That's so edgy. people will sure take your pseudointellectual show seriously now

that's so edgy. people will sure take your pseudointellectual show seriously now

at shinji age I would masturbate wearing my mom used panties, I don´t see how thats more or less fucked up

Nice bait

Oh sweet another Eva Thread.

>crying about a masturbation scene from a decade-old show on a Norwegian basket-weaving website
Shitty bait.

its the only good anime ever made tho

>bait threads and eva threads one and the same

was your mom hot?

That’s edgy to you? Not the part where a little girl gets strangled to death or that one scene where a 14 year old boy watches the smiling clones of his own mother decomposing in front of him? But Shinji’s nut is what makes you say “This is edgy”? For fucks sake in one episode two characters literally bang offscreen and you could only hear the sounds of it.

>Poster count doesn't go up

Woah when was that scene with 00?

i remeber he blew it pretty fast

>Not the part where a little girl gets strangled to death
she deserved it.
>or that one scene where a 14 year old boy watches the smiling clones of his own mother decomposing in front of him?
At that point he didn't even realize they were clones of his mom.
All he knew was that they were clones of his crush.

Fight at the Geofront.

Can we please end this idiotic wanking over Eva.
Seriously, it's just terrible. Complete non-characters, nonsensical plot and overall pure garbage message. Not to mention the abuse of Jewish symbolism, literally there just because "it looks cool".
Anno probably got it commissioned by (((them))) to create a divide in the anime community, and he succeeded.
Fuck this pathetic excuse of a show.

>Crosses are Jewish symbolism

But (((SEELE))) are the bad guys.

Is that a nipple? Wait until our overbearing and easily offended mods hear about this. Reported.

I can't take the "tramatic serious" stuff in Eva seriously when the plot revolves around a bunch of 14 year old child soldiers being vital military assets for humanity BUT they get treated like shit and still waste time attending grade school and living with just their drunk field commander.

I've faped to this scene more than 25 times.


Can someone give me a quick rundown on Rebuild? Is it better or worse than the main series?

>she deserved it.

So did Shinji jack off with his left hand and nut on his right or did he jack off with his right AND nut on it just by kind of squeezing forward at the end?

Stop being stupid on purpose

No stop it

I can see you being stupid right now



You're right however about the tree of life and all the Kabbalistic symbols.
But those are from the synagogue of satan which is totally opposed to the God of the Torah and the Bible.

How was anyone taking it seriously before?


Christianity is a semitic religion and the most famous crucified man was Jewish, so I wouldn't say that's wrong.

>Eva is the only good anime to exist
Its time to watch more anime.

The race of Christ the messiah is Jewish
The religion of Christ the messiah is not Jewish (even though he was a rabbi and taught at the temple)
The Jewish faith activity denies that Christ was the messiah so the cross can be in no way considered to be a Jewish symbol
It gets a bit Sup Forums after this point so you can just do your homework yourself

What you would say is not relevant.
Jesus was a Hebrew but not from Judea, which did not make Him a "Ioudaios" or "Yehudi".
All I am saying is that the symbols uses in NGE are generally referring to what may be called "(fake)Jewish mysticism", originating from the Babylonian Talmud/the Kabbalah.

Jesus Christ was crucified by the same people who lived by those principles, for rightfully exposing them as fake jews who were children of the devil.
That's why christiannity and the Torah are a billion percent opposed to jewish induced /kabbalistic/talmudic practices and rituals, which encompass the extremely important flower and tree of life, as well as the saturnian hexagonal 6 pointed stars