Dragon Ball Super

You should know better than to oppose Vegeta.


Riddle me this Toeishills
How did 17 self-destruct if his bomb was removed?

Sorry but goku is number one and this is his show.

Same way Vegeta did without a bomb

It was me Jiren!


old and stale bro

Stay mad.

Anyone can self-destruct you autist.


Accurate power scale coming through.
>Mastered UIJ Goku (incoming in future episode)
>Super poacher 17
>UIJ Goku (last showing)
>GoD Toppo
>Hit (pocket dimension)
>Ultra high extreme speedo modo Dyspo
>True Golden Freeza
>SSJ2 Kekfla
>u6 docs (own race absorbed)
>Maji Kayo
>Mystic Jobhan
>Fit Buu
>Giant Ribrianne
>KaBROpesla (Ultimate)
>wolfgang penetrator
>master GODshi


Stop embarrassing yourself Jiren.

*saves your series*






How much meat do you want on your Saiyans?

I like ss4, fight me.

So, will Freeza desire something good and redeem himself?

Y-yes..ofcourse.. I s-surrender to J-J-Jiren sama..

Was seeing if I had a third jobhan blanco webm. I remember there being 3 wembs made in total. But only 2 are being posted in this thread


Esto es el fin, marcianito gris

>not organizing your shitposting folders

What a coincidence. I like it too.



JOBforce assembled!


>literally pulls a tail out his ass
Fucking toyo.

>actually organizing them

Australia : CHADforce
America : BETAgang

*blocks jirens path*

>not organizing them so you dont waste time looking for a certain picture

>Toppo loses shirt
>gets ringed out
>Vegeta loses shirt
Guess we all know what is going to happen to "UIJ" Goku if he actually loses his blue shirt.

Not Gohan Stop This.

Plz continue.

>Overestimating himself like a cocky piece of shit is like 50% of Frieza's character since his introduction
>Now reduced to a single overused meme word
>Hardly ever even used right

I fucking hate you guys

Sorry jiren but GODku is winning this tournament.

>can literally search the image by name

Toei fucking hated that Toriyama outlined his victory in the tournament because they wanted to wank 17, they are getting their revenge

>couldn't find his webm

Reminder that kefla belongs to GODku.

It's coming people.

>winning anything in Super
Maybe against Botamo and SS2 Future Cuncks. Oh, and the latter he couldn't even best one on one in a fair fight; Gokek had tog to cheat by going beyond SS2 to take him down.

I can't wait to see Jiren being BTFO by base Vegeta

is he practicing grapples with the air? very strange

Okay so let me follow your logic here. So Toei, angry that Toriyama made Frieza seem like the winner decided to push 17 and also shitpost in these threads for literal years about Gohan while spamming the word "job" until it means less than any given word of the month on Sup Forums? That's what you're saying happened.

>didn't save the webm
>until I realized I did

>the MC of the entire fucking franchise will lose against some generic antagonist that's literally made so GODku can surpass him

took your time

>he thinks goku is going to lose to JOBren
Nice headcanon.

>he thinks Cuckarot is surpassing Jiren

I sure did

>not posting the best version

That's just a part of the bigger picture, I haven't even told you about how 17 is going to be Gegege Kitaro's actual protagonist

I think jiren just can't be beat and likely even hurt much if he looks at you (with some duration after).
That's why 17 hurt him.

SO will Freeza win cus he's a bitch hider?

>literally masters an auto dodge form that million year old GoDs are struggling with in the span of 45 minutes
>the form will now be stronger than it's initial appearance
>"h-he's gonna lose, I-I swear"

>anti chadforce is reduced to monotone jokes
>this is the best they can come up with

>not posting the better version

nice headcanon

vegeta didn't actually get blown to pieces though.


where is La Sombra Maligna del Universo 11?


>manga: using the time rings to travel to the past is forbidden
>anime: black uses the time ring to travel to the past

why didn't zeno erase the motherfucker for doing that?

>still mad your jobhan got ringed out

>where is La Sombra Maligna del Universo 11?
Goten is not in the ToP so I didn't include him.


What did toei mean by this?

not really, Chadhan made everyone proud. He acted like a true team leader. We are proud of our boy


>75 replies
>19 posters

Do you have any last words, Jobgetafags?

>jimeneze was so shit gohan didn't go ultimate
>chadhan even felt sorry for the treatment he got from frieza
Based Chadhan

Why are trunks and goten faggots in EoZ?

you're the faggot if you think this is gay, have you ever had friends?

isnt he eliminated next episode?

I didn't know friends suck each other's cocks.

It's fine, their humor didn't translate well to the android saga, the Buu saga would be even a bigger disaster, also canonically Dragon Ball should have ended at Cell anyway

>he's never had friends

OG Dragonball Abridged when?

yeh where are they sucking each other? do you even know what masculinity is? you're very fragile I feel sorry for you.

>implying anyone on this board has friends irl

>tfw I wanna make a Jiren vs El Hermano next
should I do it

>I didn't know friends suck each other's cocks.
You never had a friend.

>He acted like a true team leader.
>Nobody fucking listened to him

T. /fit/

>jimeneze was blizting jobhan
>Freiza wasn't using a fraction of his power to beat Jimeneze, yet Jimeneze still had jobhan on edge

>In an interview with TVTokyo, voice actress Masako Nozawa (Son Goku, Son Gohan, and others) was asked about the special behind closed doors memorial the staff and other actors gave Hitomi Tsuru (Bulma) in early January. "It was very sweet and full of life and memories. I had known her for so many years that not seeing her again still breaks my heart. I know, however, that I must endure and keep fighting as its what [she] would want me to do.".
>Ryō Horikawa (Vegeta) had the most heartbreaking speech of the group. Bringing a set of glass Dragon Balls to the stage and request "Great Shenron, while we cannot wish to bring her back to this world, please accept my wish to make sure she finds everlasting happiness in her next journey. Make this wish come true." as he fought back tears and having to be helped off staged by Super director Ryōta Nakamura.
>Takeshi Kusao (Trunks) also gave a heart felt memorial, speaking from the experience of someone has had lost their mother and feeling the pain of the past. "After losing my mother, I had hoped I never felt a pain similar to this again." Now speaking in his Trunks voice,"But today, my other mother has passed on. There was still so much left so us to experience and I just hope the path you set me upon leads me to all the happiness and love you have shown me."

>mfw I'm a /fit/fag that listens to faulconer while lifting

Good, Abridged is fucking cancer.

if godtube videos are recorded by gods, who recorded the U6 vs U7 tournament?

I bet you suck your gym bros cock too.

esto es el fin, la grande madre

>Ryō Horikawa (Vegeta) had the most heartbreaking speech of the group. Bringing a set of glass Dragon Balls to the stage and request "Great Shenron, while we cannot wish to bring her back to this world, please accept my wish to make sure she finds everlasting happiness in her next journey. Make this wish come true." as he fought back tears and having to be helped off staged by Super director Ryōta Nakamura.

>got frieza to listen to him
Frieza who wouldn't listen to anyone, bowed to Chadhan.