In honor of Shaman King getting new manga chapters after ANOTHER 4 years hiatus for no reason;
What other series are ran by a complete and utter hack that treats his work like shit and is the least invested person in the whole process?
What other material manages to somehow break the long standing "the manga is the best part", where in fact the manga is the most rushed, uninspired shit only salvaged by the care given in the aftermath production by the directors, voice actors and composers of the anime?
Shaman King 2018
>What other series are ran by a complete and utter hack that treats his work like shit and is the least invested person in the whole process?
HxH, Togashi is a lazy fuck.
Original series is still a classic
Fuck Flowers. Only way it'd be good is if he heavily re-tooled it from scratch.
Jury's still out on the new series. I'll wait and see what he cooks up. Personally I'm hoping for a new translation by Kodansha for the Kazenban version of the OG series since the VIZ version was utter crap and censored.
>uninspired shit only salvaged by the care given in the aftermath production by the directors, voice actors and composers of the anime?
Holy shit kill yourself
The anime had good voice actors and music but that's where it fucking ends you retard
The anime itself was absolute shit compared to the manga. Just pretend Flowers doesn't exist(which is what everyone should do) and that it ended with the Kanzenban version and the series is great
I wonder how the mangaka felt when Yoh wasn't included in that Jump All Stars game?
Or you could use a tiny bit of introspection and acknoeledge just how much you care about his work and be grateful for it? Reading/writing a fanfiction would help too.
I want Flowers back.
He didn't give a fuck
>Wanting that piece of shit back
For shame
He didn't let Yoh be included. People discovered files for him datamining the game but Takei wanted to cut all ties with Shueisha.
I don't think Takei had anything to do with that
JS Victory came out in 2014 when Flowers was still running
Why is flowers bad, Boruto treatment?
We're getting more Shaman King? Last thing I heard was that Takei was being a bitch about them making a new anime because they couldn't get the same music or voice actors.
Have you ever heard of a game called Chrono Cross?
This is Flowers in a nutshell. It shits all over the old characters big time. Not to mention it's an unneeded sequel like Dragon Ball Super.
20th anniversary project
OG series is getting re-printed digitally with Takei re-doing the original volume covers in his current art-style, some old chapters are getting reprinted for some issues and there's a new manga series in the horizon
Also how was he being a bitch?
He got an offer and he rejected it.
You have to be absolutely insane if you think anything related to the overall ending arc of the manga even had any semblance of thought behind it.
Lmao everyone dies 999999 times and giant complicated resurrections and spirits of the elements and X CHARACTER'S POWER HAS INCREASED BY 99999 HOW BADASS (except not and it doesn't matter anyways btw) and the fucking Redseb and Seyram Golem garbage is so stupid I have issues even wrapping my head as to why it was even a thing, but clearly he had the stupid bullshit that Flowers is in his head to begin with.
The whole Kazenban shit of turning the main cast into a literal MMO party with healers, tanks and DPS except everyone dies and then by the end of the whole manga whoever returns to life after dying is entirely arbitrary and given no second explanation - all the while the manga entirely forgetting like 70% of the cast as it goes on because it keeps on adding trash characters that it has no idea what to do with...
All of it was retarded. At least the anime bothered keeping the characters that it had and giving them some modicrum of development. Things like the X-Laws were beyond retarded in the manga. Literally served no purpose, tried one thing, failed and then were relegated into "wow look at how retarded we are" background noise, like absolutely everything else.
The SOLE good thing about the manga that was retarded to leave out of the anime is the explanations and humanization of Hao as a character, and showing that he actually becomes the Shaman King rather than just heavily implying it like the anime does.
But the whole entire giant roundabout garbage of going full blown Dragon Ball last fight, only for it to be entirely pointless and the subject being wrapped up by his mom slapping him was honestly just whatever.
>You have to be absolutely insane if you think anything related to the overall ending arc of the manga even had any semblance of thought behind it.
No it's actually the fucking opposite you moron
You would have to be insane if you think this wasn't thought out well.
First off the whole "MMO thing" started out in the original series not the Kazenban chapters you moron.
And second the whole reincarnation/death makes you strong thing was established with the Yomi Cave since early on in the damn Manga. It's also a Shamanic belief.
Anime was downright trash in comparison. Speaking od adding trash characters the anime added the Lily 5 which was were just forgettable filler trash.
It doesn't keep forgetting anything, they're minor characters. Like that Russian Ice Team for example... they were always meant to be minor characters to add some more atmosphere and detail in the world. Takei wasn't retarded like Kubo to focus on characters nobody gives a shit about...he instead focused on his main characters which is how it should be.
X-Laws were good in the manga, the plot-twist redeemed them. In the anime they never got to that point so they were just a bunch of faggots.
Lyserg in the Anime is a shitty Sasuke-tier edgelord while in the Manga he's a bro.
The ending in the anime is shit
>LOL Spirit of Fire absorbs GS
>LOL Giant Amidamaru beats Hao
GTFO of here with that bullshit
I don't get why the anime is even being discussed here. It doesn't even cover like 30% of the the damn manga.
I see you missed the whole point of the ending. The fight was there to show that Yoh was willing to go really far to save Hao. The whole thing with his mom is just standard Shaman King humour I don't get why people take it so seriously. Hao already was changing his mind before that when he closed the black hole when Opacho was about to be sucked in. And in the end Hao wasn't completely convinced and told Yoh and co. that they have to promise him to fix the world
Yeah, nah. The manga characters are garbage, one-sided and simplistic shit. Literally shoving half of the "important people" factors in the last minute to spend the whole chapters of the manga with everyone dying and coming back to life for stupid shit when somehow before this point everyone always got saved by miraculously never getting killed in fights is just lazy shit.
Lyserg being "a bro" boils down to him being absolutely irrelevant except by the last five minutes and being about as flat as a paper.
Shit like Horohoro's TRU NAEM being thrown randomly then skipped altogether because oh well no time for that, or Faust/Ryu becoming entirely irrelevant assistance because they are not "choosan onez" is just, again, lazy shit. Chocolove and Lyserg barely even show up in the manga, let alone enough for them to deserve some grand task spotlight business.
Hell, half the cast doesn't even get an epilogue. You don't even find out what the fuck happens to Faust at all even as Flowers begins until Replacement Anna mentions Hyoi-gattaing with him suggesting he is still around the inn.
It was altogether awful.
>rather than just heavily implying it like the anime does.
Have you even watched the damn anime?
The anime ended with "Give me your Energy \o/" Giant Amidamaru killing Hao
Every monthly Shonen.
>What other material manages to somehow break the long standing "the manga is the best part", where in fact the manga is the most rushed, uninspired shit only salvaged by the care given in the aftermath production by the directors, voice actors and composers of the anime
Boku no Hero Acedemia. Seriously when I read the manga - most fights are like 2 pages long. Terrible terrible artist.
Without doing anything about his resurrection cycle, Manta stating "nobody knows still what happened to Hao", and the Oracle Bell beeping at the end.
You just like the crappy anime because you're a shonenigger who got upset that Hao didn't die in the manga.
The whole thing Horohoro's true name was explained you moron. He's ashamed of his real name because he ignored Damuko because of his family being against her family building Dams and she froze to Death waiting for him. He blamed himself for that since then.
Faust gave his legs to Eliza and was in a wheelchair so that was explained. It sucks that Faust and Ryu got sidelined but Lyserg and Choco weren't bad characters.
Also they still played a role until the final dungeon Ryu was ingenious with his Yamata no Orochi trick to protect the team and Faust was crucial during the final dungeon with his revival spell and he had a great moment when he came up with the Funbari Song to replenish some Furyoku to the team.
You do know what happened to Faust actually. It's said in the original series(talking pre-Kanzenban days here) in one of the bonus chapters or bonus pages that Faust overworked himself at Anna's Inn and died.
Choco and Lyserg show up all the time what the fuck are you on about?
All the elemental warriors + Ryu and Anna show up in the Epilogue and that's enough.
Who was your favourite, user? I'm sad Flowers got fucked before we could see pic related.
Yeah so it was a garbage cliffhanger.
With the manga you at least know that Yoh won over his heart.
>I'm sad Flowers got fucked before we could see pic related.
user... he's dead in Flowers.
Granted we could have seen his Ghost form but still.
>What other series are ran by a complete and utter hack that treats his work like shit and is the least invested person in the whole process
Akira Toriyama with DB.
Which is also garbage in its own way. (You'd think they'd just call Jun to fix that.)
Or anyone really, since apparently learning to resurrect people is like a five minute process by the ending of Kazenban.
I think Faust probably didn't want to come back from the dead.
>since apparently learning to resurrect people is like a five minute process by the ending of Kazenban.
Really now?
Is that why the only ones who can perform the spell are Maiden, Jun and Faust?(not counting Ghandara)
Beats me why, there is no real why is there? They just throw in arbitrary reasons for why each of them can. And with Jun they don't even do that much. She just kinda gets thrown into the role for that split second.
I remember them mentioning him in Flowers or something. I totally got it in my head that they were implying something about him...
He and Eliza remain as ghosts in the inn. They only mention him being used to heal replacement Ren.
Since you need to have your relatively intact corpse to revive he preferred to stay in the same realm of existence as Eliza, who couldn't be revived.
Makes sense given Faust's whole character that he would refuse to come back to life. The character comes full circle since originally he was trying to conquer death but eventually he learned to accept it. Although don't forget that once the soul departs it might be too late to revive him and Maiden/Jun coming from China to heal him might have taken too much time anyways.
Jun already knows revival spells with the whole Zombie thing so it makes sense.
Wasn't there a character poll some weeks ago? Who won?
Tamao literally tells somebody to Hyoi Gattai with Faust to heal Men's injuries
You mean Men right?
Feels bad man
He is there, though. They use him to heal "Men" (jesus, Flowers...), whereas Eliza is supposedly already ascended and only shows up when he can use his skills to actually summon her back.
So him dying and deciding to stay as a ghost (but not ascend) is actually the most stupid ending for him.
Dying-dying and ascending? Sure. But making himself get locked out of summoning Eliza OR being with Eliza seems like the staple thing the character would not do in any conceivable ending. Yet he does.
How can Kodansha re-launch the original manga, isn't it from Shueisha?
Nope. He was revived along with everybody else by Hao.
He then died after overworking at Anna's inn.
>He is there, though.
He's dead though. I think he might be still bound to his promise to Yoh and Anna but not sure of the specific reason why he didn't go to GS yet.
If he truly loved it we would have 10,000 chapters by now.
Did Eliza show up in Flowers?
Can't remember.
Takei switched publishers.
Nah. You might be thinking of the Hanagumi chicks.