Ore ga Fujoshi de Aitsu ga Yuri Ota de

New fucking chapter

I might dump the chapter maybe



If I could be a fujoshit for a day
I would live my life the free and easy way



What a fucking baka

Do Japanese people not lock their doors?


I've heard it's not uncommon. No idea if it's actually true though.


A lot of european countries don't keep them locked if someone is home. The crime rate isn't as bad as America.

Good to know.

This is why yurifags suck

Even if the crime rate is lower it still feels like a common sense move.



Should have expected as much



is that two dakis? what a slut

I think in canada they dont lock it

>Declining this
Fuck this MC
>ywn have your loose fujoshit cunt pounded by your own stinky body with the mind and mannerisms of a girl

Aye, there'll be an omake about them.

They also buy milk in bags, though.

Is there any manga without retarded EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!! protagonist or heroine?

>Girl in the guy's body is the super fucking cute one
I love this. I want to ruffle her male hair!

Fujoshit > Yurifag








His body will be defiled by tomorrow. That's for sure.

Not even

Is this series about turning /u/tards into het?

I own the physical manga and some dyke keeps physically assaulting him in the girl's body, and he keeps turning down her advances for reasons in kanji I don't know. It ends with some sort of confession or revelation from the dyke.

God I hope so

Neat. How many chaps?


>The dyke is actually a trap.

I meant sexually

Shit I'd need to dig it out of my manga box. From what I remember, 6.

For you and end of the dump

Whoa yurifags are such cucks they'd deny a girl so she could get with another girl!?

Yes. Now you see why they are hated.

So they're going to fuck by the end of this right?