>they didn't even get a Valentine's Day tweet
Baldfat confirmed for kill.
Movie never.
All we'll get is a 20 minute OVA about JJ's tramp stamp.
Yuri on Ice
OP here, sorry for being a gay.
Just post it on /y/ not here
Caring about platonic clubmates and their friendship rings isn't gay.
>movie never
More like 2019.
I just think SayoKubo are stupid for not striking the iron while it's hot, if we ever get a s2 most of the fandom will have already moved onto the next new shiny thing. Personally I got kind of bored too.
What did MAPPA mean by that? twitter.com
>not striking the iron while it's hot
They are though, movies take years to make. Hopefully they're using the time to make the skate animations actually not look full of QUALITY. The only well animated skate was Victor's in ep 1, while the pair skate and OVA were passable.
Who is Hugo?
Hugo is the love rival in S2.
NTR shit
Not all fujo are fickle like you user. The last series I liked I was loyal to for over 4 years. I care about Eva too and that shit is taking more than half a decade. Waiting for 2019 wouldn’t be hard.
It says it's from a fan. Also the letter is for "Katsuki Yuuri sama"
Saga prefecture posted a pic with the cardboard cutouts of Victor And Yuuri at the kiss & cry, with decorations and a happy valentine sign. Sorry I can't search the tweet now.
>"Yuuri, what do you feel when you look at me? Be more drawn into me, and feel only me."
>"Ah, I'm so lonely. I thought I was more necessary to Yuuri than this."
Did Bald turn evil when rejected by the Pig?
He sure doesn't hide his faggotry.
Piggy's lines are cute too
>"Since long ago, I've always admired Victor."
>"Victooor, my dancing... it's better than katsudon, yes?"
I can't wait for tomorrow, nips will post the best screens from the game.
Kek will they really go homo in a yumejoshi game?
No of course, but remember how flirty Victor was in the bahamut game?
He was a slut with everyone. This Bald seems much more Pig focused.
It's not the animation holding everything up. They hadn't expected it to be popular so there we no plans for anything beyond the series. Production's scheduled in advance and Mappa had other projects already in the pipeline.
>Ah, I'm so lonely. I thought I was more necessary to Yuuri than this.
This sounds like pig is going full hitler again.
Also jfc give those faggots a game already.
It's going to be like Osomatsu. 90% drop in sales.
As long as he cries pearly maiden tears, Bald bullying is permitted. I feel bad but there's no more beautiful sight in the world.
But that means no violent yandere Pig. I need to see him hit people when Bald pays attention to them like in Bahamut.
>give those faggots a game already.
No please, I don't want to become addicted to another stupid mobage
>every Baldfat gacha is a super rare
Will they be voiced by their VAs like in Bahamut?
I'm sure everyone will have an art with the girl so it will not be so gay
Everyone will have an art with one of the Triplets.
Of course, I hope someone posts youtube after the event ends.
The fuck am I looking at?
>Yuuri’s art with a girl is him looking repulsed staring at her chest
This is acceptable, somehow
Even better.
At least give us a poster after the Olympics
Didn't Hiramatsu say he was working on new official art on his blog?
I think so
>He's suddenly in another world and doesn't know what's up but when you (female self insert character) offer help he's just like "no thanks I'm fine"
>But he can't resist your offer for food though because he hasn't eaten anything since he got here and is hungry
what a fat faggot
Kek Gay Pigtler strikes again
>You and Yuuri are together at the food place waiting for food to arrive. Awkward silence and small talk ensues.
>Yuuri is talking to himself and getting anxious. You're getting worried when suddenly Yuuri sees a photo of Viktor lol
>Yuuri jumps up and takes the photo down from the wall? It shows Viktor with his arm around the restaurant owner. "Why is Viktor getting along so well with someone he just met? The photo is even signed... How nice I want one, too." [An autograph?/The photo?
>[I chose the photo option for moon awakening route]
You: "You want the photo?"
Yuuri: "A photo with Viktor in this world is a super rare photo no one else has!"
I’m glad yandere Pig is back
Stop acting like a fan, you can have more than this, Yuuri!
I swear they are such retarded memes when the writing is not by Kubo and Sayo.
"Yuuri really loves Victor, huh?"
"Ah, no...'love'...well, I guess that's right"
>used is "Suki" which is like/love, but context made me use "love
Yuuri: "Victor~ Between katsudon me and human me, which is more delicious?"
Victor: "Definitely human Yuuri"
This better not end in NTR
The heroine already accepted she'll never get their dicks
>Japanese Yume100 players noting that Victor isn't paying attention to the princess (player) with his seducing lines, but only to Yuuri instead
Is this a event or did they have to spend money to play the baldfat route?
An event I think.
The heroine probably wants to watch.
Is this show actually good or is it just popular just because it's yaoi pandering?
I want Victor to fuck that katsudon
It's become popular for the latter, but it's genuinely good.
Bald really does eat ass
>All we'll get is a 20 minute OVA about JJ's tramp stamp.
You just memeing?
I'm kinda out of the loop with YOI
When does the event finish? I've just downloaded the game
anons like to be salty about JJ, because they can't handle any character taking attention of their precious baldfat for 2 seconds. there's no ova, just like there will never be a s2
>anons like to be salty about JJ, because they can't handle any character taking attention of their precious baldfat for 2 seconds. there's no ova, just like there will never be a s2
.t butthurt fairyfag
Toshi is cute ;_;
>Victor: If I were to eat Katsudon Yuuri, he would be inside my body.....
>Victor: Yuuri inside my body would become my blood and flesh, and also would bring forth a brand new expression
> If I were to eat Katsudon Yuuri, he would be inside my body.....
What kind of fetishes will this collab give me now?
>starting this shit again
I was too embarrassed to watch the Olympic performances. Did the announcers talk about anime or give any context for the song choices?
yeah johnny talked about yoi he even mentioned piggy
>pair skate and OVA were passable
Madness is several orders of magnitude better animated than the pair skate.
I know basically nothing about this show but am always amused
>yuri on ice
>it's yaoi
jesus yuuri, calm down
I never thought I'd miss this.
>Yuuri (katsudon): I feel like I’m connected with you Victor, both body and soul!
>Yuuri (katsudon): Ah! I know! Why don’t you eat me? Let me be part of you Victor
>RT Rumor has it yume100 sun story is completely Victuuri and has Victuuri kiss I can’t wait
Fairy looks a bit odd in this collab, but I just can't say no to a new hairstyle and an outfit that highlights his shoulder blades.
Are we fucking serious here?
never believe the Nips rumor
either that or biting
It's not odd at all, I like that they opted for something more original than usual fantasy idol/prince outfit. This style suits him.
His girly squealing is cute
I wish.
If there's a second kiss in some mobage collab when there wasn't one in the show, I'm going on a murder rampage. Starting at Avex headquarters.
>piggy's fanboying voice
I... I don't know how to feel about this.
So is this cannibalism or
>Rumor has it the moon story is Victuuri too so we’re gonna get Victuuri anyways lol I guess it’s a different type of story (but still Victuuri
>Also I need to know whether the Victuuri kiss in the sun story is actually a kiss or a bite or both (bc bitemark rumors (haven’t played yet
Sorry, with "odd" I wasn't referring to the outfit (I quite like it, as you said, it's unique), but to Fairy himself. I guess he looks a bit older and more "ikemen" than normal. It isn't bad, just unusual for him.
Another nip who clearly said it's Victor who kissed Yuuri
>Softly, as Victor left a kiss on the bowl, he bit the pork cutlet bowl
I don't know if the translation is correct
>Player (narration): Victor pressed a kiss to the [pork cutlet] bowl [yuuri] and began biting in.
>Player (narration): when I realized, there’s human Yuuri with Victor biting up his tummy...
Well, Victor did all of that to Yuuri in katsudon form, but it's still very gay and I didn't expect it from this game.
that's why Yuuri does not have so many friends
Victor does love Piggy's soft belly.
Too bad we didn't get to see much of his fanboyism in the show.
>On Yuuri saying “carinovorous肉食”- yknow there’s a phrase to describe “new young men who don’t pursue or interested in sex” it’s called “herbivore men 草食男子”, carnivore in this context means the opposite (the phrase been used since mid-2000s)
>Victor: I see... I should’ve eaten Yuuri that moment ago then
Victor: if I had eaten Yuuri in katsudon dorm-
>Victor: Yuuri’d be part of me, blood and flesh, and have created new performances/expressions
>Yuuri: You carnivorous Eros!!
>On Yuuri saying “carinovorous肉食”- yknow there’s a phrase to describe “new young men who don’t pursue or interested in sex” it’s called “herbivore men 草食男子”, carnivore in this context means the opposite (the phrase been used since mid-2000s)
Yes, he does look more mature. Expression, toned shoulders and arms... anyway no news on him showing up the the story?
How many stories are there?