/opt/ - One Page Thread

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welp, looks like there's no interest in an opt




just wait


Marine corps Yumi


Source is wonder rabbit girl

I wish the english translations started up again










last I heard Takeshi was looking to find a translator




Maybe that's because the manga's rarely named and the search system is shit.




Ikusa x koi chapter 8

degenerates must be purged





starting to look good

is this nippon Sup Forums the manga?


makes me wonder, are the any series (manga or novel) out there either female MC or a genderbent M to F MC where said MC goes through having their period and it brings up what they're going through?
I vaguely remember reading one or two but it was so long ago I can't remember if it was a doujin or not

nozomu nozomi?
boku wa mari

Tanaka something something

I feel you, google is very inconsistent
sometimes it works p good
often it seems only some get the right results
still, putting the name of the manga in the title is effort


Shinshi na meets girl is a funny little manga.



Q likes donuts, kreb likes biscuits....
two devastatingly powerful monsters whose only weakness is sweet desserts....


this strikes home for me, some toilets are much better than others especially older styles.





sauce plz.


That was a cute read thanks user.


>People picked this after I posted it in one OPT
I can't be not happy for that.
It's one of my favourite manga despite the abrupt ending.


sauce pleeeeeseee

Sahara Mizu is an artist worth following up on every manga is well done.


Niggas be like it don't be like dat but it wuz


something something healing magic

doll phone, I think it was


wtf, this manga isn't about DFC

I want my money back.

No translations, only 2-3 typeset pages.....

Fuck that manga, and the fucking daddy issues author, holy shit.


Don't actually read this, the manga is awful and this is girl is the only good thing to come out of it.

Cute girl.

I saw people saying in another thread who read the novel is all he gets is pain and suffering.

I've read some trashy things in my time. How bad can it really be, user?






Google ain't being particularly helpful.

I hate how useless reverse image search is for these threads.


Now i'm mad





I don't care if it's awful, user.

Give it to me.



Gonna need some sauce, for academic purposes.

reverse searching provides nothing.
