Is Raphiel the only likeable character in this anime?
Gabriel DropOut
No. But Raphi's second to the best character in the anime
HanaKana says yes, but she is not a stinky NEET so I'm gonna go with no.
>the only one to keep the cool head when faced with some random uguu tearbait
She sure is
I mean, she's the only likeable angel, but the demons are all likeable.
She's the least likeable out of the main 4.
I don't know but she is the patrician's choice, that's for sure.
>keep a cool head
Gab totally kept a cool head, she just didn't give a fuck.
She's the best
I wish she'd sit on my face and bully me
other way around
she's the only unlikable character in the show
Glad you understand, OP
Pure demons are best demons.
>translating わくわくas giddy
My Afro-American comrades.
The subs were a complete shitshow so that is a very small offence.
everyone wants to be her doggy
>pantsu actually clean
told you angels don't smell
why doesn't she wear pants? is she enjoying other girls looking at her bottom?
she couldn't be assed to wear pants
Kill yourself nigger.
I want more of her maid.
Even Tap-chan is a better girl than Raphi
Fuck satania, give me more sabagebu
Doesn't Satania have the exact same traits as Naruto, except Naruto's char has at least some depth to it?
I knew there was a reason I liked Raphi
I have bad news for you...
Yes, Raphi-chan is the ONLY likeable character in this anime.
best girl in every regard
>iPhone filename
Rhapi actually is the evil one
Damn what was that bible crap...
The devil's best trick is to make you think he doesn't exist? Some shit like that
>slutty tsukkomi
god tier fetish
Gab chan would never have hurt Satania
Post Gabu
datte tenshi desu mono
That is correct
Thank you. I love you with all my heart
Heaven is spending eternity bullying slightly weaklings with this semen demon(angel)
satania = vigne > gabriel > raphi > everyone else except the dog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that fucking faggot dog who keeps stealing satania's melonpan
>Oh, so... beastly
Now that is a shitty translation if I have ever seen one.
The translation was probably made by a failed author
yea i know but its still funny
she was like "ah, kuma" then "akuma" and im pretty sure everyone knows what those mean by now
Raphiel is the greatest! She makes my dick diamonds!
Would you?
for a melonpan? of course
Garbage taste.
TRUE ranking:
Gabu>Raphi>>power gap>>Vigne>>Shitania
thanks man means a lot
i hope you ignoring posts like these, Sataniafriend
Raphiel = sadistic, potential sociopath
Gab = useless
Vigne = housewife, boring
Satania = ADHD and retarded
The bread would be a bonus
of course :)
Is Dog the only likeable character in this anime?
it's a pun it's hard to translate funny
satana pls go