Ichigo is so cute holy shit. She may just be the cutest girl in anime history

Ichigo is so cute holy shit. She may just be the cutest girl in anime history.


Coconaclone a shit

Cocona is for yuri


Ichigo a shit

Wow you're literally surfing Sup Forums trying to stop DitF threads? What a loser.

Its probably this guy

>Cocona is for yuri

He sounds bitter and unable to control himself. If he hates DitF so much he should probably leave Sup Forums for the next 3 months until it's done airing. But he won't, because he has nothing better to do than complain.

Seriously, what a loser.

Now THIS is autism

15 is a LOSER

baka desu senpai

>3 months
Actually 5.

Even better.

Hiro doesn't deserve best girl Ichigo. I'm glad that walking red AIDS took a bullet in her place.

>best girl

She's literally just Cocona with green eyes

Noone is cuter than renge

Have a cute brat tho

I love this show for making people remember Cocona and revenging Yayacuck

He's not wrong.
Ichigo, on the other hand, i can't say for sure. Probably not.


Things would be different around here if Ichigo was my girlfriend

Beautiful, protective and fiercely jealous. Three excellent traits.

Goro should rape her

Cocona is second place.

Can't wait for her to BTFO 02

>Falling for the meme "lol so quirky!"reddit girl Oni
Stay pleb

Ichigo is shit m8. Sup Forums is all over 02 as it should be.


Ichigo is my waifu!

shut up ichigo
you cant marry yourself

It's me, Hiro brother

Is Cocona actually ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING at all like Ichigo in terms of personality?

Ichigo is a lovely girl and she deserves better.

Still waiting for her to get with Hiro. We all know deep down she deserves it.

>Ichigo is so cute holy shit. She may just be the cutest girl in anime history.

Ichigo a shit. Literally gave no fucks about her team member being sent off to the scraper.

Ichigo feels more real while Cocona is basically insane.

>girl known for acting tough acts tough
>autists think she's being genuine