Original Macross story was all about celebrating how media...

>original Macross story was all about celebrating how media, culture and love can free and enrich people with oppressive lifestyles and ideologies
>everything from 7 to Delta is about using music (and only music) as biological weaponry to simply hypnotize aliens thanks to midichlorian-tier plot devices.

probably one of the worst examples of a franchise losing sight of what made it good.

What's wrong user don't like singing to space whales or getting your love proposal ignored with everyone in the galaxy to see via hivemind?

True, but the original story was unique for that reason. If they remade SDF every time, that premise would get old fast. Since then, Macross has taken a more fantastical edge. But you can't just do Yack Deculture for every Macross.

>Miragefag still salty

delta gave us the best macross girl in the history of the ip, so who really cares?

Her story needed to be more fleshed out, nothing ended up coming of the lifespan thing.

Hoina is still best girl though

Delta is the only shit Macross

Delta is better than SDF

TV Macross goes

7 > Frontier > Delta > SDF

Every Walkure girl was 10/10.

They really need another season without the terrible windmeme fujo pandering shit.

First half of Delta is great.

They needed to cut out anything extraneous and focus on the romance and the idol concert battle scenes.

Remove Mirage entirely, or shift her into a Messer role as a secondary mentor character. Give Roido some actual development so he isn't just evil all of a sudden. Give a resolution to Hayate going Var, give a resolution to Freya's insecurities about her lifespan, give a resolution to Kaname's sexual tension. Hayate was such a spicy, interesting character in the first half too, but past episode 16 he just gets blander and blander, probably so they can tease the triangle, so he can't be too outwardly affectionate - but come on, everyone knew Freyja won already, so just expand on that romance.

SDF was only good if you enjoy so bad it's good ironic trainwrecks. Was it the first example of such in anime history?


7 is not good

That hair heart is dumb as fuck though.

run ga pikka pikka you fucking perv

They all have their flaws, SDF was novel for its time but had one-dimensional characters, 7 had great characters and a great premise but got terribly repetitive and dull after a while, would've worked better as a two-cour show. Delta's first 13-16 episodes, I'd argue, amount to some of the best work in the series, but after flying high the series rapidly takes a nosedive around that point. Frontier is probably the best balanced and most well-rounded series, but at points feels almost sanitized with how efficient it is. Still, the climax is probably the best ending of any Macross.

I'd put 7 as my favorite simply because of how memorable it is, but objectively it's probably

Frontier > 7 > Delta > SDF

Delta's first half is still better than almost anything from the other series, though.

>Delta better than SDF
>Delta better than anything

Neither Emilia or Sharon Apple are in Delta user, what are you ralking about?

I love Freyja. Cutest design.

she's too perfect

Even if SDF had a more tightly written plot, that wrapped up and paced itself better, the characters in Delta were just far more endearing. Even if the conflict is interesting, if we don't care about the characters, what's the point?
SDF is overrated and just clung on by nostalgiafags nowadays. It's still deeply meaningful to me, I love the show, but that's the simple truth. It simply didn't age as gracefully as, say, MSG.

Delta has some real high points, among the best in Macross, especially in the first half. I'm torn because it's definitely a bad show, but it's not consistently bad. It's got high highs and low lows and I certainly don't regret watching it. When it works, it really works.

I watched SDF for the first time a couple of months before Delta aired in preparation and it was superior in nearly every aspect.
The only two real characters in Delta are Hayate and Freyja and their relationship is boring because there is never any tension. It's like something out of a SOL, just a cute boy and a cute girl doing cute shit.

>break Macross traditions
>worst girl wins
>show bombs back to the Stone Age
Really makes you think

I'm just waiting for 3rd Walkure LIVE because I feel they will reveal details about the next Macross TV there. I hope it will be normal TV series and it won't be Delta sequel. Freyja can get a cameo role, but all other characters should be completely new. Only ONE idol. Please give pilots experimental YF valkyries, not mass produced uninspired shit. Zentradi/Protodeviln style enemies who attack our galaxy simply due to their nature. Please no political bullshit.
Alternatively just go for Girls und Valkures (and their pilots) just like Kawmori wanted right from the beginning.

Also new songs:
Walkure do not betray - godlike
Change!!!! - decent (why the hell does it have the same name as IM@S 2nd OP?)
Dancing in the Moonlight - utter shit. user who watched the movie and hyped it in these threads has no taste whatsoever.

This guy gets it.

As much as I give SDF shit for its characters being mostly flat, it at least had Minmay, Britai and Exedore. Delta didn't even have that. Just a bunch of one note moeblobs and fujobait

A show's entertainment value is not tied to enjoyment of its characters unless the conflict is specifically tied to those characters. I wouldn't say that was the case for either show, so SDF is better by sheer virtue of being a complete story. Not to mention that its animation looks really gorgeous at certain points, those battle scenes were pretty engaging for that alone, not to mention the thought that was put into utilizing the different abilities of the SDF-1. There is no such thought put into Delta

The only point I can give Delta is that I liked its music more

t. butthurt miragecuck

You know, it couldn't be more clear you have a tiny brain.

Fuck off with this cocksucking shit

>Freyja can get a cameo role
Freyja will be dead by then.

you must be an imbecile

Kawamori is a senile fuck now so nothing to be done user, just forget about the whole thing.

>next Macross TV
I wouldn't get your hopes up about that happening anytime soon. I new stuff we get this year for the anniversary will probably just be a concert or something.

>Freyja Wion
really makes you think

Good riddance

That's some severe case of butthurt.

They already said during the 2nd LIVE we will have another TV series in 2018. I don't see a reason why would they change their mind. They might just postpone it till 2019 since Kawamori and Satelight will be busy with Pandora during spring-summer seasons.

oh look who it is, the guy who hasn't watched SDF Macross.

move over old man

That’s not Sivil

SDF has the best music though. It doesn't get any better than 0-G love.

Windemere was so unmemorable that I actually forget they were the antagonists. Try saying that about the Zentradi-- it's impossible. This is the core problem with Delta.

I can't think of a single girl in Macross that isn't absolute garbage aside from flower girl

>lifespan of 30 years in a career for only girls in their teens and 20s

and Gamlin

who is your loserfu?

Delta really needs another season. That second cour resolved shit. Even the war isn't really over.


>show bombs back to the Stone Age

Anime sold 10k per volume and music sold as good as im@s and LL music. Walkure are still crazy popular even today.

Only people who really hated Delta were hardcroe /m/ fags.

Ranka got BTFO even harder than Mirage, and that was what made Frontier so entertaining. Seeing Alto brazenly ignore her at every possible opportunity was the funniest shit and the show wouldn't be half as good without that

>the main difference between Sup Forums and /m/

Not continuing Delta would be a fucking betrayal. 2/3 of plot lines were not resolved for fuck's sake. All those great characters who did nothing. If Delta isn't getting a true finale I'm done with Kawamori.

It's not even an open ending. It's just unfinished like AKB0048 was.

>Even the war isn't really over
It is. Windermere lost their only competent pilot, their best toys and the people who made them work and their shota king has space aids. Should NUNS decide to continue the war they would have no way to resist.

Nips have shit taste, news at 11
And for that matter, the Draken III is probably the coolest Valkyrie in the entire franchise. A travesty that it had to be in Delta of all shows

who look who it is: the guy who makes false accusations in an attempt to validate his own opinions.

There's plenty of tension, really. There's just no contrived tension. It's not a love triangle with oodles of drama drawn out by misunderstandings or confusion. A romance isn't about love or drama, it's about internal conflict and two people changing one another. The lead duo in Delta act as foils to one another, Freyja helps Hayate find direction in life and Hayate shores up Hoina's insecurities. That's a romance, really, in and of itself. The drama stems from things like the lifespan, their families and backgrounds, but that isn't the only form conflict can take. To be together, the characters have to change themselves and one another - that's the bulk of it.

I wouldn't say superior in every aspect, the main characters weren't nearly as interesting or have as much chemistry as Delta. They start flatter, less flawed, with less room to grow.

>As much as I give SDF shit for its characters being mostly flat, it at least had Minmay, Britai and Exedore. Delta didn't even have that. Just a bunch of one note moeblobs and fujobait
I'd hardly call Hayate and Freyja "One-note," although that's certainly true for the rest of them, for the most part. Then again, that's true for almost every Macross, Delta's an exception for having endearing leads.

>A show's entertainment value is not tied to enjoyment of its characters unless the conflict is specifically tied to those characters. I wouldn't say that was the case for either show, so SDF is better by sheer virtue of being a complete story.
A show's quality is a synthesis of the two. You need a conflict to care about, and a reason to care about the conflict. Delta had the latter, the former is lacking. SDF was a lot more capable when it came to constructing a war narrative, but the main characters' arcs were anorexic and lacking, as was the romance.

I expect a Dynamite 7 type deal, maybe.

the difference between Sup Forums and /m/ is that one side understands that a franchise needs to generate money? sounds about right. its quite ironic that you tried to imply that /m/ is "smarter", when most of the boards users are economically illiterate. delta didnt even waste anything of note. the setting was bland and the story (if it can even be called that) generic. no point in being mad over the show being shit when theres at least a single salvageable thing about it.

I don't have time for losers

i wish i could discuss Delta but i droped it after 6 episodes. It was like frontier 2.0 but without best girl.

But Freyja is just better Ranka.


>I'd hardly call Hayate and Freyja "One-note,"
They absolutely were
Hayate's subplot regarding his father goes nowhere, and there's almost nothing to him apart from that
Freyja wants to be a member of Walkure to spread peace and love. We never find out anything more and she more or less is completely static as a character following episode 6 or so.
Both of them are literally on the same level as Hikaru and Roy in terms of depth. You might find them cute, but they have no substance.

>A show's quality is a synthesis of the two
No, it's not, especially when you start getting into real subjective shit like this. You can say SDF gave you no reason to care, and that's fine, but I can just as easily say Delta gave me no reason to care. Its characters did nothing for me. For that matter, you seem to think that the characters are the only reason one might care about the conflict. I didn't find the characters of SDF engaging either even if I do think a few of them were better written. The difference is that the actual events of the plot were interesting enough for me to care about the conflict.

Anyway, every single romance in Macross has been pretty bad, so it's not a point I'm going to argue.

You still have the entire story about everything being an experiment by Epsilon and Lady M. Story is far from over.

Walkure were much better than Frontier girls.

>original Macross story was all about celebrating how media, culture and love can free and enrich people with oppressive lifestyles and ideologies


Hayate was meh but he was still fun and much better then 99% of anime male characters.

Freya had the entire lifespan plot going on that went nowhere. And she was the most fun character in probably entire Macross.

Three of them had no personality, one was cucked by the fanbase and the other ate everyone's else screentime and development.

It can't have been an experiment by Epsilon because they would have had a back up plan for when the Windies betrayed them and tried to mind rape the galaxy. Which was itself an extremely retarded plot point.

Delta was shit and I hear the movie takes out what little motivation anyone had, but the music is the best in the series.

>the most fun character in probably entire Macross

I preferred Basara and Sheryl since neither really gave a damn and just did whatever crazy shit they felt like

There needs to be more to the genki than just the mannerisms for it to be fun

So was the movie standalone film or will there be a 2nd part like with Frontier?

>but the music is the best in the series.




they should have made the first episode into an ost and called it a day, ikkenai borderline was best part of delta

Seems to me that the writers are actually smart and have realized that today's media and culture are actually tools to create oppressive lifestyles and ideologies so they threw that out the window and just went full silliness.

The can't continue because it'll mean killing Freyja on-screen, unless the find a magical cure for wind sickness.

Also, how much does the movie cover? that's where we'd get the "true finale".

the best girl in each series has nothing to do with the main love triangles

>Hayate's subplot regarding his father goes nowhere, and there's almost nothing to him apart from that
>Both of them are literally on the same level as Hikaru and Roy in terms of depth. You might find them cute, but they have no substance.
Why does everything have to revolve around sub-plots? Some of the most complex characters of all time, from Barry Lyndon to Mark Antony, weren't involved in much of any B-side drama. It's not as if that's a necessity. A character not being one note just means they're multifaceted, they have a wide array of motivations and flaws that define who they are. Hayate is a Beatnik who struggles to find his calling in life, and after he starts flying he struggles to fit in and reconcile his free spirit with the confines of military life.
Freyja is just the works, torn between her passion for singing and her country, her reckless energy and her feelings of inadequacy, her desire to pursue her dreams and the people she cares about, her lifespan and her lover - there's a lot that informs her character. And here's why she stands out - she doesn't just say it. She acts. Her beliefs are expressed, quite vividly, in the the actions she takes to influence the plot. She stows away in a shipping crate, she jumps off a cliff, she sings while being assaulted - the character is incredibly proactive in comparison to the other Heroines.

That said, obviously both of them take a nosedive past episode 13 or so, with an exception for the Birthday episode.

>No, it's not, especially when you start getting into real subjective shit like this.
>The difference is that the actual events of the plot were interesting enough for me to care about the conflict.
Those things aren't at odds. You can have compelling characters, and compelling narrative. In fact, ideally the two should reinforce one another. I don't think that Delta had compelling narrative, but I'll defend the characters I thought were well written - at least for a Macross show.

Isn't Delta by far the most popular Macross series? Didn't Walkure put Macross on the map and let it be some what competitive to Love Live and Idolmaster? This is the future, faggot.

>Isn't Delta by far the most popular Macross series
Maybe if you're going by what's currently popular. I'd say Macross Frontier was far more popular in its heyday though.

No way. In the west maybe. That said, 7 was incredibly popular, the OST topped the charts for months.

Not sure if pretending to be retarded or not, but Frontier was actually a massive hit. Niconico was in its prime during that time period and MF was all over the places.
It was also half the reason Nakamura became an actually popular seiyuu since before that and Gundam 00 he was just "that obscure guy Sugita always talks about". .

7 was true to the original spirit of the power of music. It just took it a bit too literally, but there was still a metaphorical meaning behind it. I have no idea what Frontier was doing. I haven't seen Delta. Zero and Plus are pretty much their own thing set in the same universe.

Do you remember 16?

Wouldn't Plus or DYRL be the most popular in the west? I think we'll agree that Delta is/was no where close to most popular at any point in time though.

I don’t even care anymore, the sooner we can forget Delta ever happened the better. Hopefully the next Macross will be more than Love Live with mecha.


b-but Walkure makes good music

>fuck you, selling out is good
>if there's anything good in the sold-out product you should be happy
>You can't fight nature, Jack.

he said, not realizing the amount of gundam that is being praised by /m/. votoms has boatloads of specials and ovas of which most are arguably bad. dont even get me started on getter or mazinger with all its crossovers and spinoffs. there isnt a single big/popular mecha franchise that didnt sell out. and most of them are bieng praised by and discussed by /m/. youre just cherry picking macross because you dislike it.

What did you THINK would happen?
The whole story's about how anything will eventually get weaponized.

We saw hints it wasn't all pure "good" in Macross Plus with how hypnotic Sharon Apple could be.

In 7, it outright became something to use in combat as a support system - much like lasers and microwaves were used for stuff other than point-defenses and torture-beams at first.

By Delta we come full-circle: It's only to be expected that something capable of fucking mind-control on INTERSTELLAR SCALES would end up being misused as a weapon of mass destruction

>Hopefully the next Macross will be more than Love Live with mecha.

If only Delta was Love Live with mechas.

Roid's plan ended literally two minutes after it began. We have no idea what was going on beyond the cluster.

She still has at least few years left. And entire thing should be about fixing her.

Full silliness is Macross 7.

Delta was a massive hit on music department. Delta videos on youtube have millions of views more than Frontier.

>that hand gesture
is she cursed as well?

>literally just Ranka but with more confidence.
Also best girl pic related.

could you please compare freyja to the abomination that is ranka "i dont even sing for myself and what the fuck am i even doing here?" lee?