Mady in Abyss

So, Nanachi hunted and killed several innocent delver, conducting painful medical experiments, and kept their whistles as trophies, correct? Why would Nanachi do this? How is this a "good person"? How is Nanachi any different from Bondrewd?

Other urls found in this thread:

Where were you when mods revealed themselves as Markfanshits?

>hunted and killed
bitch, she's weak. She just picks up mortally wounded, helpless delvers to test shit on them.

You fucked up the title

These threads barely stay alive and mod came to kill last one
Such an achievement


I realized that

And he came late as fuck
Everyone was just discussing like normal at that point and no one give a shit about OP text anyways

You should have realized earlier, now no one will find this shit


3 days

>ctrl+f abyss
>thread found
Nobody types out the whole title, "abyss" is the only keyword you need.

>ctrl+f abyss
>ctrl+f fluffzen
>ctrl+f bondrewd's tail
>ctrl+f nanachi is a boy

Must be home.



Thanks for killing a comfy thread, mod. I really appreciate it.

Shes not, but neither of them are bad. They both did what they did for good reasons.

>Nobody types out the whole title, "abyss" is the only keyword you need.
shit i'm retarded

Does anyone actually dislike Bestdad?

A lot of anime onlys.
I have a fun reading about how they wish him painful death in sequel.

the think with crazy Scientist dad is that he does mounstrous fucked up things for sure. But he does them with zero malice or satisfaction for the act. everything is for achieve his objective.

>she's weak
She can hop between the giant cups and was fast enough to free Reg from The Chair in a matter of seconds. She might not have the physical upper body strength of an adult man, but her legs are fucking strong.

>he does them with zero malice or satisfaction for the act
It doesn't make him better in the eyes of his victims. Same goes for Nanachi, while her goal was noble, I dont think these delvers wanted to be used as test material for poisons.

Do we actually know how strong is Bun? She carried from 5th Layer Mitty and quite huge package. All other Blessed narehates are strong, Fappybug can play with Reg like a doll and so Furrdrewd.

Faputa is not narehate stop asspulling.

How come noone in the village noticed 2 white whistles casually passing by?

it's a big layer

>Nanachi hunted and killed several innocent delvers
Yes, the fluffy bunny hunted and killed fucking Black Whistles. It certainly wasn't Tama-chan or any of the other innumerable dangers of the Abyss that injured them.

How can anyone dislike the man who gave us the fluffy bunny.

If anything it's a shame he didn't socially engineer more girls into becoming fluffy rabbits

>Please avoid making OPs with phrases such as [Ozen is for ____], as they encourage low-effort and off-topic posting. Threads should be created with substantial OP text containing a meaningful topic of discussion. Feel free to make another thread following these standards, thanks.

Man these mods are , like the thread itself matters exactly zero, only the OP matters.
Why? If the thread itself is fine then the OP is fine too fucks sake? What the fuck.
Whats the point of making an OP asking some meaningless question like this thread when no one cares about the op and they just want to talk about general things relating to the series? ITS INSANE.

MiA is old and busted tbqh

Nigger it's like, five years old. That's prime time for our Tsukushi

Jannies don't want to admit Ozen is for drinking alcohol with and waking up to a pegging session with.

for you

Yes Narahate princess is just a nickname


Speedreading is sure a thing though.

nanachi is blessed and she's still a narehate

Yes, all blessed are narahate but not all narahate are blessed.

He has softer fur than Bondrewd. What else do you need?

Doesn't this part imply that Faptula is also a blessed narehate?
Only other possibility is that Reg is mistaken and we don't know yet.

I'd say it's more likely that Reg is saying that because she is a humanoid Narehate, unlike most of the village.

might as well don't make any threads if you don't really have anything to talk about yet desu
seeing MiA threads in this state kinda saddens me


Look at that smile, why didn't Reg protect it?

Reg has only been gone for maybe a month for Faputa and he comes back with no memories and a damaged arm it's no wonder she's concerned.

>there wont be a manga about this
Tsukushi why??

Because Reg is a fool. Precious Fappy must be protected at all costs.

Red whistle here. New to the series, but I think I'm caught up on the manga.

How often do new chapters drop?

Between 1 and 2

About 7-8 ch annually.

Never say never.

she could have targeted them too. Nanachi is very fast, excellent at stealth and can pre-empt every single move someone can make against her plus uses relics.

Remember how they used a crossbow and light mine in the first fight against Bondrewd? They could easily be from Nanachi's collection.

who would give the strongest footjobs, Nanachi or Ozen?

You just spoiled me you nigger.

Ozen by far. She would just kick you in the groin rupturing your testicles and pulping your dick.

Strongest: Ozen
Best: Nanachi

when can i get bondrewd merch goys? I fucking need it already.

Fix that by reading the manga
Anime ends at chapter 1

It's all okay because Nanachi is cute.

Also >she

I like his character, but I don't like people who try to argue the morality of his actions. Anyone who doesn't consider him anything other then pure evil is a stupid person.

>Anyone who doesn't consider him anything other then pure evil is a stupid person
Do you think that Tsukushi is stupid?

“she” is valid, that user is simply imagining like Tsukushi intended

Anyone who thinks that Bondrewd is evil is a stupid person who doesnt know how alignments work.

just finished the anime. in what chapter of the manga the anime ends?

He said he wasn't completely a villain, not that he wasn't evil.

What if Nanachi was a toddler?

There really is no debate here. Modern day science clearly labels using unwilling participants in experiments as immoral and wrong. Ethically and morally he's an evil person.

there is no laws in the hole

It's not unethical if there's nobody around to tell about it.

Since he can get away with it, is not ethically and morally wrong then?

>Modern day science clearly labels using unwilling participants in experiments as immoral and wrong

And modern Germany government labels immigrants as pure, harmless and highly needed things in the country.

Sasuga, truly.


>One of the additions to the anime is Bondrewd explicitly dying
>Tsukushi says he wanted to add it in but didn't have time

I like r63, but Femdrewd just feels wrong.

Which chapter of the manga is the ending of the anime? I would like starting reading from there

>trying to save orth
>end the birthday curse
>raceing against the clock
> trying to find immortality for everyone
>got fucked up by his environment and his own scientific process
to the point where he can't perceive morality.

If you're trying to still see things as "Good/Evil" you probably shouldn't read manga like this. Bon is a highly complicated antagonist, that deals with concepts like the train paradox, triage, and the cruel nature of the scientific process. If the abyss actually existed and wasn't a metaphor, real people like him would most circinately exist.

>Hyped up by the characters as being important and valuable, very first thing seen in the opening shown in almost every episode
>Gets casually dropped in episode 4 and is never fucking seen or spoken about again

Why did they even bother?

Because the abyss gives no fucks about you and will happily ruin you to the very core whether you like it or not

It's symbolic of the fact that there is no guiding factor when you break through into uncharted territory, where very few people have ever been.

The inexperienced and enthusiastic are not very capable at keeping valuable things.

3 days...

I like him and what he represents, i didn't like his arc with the kids though.
Resolving problems with a DBZ fight seems too stupid for someone like him, he works better as a mastermind pulling the strings from the shadows.

3 days of what, sempai?

>implying it won't be delayed again
Your spirits are not crushed yet.

Modern day science is built on the back of thousands of years of science that disregards and disagrees with that principal. I would also like to impress upon you that much of the science being done today is still on unwilling, or at the very least, ignorant people.
Not that that much matters in this kind of argument. Even if all that wasnt the case I think its pretty clear that science un-hindered by the squeamish can achieve much more and in much less time, so why hold back progress?
I think he still very much was that user, considering they where only ever fighting puppets of his mind, they never where able to really fight 'him', and never would be able to. Its why they left with him still very much alive, they knew it was hopeless.
I agree the fight was very over the top, but I think thats fine as well, the stakes where high and our heros where facing their most terrifying foe yet. Also lazers are cool so...

Truly a man of taste.

its a chekov's gun
100% guaranteed it will resurface and be important to the main plot (seven singers)

I decided to re-read the Bondrewd fight today and god damn.

Tsukushi's world-building is simply unparalleled. I'm quite serious. Every design of his is so immaculately distinct and unforgettable. While there might be something said about lacking character development, his designs alone carry what could've been an ambitious-yet-lacking manga into a work of art.

Nanachi finished off people that were dying. This is clear from how she interacted with Reg and Riko. She only helped them because Reg reminded her of herself trying to save Mitty. Otherwise she was prepared to watch them die and do the same thing to them. She did this because she isn't a mary sue and you're welcome for the spoonfeeding.

Bondrewd is one of those rare cases that I don't think he needs development, and I prefer him with how he was presented.
Bondrewd is practically not even human anymore (physiology aside), and is just a splintered conscious among his many, many Praying Hands that exists to go towards whatever thing Bondrewd wants to get done, be it researching or experimenting. He's not someone who can be saved or changed, he's far past that point. Even when he lost, his new 'goal' was simply to see them to the bottom.

>She did this because she isn't a mary sue
While I agree that she has flaws (her experiments on delvers, how she made cartridges without too much care, but lost her shit once Mitty's guts covered the wall), I'm slightly annoyed that Nanachi's flaws never were pointed as flaws and not just another bunch of reasons to feel pity for bun.

>Tsukushi's world-building is simply unparalleled. I'm quite serious. Every design of his is so immaculately distinct and unforgettable
You're kinda giving Tsukushi too much credits here. While i agree that his art and designs are indeed superb, they actually don't look all that different from most of oldschool JRPG designs. They just happened to look "fresh" and "distinct" because no one has used those kind of designs anymore for quite a while

>lacking character development
I wish a bit more self-reflection for MiA characters (except cases when it wouldn't work like user said here ). I'm not asking about them going full emo, but it's quite amusing how at the beginning of manga we've got more insight on Riko (for example: her thoughts about Lyza and how she was ashamed that she didn't feel anything towards her in terms of family relationship) than in the rest of story, especially after Bun joined the team and overshadowed her a lot.

Recently I was rereading extra chapters and realized that Natt and Shiggy forget about Riko and Reg at all. Their farewell scene with Riko was such a big deal, now these two become a plot-devices without any development.

oi. regu

By his design, I don't just mean the aesthetics of it all. A lot of what makes for a compelling world is making sure that the world doesn't feel flat and uninteresting. A lovely setting can still be flat without the characters supporting the interesting points about the world.

Things like Bondrewd acknowledging that Riko is the daughter of a white whistle, and thus acknowledging Lyza, SEEMS like a small and unimportant detail. Of course he knows who Lyza is. Why wouldn't he? But the accumulation of these small acknowledgments is a cast of characters who give life to the world. If he never mentioned Lyza, it would have cheapened the story ever so slightly. Kind of like what has to say about Natt and Shiggy.

By the design, this seems like the kind of adventure that would be linear with side stories along the way.

Visit Ozen. Move on and forget.
Visit Bondrewd. Move on and forget.
Visit Narehate village. Move on and forget.

I mean, by the very design of the abyss, this seems plausible if not practical. However, I have a small hope in my mind that the rest of the cast of characters will still somehow play a role in the resolution. Leader visiting Ozen gives me some hope that we'll see a parallel mobilization from other characters to descend as well. Thinking of the implications of the Abyss, I doubt it, really. It would just be a shame if the other interesting members of the cast just faded to obscurity after everything is said and done.

>People don't expect this moth to yandere out on the group

Where do you find the side chapters? I need to read those to get fully caught up

"Ch 44 is old and busted"
Says the speedreader, restive of heart
Though he tore through the pages, it never occurs him
to just go back and read from the start.


Look in the archives the mega link got posted very recently.

Thanks lads, time for me to get back to reading. Have a sniffpost