrinking more and more year after year.
Where the industry would get money and awareness from small streaming sites hosted by translators and fans, now we have a few sterile companies like crunchy and funni running the show. Both of which haven't the first idea of how to maintain or build the kind of fandom that will alow for growth and consumption of products.
Best part is that the shit tastic horrible subs have salted the earth and the offshore streaming sites and constant dmca notices have basically decimated what was left.

>daily netflix threads
>currently 2 CR shill threads up at once
How does Sup Forums do it?

>funding struggling studios
This is the case only if the studio is on the production committee.

Stop spamming your stupid blog. At least post link to the original japanese site with the report -
Also that anime industry report is regularly posted on Sup Forums since 2010. People talked about it million times and it was explained million times why it's a bad idea to use those numbers in context of late night anime. Yet there are always retarded newfags like you who discover it for the first time.

>do people actually use CR here?
Literally everyone. It's called HorribleSubs and available via torrents, but technically it's still CR.

They do not give a fuck.
Their business is selling anime to normies, not to the few anime geeks that can get shitty subs for free off line.
Simulacasting and releasing subs to keep subbers from popping up is their deal.

It's fucking nothing though, anime industry generates 16 billion per year, physical distribution to overseas is 2.3 billion with the vas majority of it coming from China.

And that shit is reporting 10 million a year average? Pffft.

end yourself

It's fucking nothing though, anime industry generates 16 billion per year, physical distribution to overseas is 2.3 billion with the vas majority of it coming from China.

And that shit is reporting 10 million a year average? Pffft.

>Sora Yori
>Yuru camp
What the fuck, i don't hate crunchyroll that much now.

Violet Evergarden got a simulcats tho, at least in south america

Nice discussion, such quality, much discuss.

>under 1% of revenue

How are they still getting licenses if that number's legit? Animu studios aren't *that* terrible at business.

>half of crunchyroll is women
w-where are these women hiding? n-not that i care

>anime industry generates 16 billion per year
>A 1-cour anime usually costs around 2 to 3 million.

If these are correct, why do anime look like total shit? Where is their fucking profit going if not back into the studio? Niggers can't even do basic research to not have things like eating with chopsticks in an european setting.

They are only on the production team for them so they are ensured the streaming rights the shows would have happend either way.

Does CR still censor shit? I can afford them, but I have no interest in paying for a subscription service that censors shit. I'd watch k*ssanime before I'd pay for that.

fuck off back to r edditr you stutter piece of shit

>Half of Crunchyroll user base now comprised of women

Picked up.

Studio is not the only one getting profit you know, distributors, merchandise manufacturers, sellers production committees and whatnot get the largest chunk.

2 to 3 million dollars isn’t much for a 1 cours show and anime normally operates under tight schedules. And about that last point of yours, the staff already said it was intentional to include elements like that.

>why do anime look like total shit
It's not?

>Where is their fucking profit going if not back into the studio
Who fucking cares? You're not an animator.

>Niggers can't even do basic research to not have things like eating with chopsticks in an european setting
That's Kyoanus though.

Because user posting about 16 billion is genuinely retarded.
16 billion is overall anime industry revenue and it's mostly allocated into shows for kids or broad (non-otaku) audience. Detective Conan, Yokai Watch, Dragonball, all the Gibli movies, etc. Otaku-targeted anime is a small fish compared to them.
But no amount of money will make late night anime look better. Studios will just produce MORE anime, not higher quality anime.

I've heard they're less than faithful with their translations if they find something "problematic." I have no idea how much truth there is to that, though.


So they're intentionally being retarded. Great. Sasuga kyoanus.

You probably heard about Funimation.

CR doesn't have consistent translator team, nor they have any policy or standards regarding translations. CR just hires the cheapest translators available, they leave due to low pay after few seasons, CR hires new ones. Some shows use honorifics, other shows in the same setting don't. Some translations have all jokes localized, others use tl notes and some just don't give a fuck a translate everything literally.

>caring about being "morally clear"

Every dollar spent on Crunchyroll and Netflix is another dollar spent turning anime into the twisted abomination that is modern American "entertainment".

Everything you said is true. CR is a detriment to the anime industry. They generate a miniscule ammount of money and only a small part of it is going to Japan.
If you want to support the industry import merchandise, you can actually controll which series to support and the money doesn't largely end up in the hands of a middle man.

I bet Crunchy makes like +$1B. 90% of your subscription is going to CEOs you fucking morons. There are plenty of Japanese artists you can donate to directly or metch you can buy that does way more shit than going through Crunchy-shit.

Don't they have 1 million subscribers?

At 7 dollars per sub that's 7 million a month, 84 million a year from just subs.

And over 10 years they gave 100 mil for royalties.


>and the money doesn't largely end up in the hands of a middle man.
So naive. Maybe if you buy keychains from the studio's site then majority of your money will go to it. But otherwise huge portion of those money (way above 50%) goes to retailers and manufacturers.
The only way to directly support anime is to ask studio to open a paypal/patreon account for donations. But no studio does that.

Don't studios get paid to make anime and then all the profit goes to "The Committee" which is the investors.

Studios don't get anything from you buying figures from the anime they made my dude.

Streaming is the future, my man

Would this be considered shameful in Japan or are they down with crowdfunding yet?

How many anime did CR license? If we divide 100 mil by licensed anime count we will get an average license cost. I heard it's around 100-200k per anime.

>$100 m is nothing
>$10 m a year is nothing

Are you a billionaire?

>we only pay enough in license fees to prop up maybe one small to medium sized studio
>half of our userbase is made up of the group that makes up half of humanity
Wow, they don't even have anything good to blatantly shill with.

AntiCRfags on suicide watch.

>"To the anime industry"
>People working IN the anime industry still lives in shitty conditions

>All the money from CR goes into buying licenses
>literally just working on feeding the big-shot companies that does not care about the living conditions of animators

Yeeah, come back when you can say that "CR has improved the working conditions for anime staff" or something.

Cr is just another american company that cares about their own well-being and making money. Just like Netflix.

>Comparing personal wealth to business that licenses thousands of shows

What the fuck are you doing.

they get 15 shows on average per season, 4 seasons per year, thats 60 shows per year, 600 in 10 years, l, thats 166k USD licence per show

And thats average they obviously pay less for less popular franchises

10m a year divided by 100 shows, form completely different studios/committees with multiple employees both direct and indirect

Its fucking nothing

You say that fansubbing is dying like it's a bad thing. Fansubbers are obsolete.

Fuck off Palmer Luckey. Nobody wants to invest in your shitty cryptocurrency to fund anime

>So naive. Maybe if you buy keychains from the studio's site then majority of your money will go to it.
Do you possess no reading comprehension? Where did I say that the money goes to the studios?
I talked about the anime industry and not the studios. I don't give a fuck about the studios.
All the important decisons are done by the committee.
CR money also goes to the committee and not to the studio. And it's naive to believe that the majortiy of the royalties doesn't end up on the big hits like DBS, OP, SnK and SAO.
When I buy figures, I can at least make sure that no money goes to the DBS or OP committtee.

And yet Crunchyroll doesn't specify which part of the industry it's going to.

Why don't the animators just make a union.

They did.

But then the ones who joined the union got blacklisted by animation studios, so they got now work, and then it all fell apart.

>When I buy figures, I can at least make sure that no money goes to the DBS or OP committtee.
This is the crux of it. CR will support shitty shows no matter what. You should only support good shows by buying licensed merch and/or BDs.

Do any studios/industry bodies actually have anything resembling a business plan for developing overseas markets, or are they all convinced the only way to sustain the industry is through merch sales and dramatically underpaying artists?

None of the money you spend importing expensive BDs or Crunchyroll goes to making animators lives better. All of it goes to the fucking suits or the production committee and it's literally always been like this. China is the much bigger market anyway

Japanese basically left it to American companies to determine the American market. At this point the plan is to just co-produce shit with companies in China because China is a massive untapped market and Japan's declining population means they need more cash from somewhere

>Global markets

Unless it's a car/electronics company they can't comprehend there being a world outside Japan.

It's not shameful, but it just doesn't work. Unlike westerners elevens don't blindly support every crowdfunding they see.
There were several crowdfunding campaigns. The most famous was LWA, it was a huge success, but it was only because of the west. Other anime were barely able to reach the goal or simply failed. In all cases they went for a very small sum which sometimes would not even cover cost of 1 episode. Usually the goal is between 50-150k $.

The one with zero reading comprehension is you. Since when are retailers and manufacturers part of anime industry and make any decisions?

Rub a dub dub and thanks for the grub. Now fuck off.

>confusing mereology with non-existence

>there are 6363 walmarts in world
>they net in $300 billion USD
>each store averages $47M a year
>each store has ~281 employee average
>each employees only net $167K a year
Literally NOTHING.

"Hey look at us, we're supporting the anime industry!!!"
>literally money just going from one greedy company to another
>None of the people who needs the money gets any of the benefits
CR is literally only after money, and they could not give less shits about the wellbeing of the people making the anime. It's sad to see american ignorance furthering the abuse of animation staff.

>women make up half of Crunchyroll's user base