

This entire chart was made by someone from the "I think I know anime but I really don't" category.

The first and third rows are the same thing it's just the first row was gateway anime in the 2000s and the third row is gateway anime for the 2010s

>Feels good man.

The entire chart is shit. Get a better chart.

>Psycho Pass

It's a good show, but let's not pretend it's a masterpiece of subtle social commentary.

seems like bait

>literally every one of these ends with 'things i like'

>managed to make an even worst chart than the original

The penultimate row should be a bunch of shitty pre-90s shows like Chargeman Ken

Uh no.

When has OPM ever been considered elitist?

>I'm 13 and I was bored

anime about whores and mansluts without any deeper meaning just
>muh emotions
>i wanna fuck that hot rock guy/cute girl
fucking disgusting

Pretty good chart overall

Why is the Sup Forums elitist changed?


nobody watched that shit

>nobody watched that shit
everytime I come back to Sup Forums there are more normalfags than before

>not normalfag shit

KLK is normalfag cancer you fegget

I've seen at least 2 shows in every single tier of this chart.
What's the point of it?

fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord

>not watching what you like
What are you doing, man?

Dubs thread anyone?

that chart is just embarrassing.

Your Sup Forums elitist section is mostly reddit shows. It should be the stuff you see in 3x3 threads, TTG, Madoka, Mononoke, etc.

>nobody watched that shit

check em

This the most nonsensical shit I have ever seen.


fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord

Chihayafuru is of my favourite shows of all time so I agree.

>OPM not in normie tier

Yeah me too. I must be an anime convention fat neckbeard virgin normie who thinks he knows anime but doesn't and is a Sup Forums elitist with mature, refined tastes.

I think it just means you're an indiscriminate viewer with no taste at all

>mature adult with refined taste, successful in life
>watches anime
Pick one, and only one.

>Sup Forums elitist
>not Lain/Utena/FLCL/LotGH/Eva

fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord

Why did you only post shows from 2000+?

The majority of posters on Sup Forums were barely cognizant of the years before 2000. Time moves on.

This exactly

>I have seen GuP, Watamote, Death Note, SAO, FMA:B, Attack on Titan, Another, Angel Beats, Steins;Gate, Future Diary, Bakemono, Kill la Kill, Haruhi, OPM, Psycho-Pass, & Durarara
>I also watched Naruto & Yugi-oh when I was little, but haven't watched it in over 10 years
So based on your chart, what am I supposed to be?

fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord

A newfag who cannot into greentext

I assume it's based on what you like, not what you've ever watched


Where does SamFlam fall on this list?

Why isn't the spammer banned yet?

fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord

I don't think there's a janny on Sup Forums right judging by the catalog

it's a retard spam thread, mods don't moderate those

>Shit taste
>Shit taste
>Shit taste
>Shit taste
>Shit taste
>My taste

I wish shounenshitter threads were banned considering the post quality on those threads.

>tfw you get banned for trying to derail naruto threads now


fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord

fixed it for you

there should be a row at the bottom for when you eventually outgrow anime and realize manga is the better medium.

I mainly read shounenshit and would never attend something as queer as an anime convention. I used to read things from each of those categories, but now only kids punching other kids in the face makes me happy.

those bottom three tiers are all the same brand of try hard plebian, you uncultured swine

i like at least one show from each row

fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord
fart on my dick gaylord

>psycho pass

What did he mean by this?

This was made by a feminist or a hole

wow thanks for babysitting this killer thread retard

Lurk at the very least 2 years before you make such a chart faggot.

>IQ of 180000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
>Can't even understand how deep Psycho Pass is

don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer

I love a couple shows from every cathegory.

I'm the ultimate being.

Also, why isn't Eva on "Sup Forums Elitist"?

don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer

Because it's a shit chart. The Sup Forums elitist category is almost completely wrong, only bake is even arguable

don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer

don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer

elitist is missing Lain NHK TG and Ping Pong

don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer

What did he mean by this?

haha holy shit kill yourself underage

don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer

don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer

doesn't change that the big 3 shonen retards are the worst

don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer

Weakest bait chart I've seen all week
Enjoy your (you)

Looks like the creator of this chart is also part of the fourth category.

don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer


don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer

don't reply to tard threads cocksniffer

these "fixed" images are not fixing anything, just adding more layers. pLease do not do this