My Hero Academia

Spoilers are out.

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Where are people reading this these days? The scanlator site I was using stopped updating.


Just post the link you fucking assclown



>filler arc with a filler antagonist that has nothing to do with the Villain Alliance or AfO

holy shit bakux toga confirmed


what a semen demon

La Brava looks great too.

Well that was really fucking short.

Can we get some weebs to quick translate please?

Jirou is cute!

perfect for blowjob

why is Hori out here sinking ships and promoting naval warfare?

It's the best kind of shitfest to sit back and watch while us normal people happily waifufag.

I want these two to fuck

>Toga facing bakugo, ochako in the back
What did they mean by this

So this is like the foxy arc of mha

Bakutoga endgame and Ochako can't get any more irrelevant

Imagine La Brava's tiny body heavily pregnant with Gentle's unborn child.

I-I think I wetted my panties a little.

>About to touch her jacks together as she blushes
It's over Cuckinarifags. She's Bakugou's bitch now.

does anyone even like jirou? most people here are ochakofags

La Brava x Gentle lewds WHEN


I love La Brava's design so much, stop doing this Hori


Jiroufag right here, buddy.

Drummers and bassists are the hottest

Whoops, didn't mean to spoiler that image. Whatever, you get my point.


Everyday until canon.

I just noticed she is wearing two belts like Gentle. SO cute. Wedding when?

I wonder how many homemade porn videos they have recorded together


Only five pages this week?

this is her power

No korean raws yet eh?

So basically he pussies out of the situation for a little while while La Brava does all the fighting?

Yes, just like every other week when spoilers are posted.

She's gonna get her plugs shocked to point of ~yaaayyy

Uh oh

GentleBrava is patrician

No only 5 pages this week. Hori is sick.

Friendly reminder that Nejire will win the Dekubowl.

Jirou looks poorly drawn here

Nejire is gay user

You're poorly drawn all the time

If it works like Eri's quirk, then he can fast forward individual objects, but living things perceive time normally.
Maybe he just fast forwarded the heroes about a week into the future and they collapsed from exhaustion because they feel like they went a week without sleep.

So another chapter not worth staying up for. Thanks heavens.

>Most people here are ochakofags
Fuck off

yeah it's the nose

>most people here are ochakofags
Most people have shit taste

Agreed, those are the one that like Jirou.

What the hell Hori?


Her face is too wide

>Gentle's quirk is Made In Heaven

Gentle served in Nam?

>yfw gentle and la brava are Eri's real parents
>yfw she was kidnapped by the yakuza boss when she was a baby because his daughter wanted a child

>most people here are ochakofags
Haha no.

AFO and who?

Sad rock on vocals
Deku/Mina/Aoyama are the dance crew
Denki on electric guitar
Ochako on air guitar
Bakugo on drums
Shouto on keyboard


The spoiler say those are 2 famous Villains

>Sad rock on vocals
No way.

Bakugou is saying the whole band thing is only for their self-satisfaction, since they themselves are the reason the other departments are stressed. Harsh words.

>no shouji wielding 3 bass guitars at ones

>sad rock on vocals
That flesh coloured rock fuck needs to go and stay go

>Bakugou is saying the whole band thing is only for their self-satisfaction, since they themselves are the reason the other departments are stressed

Is it happening?

You're back

I want to see Deku singing though.

I guess bakugo is a nice guy after all. Reminds me of the pretest when he snapped at how nonchalant everyone was.

Better than KamiJirou that's for sure. Camie can bear Inasa's children.

>ochako on air guitar
If we could even have that I'd be happy. I'd bet any money Hori is keeping her out of this arc.

This is... not exactly wrong. They want to have fun of course.

Shit meant to quote

That is not the symbol of fast forward you dumbass

Deku is probably awful at it and he would be embarrassed. Let him dance.

>Bakugou is saying the whole band thing is only for their self-satisfaction, since they themselves are the reason the other departments are stressed
Why does everything this faggot says comes off as hypocritical?

Mineta will be on vocals

Cause you have a massive hate boner for him.

That fucking Sero

>Deku is probably awful at it and he would be embarrassed.
True, but it would be funny to see.

>you lived long enough for youtube supervillains to become a thing

what a fuckin timeline I tell you

Imagine the heinous dub voice doing the vocals

Not optimal eugenics, so no.

Are Jirou's jacks transitioning from 1/8" to 1/4" or something? Yeah, it's inconsistent art, but it makes me wonder. Would they grow as she does?

Fuck I love these two

Why the fuck is Sadrock so nervous? Did he realize the Bakucucking that is about to take place?

I think he's just empathizing with the people who aren't in the hero course.

This little goblin is cute. Reminds me of Splatoon.

Tsuyu will sing. She must have a beautiful voice.

He has social anxiety

>Bakugou is saying the whole band thing is only for their self-satisfaction
Like sneaking out at night to fight a student thus breaking the rules?
>since they themselves are the reason the other departments are stressed.
Like getting yourself kidnapped?

Worst yet is that is stupid fujoshi only fanbase will still defend this.

Explosions and sound? You can get some sick shit with it.

Have you heard her voice user it's cute for speaking but I bet singing it would sound like absolute shit