I can't believe that Hidamari Sketch broke new ground twice by introducing a character that was even more cute and...

I can't believe that Hidamari Sketch broke new ground twice by introducing a character that was even more cute and comfy than Yuno. Will anything ever surpass this?

Ah, a man of taste. So rare to see Nazuna appreciation, not sure why.

*sways at you*


>not sure why

She was boring.

Nazuna is garbage, Yuno is the perfect life-form. Get that shit outta here.

Nazuna is the only Hidamari I would rape.

I just want to be raped by Miyako.

>Yuno is the perfect life-form
Explain this then.

I see only support for my thesis

>Perfect wide being extra nice to inferior wide
What's there to explain?

It's really nice of Nazuna to let Yuno hold her hand.

me on the right

I want Yuno to grab my hand with her noodly appendage.

The landlady seems like she would be so much fun to date

Her voice, I don't like it.

I can't believe how badly I want to fuck Yuno.

she only dates high school girls

i don't like you

cute but too squeeky

That's what's so cute about it though. It sounds not unlike a kitten.

Would she squeak when you pounded her pussy?

Yuno the tiniest.

And most fuckable



>that was even more cute and comfy than Yuno


Nazuna is cute, but too shy and submissive for my taste.
Miyako is still unsurpassed.

Well yeah, but really they're all quite great chars in their own rights.

One of my absolute fav eps was the Nazuna Rice/Midnight Norisuke one; we only rarely got a focus on the newer tenants in Honeycomb.

Someday season 5 will happen, it's got to. Matsuri must make it to screen.



Chiaki Omigawa is OLEV.

She's so sweet.




is there porn for this character?


Hoshimitsu is the weakest Hidamari season because it introduces worst girl and discount Yuno. It's still really good but I didn't come to accept them until honeycomb

