ITT: Post shows that you want another season so badly. Pic related.
ITT: Post shows that you want another season so badly. Pic related
This and Date A Live are the only harem series that deserve continued seasons.
Vn translation when?
I want KyoAni to do it.
>tfw no qtS2
>wanting magic baby bullshit
you're better off without s2, bro
This too.
This. God damn. Maou is my guy forever.
But I need more Suzuno.
>youll never see momokan's momokans again
though, s3 is looking more possible than ever now that the manga's back, the stage play did really well, and the series blu rays finally came out two weeks ago
>Azi Dahaka will never be animated
Galko-chan and Anne Happy too but mostly this.
Second season or was it a third season for this one cant remember.
So much this
While you're down, put me down for side helpings of Shimoneta, Sabagebu, and Watamote.
Sadly the anime flopped so S2 never.
Fucking when!?
>series have like 571897183 volumes
>only 2 got adapted to an anime