As it's valentines day, I'd like to take a moment to share with Sup Forums a one-shot manga really worth reading on a day of romance, a heartwarming and cute story of revenge in the sweetest way possible of working hard to achieve your goals and get the girl.
This manga also happens to have the best confession of all time, but you won't realise it until later It's page 5, where she gives the MC a thorough list of everything possibly wrong with him. Take a look and you might realise there is no way she knows some of these details unless she's been paying a LOT of attention to a guy that's just some no-name club-skipping sub for the baseball team!
This is a thread to talk about how cute this manga is and generally other romance manga on a day that might otherwise be a bit lonely and sad for most Sup Forumsnons.
Levi Thomas
Where's the next post user pls
Luke Barnes
Alright, I was sorta hoping it'd take off but I might as well throw another out here too.
Love Roma is a classic I've seen being mentioned a bit more than usual around here, and deservedly! This manga starts right out the gate with a confession [not too dissimilar to Naze de Naito, thought more restrained] and the relationship spends 5 volumes growing as does the cast of side characters, all quite enjoyable, with an ending that in any other manga might feel weaker but here is pulled off perfectly, you saw the relationship go through and grow a whole lot and had your fill, not to mention the bonus pages of the characters thanking the reader themselves is absolutely adorable.
Kayden Thomas
wait fuck i thought you were posting the manga my b user
Ayden Johnson
Wanko Ni. Not too short, not too long, perfect length IMO. The premise is also pretty crazy/interesting too. RIP the author though.
Caleb Cooper
Since OP is a faggot, I shall commence the dump.
Oliver Watson
Matthew Phillips
Matthew Nguyen
Carson Jenkins
Jeremiah Garcia
Ayden Carter
This is probably my favorite one-shot.
Lucas Johnson
Jordan Foster
I must've read this shit like 20 times now and I still re-read it every dump. A perfect story of subtle foundation-laying, buildup with the MC making himself a better person, and an excellent payoff.
This page right here is pure genius.
Brody Foster
Levi Scott
Landon Jenkins
Andrew Green
This shit is bad for my diabetes fuck
Jaxson Smith
Hudson Davis
>buildup with the MC making himself a better person This is what I live for, especially when it's for revenge.
John Myers
Nathan Rivera
Too many times the author just makes the MC some passive pussy who has girls gravitate to him for no reason. This manga is such a middlefinger to that. Dude works his ass off.
Brayden Robinson
Easton Scott
This is the kind of shit manga and anime needs. It should show the flaws of the character and how they overcome and succeed. I'm sick of having wimpy protagonists that cry or bullshit their way to victory
Robert Green
Xavier Rogers
Anyway, the girl is fucking cute, perfect mix of flashy and girl next door type
Anthony Peterson
>She's watching him
So fucking good.
Tyler Lee
Henry Ramirez
Viewer discretion is advised.
Alexander Turner
By the end, he's /fit/ as fuck and he gets best girl. Truly the MC we need.
Jose Ross
David Brown
James Murphy
Wyatt King
Adrian Brooks
Truly The HEART
Kevin Morris
And congratulations, you have diabetes now. Take good care of it.
Charles Martin
What a whore, and what a beta cuck. I fucking hate valentine's day, and fuck you all.
Jordan Perry
Ordering insulin as we speak. Thanks user.
Cameron Bailey
This is fucking hot, her neck and positiion is just perfect
Aiden Jones
I read this so long ago i can't believe people haven't read it already
Austin White
i love you too user
Ian Young
I'm still sad this never got made into a full manga.
Carter Butler
>you purposely avoid getting in relationships so you can enjoy diabetes indulging vanilla romance how many years can i take this charade, lads?
Jordan Scott
Might as well appreciate it. Who knows? Maybe this was for the best. Avoiding months, hell years of waifufagging, Author possibly chimping out, NTR bait, etc. etc.
It's like a well-crafted vanilla, non-H doujin, along the lines of Schizanthus.
Bentley Turner
It would probably turn into a never-ending shitty harem romcom with garbage MC. This oneshot is perfect because it's short, sweet and satisfying.
Ian Allen
>10 volumes of misunderstandings until the same ending happens
Nicholas White
That is how you do it.
Matthew Campbell
I'm dying over here, lads. Someone call an ambulance.
Jaxson Rivera
>ambulance That reminds me of another champion of Sup Forums.
Noah Bell
i remember that thread
Jaxson Lewis
Dump it then.
Andrew Watson
I would, but I have a static IP and like hell I'm gonna phonepost 50 pages of porn at 2AM.
Elijah Bailey
>MC goes back to being a beta bitch >3 new girls are added over the next 30 chapters, each lusting for the MC
David Thomas
Well the writer is the infamous sentient logo, so it probably would've been something different. When Nisio takes it seriously, anyway, his stories are always at least interesting in their concept. I really don't know what you would do to make it a worthwhile on going. Its punchiness is what's really great here. You could have a story about what happens afterwards, but it'd have to be almost entirely be new stuff rather than just a logical progression to make it an actual story. Perhaps he could do something like Wakabayashi or Dr. P and have a rotating cast of couples going through stuff like this.
Julian Hughes
>Wakabayashi Pls no. I want idyllic romance, not a slap in the face.
Camden Morgan
Fucking Nisekoi >OS presents a pure Romcom hijinkis ensures and very original >Ch1 of the serialization FUCKING ONODERA I will never stop of being mad.
Gabriel Carter
>fucking breaks her neck Badass
Luke Morales
This thread is alive? holy fuck I gave up on it when I thought "shit i should've just dumped the manga, it'd be too embarrassing to go back and change it now"
i'm kind of an insecure retard as it happens so, thanks for dumping and keeping this going and sharing a great manga with new people, dumpanon
Daniel Sanchez
Whoa, this guy sure had that girls attention for a while
Grayson Ross
happy valentines day you fuck
Oliver Rivera
Mercy user, have you seen Nisio's actual serialisations? Let's just be content that this one-shot chapter of his was executed well
Isaiah Mitchell
Just like I said in the OP, that page is the best confession of all time. She'd definitely had her eye on him
Anthony Reyes
this the greatest romance manhwa of all time and if you haven't read it yet you are doing yourself a disservice
Wyatt Myers
Anything by Kouji Miyata is amazing. The man had a dedication to Vanilla that surpassed his peers and his anthology was great as well. I really do hate the fact that we'll never get a new work by him.
Julian Lee
>the weak should fear the strong
Brayden Walker
explain further please
Brandon Howard
I felt some rage in this. But Que Sera Sera gave me a fuck ton.
Aaron Davis
Not a manga but I am glad I picked this up. I don't remember seeing threads for it at all last year and it was so sweet and satisfying even if it was just one really long LINE commercial.
Jack Brown
Why does she have the world's tiniest hands?
Jordan Kelly
The way she's clenching her skirt because she's freaking out on the inside is fucking great.
Leo Reed
This was really good
Bentley Barnes
>yandere kanojo god this was so fucking good but when i read it somehow the chapters of the two versions got all jumbled up as it went on and i got an ending about a bunch of shit that'd been foreshadowed in the OTHER publication about the MC's familly and it made no sense to me, really ruined the experience for me. some day I'll go back and try and find a version with everything correct and try again.
Evan Gonzalez
Strangely enough, I don't remember how I read it. I think I read the official part, then the side part chapter by chapter. I bought the japanese manga and they're all in one place which helped.
Adrian Howard
RIP im Peace
Josiah Hernandez
>blond girl is faceless in the background there Fug, I've read this a couple times and never noticed.
Angel Hill
>I don't remember seeing threads for it at all last year
You missed out. It was actually pretty funny, since there was a steady progression of the threads. >first two threads >Everyone shitting on it for being a LINE commercial "HELLO FELLOW KIDS. HOW ABOUT THAT LINE?"
>Next few episodes "Uh guys this is actually really good."
>Next few "I can't watch this without crying/pausing every minute"
>Last few episodes >Hugs and feels all around "Greatest romance anime ever."
Jaxson Collins
> I don't remember seeing threads for it at all last year People were calling it the best romance of all time for months. I finally got around to it last week and thought it was okay.
Logan Scott
This completely, but the funposting came in several flavors. >MC-kun quoting Dazai is foreshadowing a double suicide in the last episode! >Based Kotoro is going to beat the shit out of Chad. Look at him shadowboxing his light cord like "Akanecchi said knock you the fuck out!" >This fucking homewrecking tomboy whore get out of my comfy romance REEEEEEE >*Cute autist noises* >Just kiss her you fucking faggot, Christ, Japanese kids are such beta cu-wait, oh shit he actually did it the absolute madman
Adrian Bailey
Nice memory. Those are the juicy details.
Kevin Lewis
>that blush
Jack Bennett
It's not like there aren't other manga with a similar premise.
Blake Bailey
Damn never knew it was a line commercial
Chase Morgan
What manga is this from?
Luis White
This page was great in OPT threads
Blake Johnson
I must admit after reading the whole oneshot back then, that my first impression was that she never let her friend read the love letter and it was all her ploy to turn her crush from a beta bitch to someone decent.
Oliver Garcia
That'd be some 4D chess. How would she know he'd fall in love with her?
Landon Cox
>stupid simple 4 koma >suddenly takes a serious turn i dont know why it was so good, it didn't even feel that forced at all
Cameron Richardson
You can pinpoint the exact moment the flame of revenge was lit
Ayden Fisher
I missed this, and you know as well as I do that reverse image search is garbage for crops. Name?
Benjamin Fisher
>You don't have enough love for cleaning This is so specific
Robert Young
There's always sundome.
Luis Miller
Oh he did get a haircut
Aiden Peterson
Sundome is nothing like this, what.
Andrew Gray
Xavier Brooks
Hudson Long
Guy trains from bitch to brawn because of a girl. There's ups and downs, hnngs and oh noes. How is it not what you would want from a serialization of something like this? Romance not one shots are about making your heart feel. Don't tell me you wanted 'I'm sorry, what? My ears stopped working' and nonsensical relationship reset bullshit.
Ethan Parker
> How is it not what you would want from a serialization of something like this? This is a cute story about a guy confessing to a girl who thought he loved her friend. Sundome is a fucking femdom tragedy. I like them both, but they are worlds apart.
Luke Hernandez
Also recommend this. It's really great, but be prepared to cry bitch tears.
Luke Myers
Not OP, btw. And here's one I use for healing purposes. It's just so sweet.