Spoilers Out Chapter 895: Pirate Luffy VS Commander Katakuri.
Katakuri comments that Luffy looks a little different in his Snakeman form, and yeah he's a bit slimmer than normal Gear 4 And Luffy's like "Yeah, I'm much faster than before!" Katakuri who can't figure out how Luffy's able to hit him despite his dodging. It's because Luffy's using his new ability to bend his arms like a snake at different angles. This is called "Python".
Katakuri tries to move, but Luffy is able to even speed up his stretching. And he hits Katakuri with a "Jet Culverin". Katakuri turns his arm into a spiked mace and hits Luffy hard --this is "Zangiri Mochi" or "Cutting short mochi" Though the kanji is kinda like "slicing mochi".
They're trading blows for a while, and Luffy hits Katakuri with "Black Mamba. It's basically a high speed gatling.
"I'll make this easy and end it, straw hat!"
"No thanks!! Gum-gum..."
At this point they're both breathing hard, Clearly out of it. both of their attacks hit hard "Zangiri Mochi" and "King Cobra". There's a huge explosion, but the victor isn't clear
Will my main man Katakuri become best friends with Luffy now? We all know he's not losing this one.
Adam Cox
So when does Luffy get to see the future?
David Reyes
IDK but i saw your future op, get out of the room and change. A bad end is coming for you.
Joshua Hughes
>Doesn't know how IPs work Wew
Charles Collins
>A full chapter of Luffy and Katakuri in San Valentine week What did Oda mean by this?
Brayden Peterson
He already did. He even had a future conversation with Katakuri in the last chapter. Strange how the people who want Luffy to lose believe Flampe's fatal blows bit, but think Katakuri is wrong when assessing Luffy's FS capability.
Jason Morales
I don't think he will. At least to Katakuri's extent. Imagine Luffy seeing the future all the time, anything would stop being funny or interesting. The whole feeling and intent are what makes his CoO.
Benjamin Fisher
never. if ever, end game >future conversation Shouldn't you be making chapter analysis posts
Adrian Harris
The amount of threads Is getting disgusting, why are there so many BTFO people today?
Michael Baker
I think he meant this.
Katakuri says "I've already answered you" He might have meant that he knows Luffy already saw his response with future sight
Zachary Howard
This face is literally why I stopped reading One Piece years ago.
Jose Peterson
>two weeks until Nami is destroyed How will you cope?
Robert Lee
>years ago You fellin ok? >how will you cope? >unzips dick
Robert Garcia
Luffy will lose.
Levi Gutierrez
That's... odd.
Leo Watson
It's gonna end in a draw calling it
Joseph Hughes
I don't know user, I don't know
Samuel Diaz
Oda, where's Luffy's queen Vivi?
Christian Taylor
>wake up on Thursday >check niggastream >no chapter Oda where my nigga chapter at?
Jonathan Rogers
On way to the Reverie, where she'll tell the whole world how great Luffy is.
Julian Phillips
>niggerstream >not based JBox Heh, check again
Jacob Wilson
How will Vivi react if she sees the Usopp figurehead on the Tontotta ship?
Thomas Evans
I'm honestly wondering if Oda has the balls to portray Smoothie as a lesbo or not, seeing as how he's done like 30+ gay men throughout the series.
Gavin Myers
this user gets it
Blake Rivera
>Thinks Oda will pander to tumblr tier shitters Dykes are for ball-less faggots anyway
Adam Baker
No pics
Henry Long
oh my
Elijah Lopez
Can the fight be even more erotic than already is?
Zachary Wright
Adam Nelson
Choose your fighter
Caleb Rogers
He really loves donuts
Justin Hughes
this fight is ridiculous and I love it
Elijah Lewis
>Hear "snakeman" >Katakuri transforms into a doughnut W-what did he mean by this?
Dylan Sanchez
Best boy indeed
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Is he a passive?
Jason Johnson
Well, the next two weeks are going to be extra-stuffed with gay-posting.
Anthony Gutierrez
Camden Long
Thomas White
Katakuri for next nakama confirmed, Luffy found where to rest his snake
Noah Gomez
This is gay.
Kevin Peterson
I swear to God, Oda better not make Luffy punch throught that. I don't think I'll be able to handle it
Christian Sullivan
I hope they make the donut and the fluids white in the anime
Jacob Rodriguez
Logan Ward
snake = penis donut = pussy
William Bailey
How can it be that, as soon as someone gets their hands on the chapter, they make tiny little "spoiler" pictures? What is the reason in the age of hd-cams in every shitty phone?
Atleast take pictures of one whole fucking page dammit.
Brandon Jackson
>Fight like this in San Valentine's week And I thought Oda was giving us SaNa or SaPu this week. LuKa has no rival
Luis Harris
Lincoln Jones
Literally clay fighter
Lucas Gray
Well what else is he supposed to do?
Josiah Jenkins
It's a Gook thing, you wouldn't understand
Nicholas Carter
Trips of truth
Isaiah Moore
Goddamit user
Nathaniel Gomez
Brody Ramirez
Gotta dough fast.
Colton Reyes
these forms seem kinda meh.
Hudson Robinson
the donut that will roll through heavens
Ryder Lewis
edgefags get btfo even furtehr
Adam Jones
Snakeman reminds me to Fujin.
Oliver Smith
>luffy gets the edgepandering transformation >katakuri gets the goofpandering transformation Well I certainly didn't expect that. Sasuga Oda, the master.
Joseph Hall
When the fight started. >Luffyfags about beaten the fuck out! >Katafags are delusional, Luffy will get Monkey God Awakening and win! >Oda is a hack! For the past three weeks. >KaLu is endgame! >Katakuri should join Luffy's fleet! >Fucking Luffy asspulling another form! >Oda is a hack!
What happened?
Ethan Garcia
Carson Howard
So is he the bottom in this relationship?
Levi Young
Don't start
Ryder Howard
Yonko says that King Cobra is a Gum Gum Rocket with Luffy becoming a twisting human missile.
Nolan Collins
Gear 4th is based on Deva Statues, those angry bald statues on temples, Luffy even poses like them.
Daniel Russell
Kata sticking up for Luffy against his shitty little sister combined with the VA announcement at the same general time changed some opinions
Jace Gray
>KaLu get out
Justin Green
Gets big when eats a lot. Gets small when digests a lot. Sasuga Gear 4th
James Moore
wtf I love Oda now
Bentley Foster
so this ends with gum gum rocket vs cum cum donut?
Brody Young
Are there rice flour donuts?
Levi King
Of course, we've known that for a while. Master/apprentice relationship + role reversal in the sheets. Truly Katalu is elder fujo goddess tier as far as ships go.
Samuel Hughes
>Gear 4 reminds me of Japanese gods. Now you get it
Austin Wood
People not understanding how Shounen work is what happened.
is oda trying to pander to the fujos now that boku no pico academia is dying?
Andrew White
It should be feasible. I'd make some. Hopefully some cookfag is getting on it so I can still their recipe.
Hudson Lopez
nothing, Oda is still being a hack as always
Mason Collins
I would honestly love something along those lines to be an additional powerup for Gear 4 in the future. It would be a really interesting way of tying in Sanji's cooking skills directly with Luffy's ambitions, particularly following this arc and all the focus their relationship has had.
I bet the Japs would like it as well, given numerous examples of food being tied to fighting ability and buffs, eg. Monster Hunter.
Mason Torres
where was this move all this time oda? Oda a hack
Owen Davis
I said no hackposters.
Nolan Gutierrez
>those trips H-He has it too?!? The King's Haki??
Landon Gonzalez
Sabo this is Hack
Owen Perry
Saying that Oda is a hack is how the lowly plebs cope with their series not being a good as OP Just let them have it
Dylan Cox
oda is a hack though this fight has proven that
Joseph Powell
Brandon Bailey
sorry HXH doesn't have shitty super Saiyan form asspulls.
Jordan Hughes
Honestly shaping up to be the worst chapter in One Piece history. Fights and sudden new forms are complete cancer.
Parker Moore
Now this is what I call bait
Cameron Thompson
It's time to make the donuts!
Samuel Jackson
Brody Walker
Because in HxH they're still traveling to Namek in a fucking boat.
Julian Jenkins
If Katakuri gets up next chapter and carries Luffy outside the mirror world to hand him over to Sanji I‘ll forgive Oda for all the bullshit he pulled so far in this fight.
Bonus points if Katakuri collapses on his back in front of his family members after it‘s done.
Jordan Sanders
wew. I like HxH, but, user...
Jacob Barnes
Jaxon Hernandez
ODA is a fucking hack
Gavin Morales
>character turns into a donut >WAAAA ASSPULL If that is all you have in mind when confronted with a character who turns into a donut (which by the way is coherent with what we've seen of his powers so far), then you have serious problems user. And I don't think you can be saved.