ITT: Perfect bodies

God I wish this were me



Don't lie, user, you just want the dicks.

T-that's not true. I just want peak performance!

It's okay to be a turboslut user, you have to be true to yourself and admit it.

Same tbqh

I want the v's though

divine body fubuki

Somebody post the garou collage please. I need a fap

I would have no problem being a turboslut.

how come asians think European features are the epitome of beauty?

Because they are.
t. Punjabi

If you just saved it user you could fap anytime.

But Sup Forums told me being gay is immoral.


If you're a girl and fuck men that's not gay.

She looks 100% Japanese, though.

i thought it was a good thread but faggots ruined it already

I need the most updated version

i thought it was a shit thread but faggots saved it already

>If you're a girl


typical 15 years old female

Just wear a skirt and feel pretty

I wish her butt was my pillow


Literal perfection, intense jealousy, etc



Might be NSFW, really sexy.

hey thats me
only i am balding.





She pretty much have the most beautiful body in manga world

I'm flattered. Thank you.

Shut up, me

>Most Fubuki doujins are some sort of rape









Hotaru is the perfect anime character design.

Everything about her, from looks to personality is perfect, except from the glasses. It completely ruins her for me. It's one of my biggest turn-offs.

no, it's just a meme girl

Real women have curved hornes


Except from the manga and season 2. What a disgrace.


Its kind of funny how Japs think all European descent have blonde hair and big breasts.


Very wrong.



ebino best girl.

S2 has two strikes, less detailed eyes and darker hair

Manga = S1 > S2 but it's close


Youre a fag! The glasses intensifies her beauty. Get out of here with your shit tastes.


Would you do anal if that was you? Asking for a friend, faggot.




>IPhone filename

Surprised it took this long.

>She looks 100% Japanese
Not really.

DP'd and spitroasted every single day..

Are wake-up blowjobs part of the deal too?



I miss loen and the threads.


I'd want to be your slave so anything's part of the deal.

That's quite lewd, user. Are you sure? You'd be having to tend to my every need whenever I need you without breaks and all.

God I wish this were me

i know she's hot, but isn't this a blue board?

>how come asians think European features are the epitome of beauty

Yes user. Don't even think about what I want. Just use me however you please and treat me like your property.




>1 (ONE) doujin of her

I never had as much interest in a girls leg to body ratio until I started reading Komi-san


Wait why the fuck is she walking like she's in heels when she's wearing her indoor shoes?

>tfw no Garou bf

to do less noise?


why is Sup Forums so gay?


Murata should just release his own Fubiki porn

He should put out another artbook at least. There's loads of stuff we only catch glimpses of.

That's a big clit you got there young lady.

What do you think a in g/a/y stands for?

no bully