>I order you with my command seal, Come here and fuck up this dude, Lancer.
is he an idiot? he could do many things to survive that situation. heck, he could let that thot get killed and possibly win. All memes aside, zero lancer is a top servant and could rekt artoria any day. damn it I am pissed
That's what you get for getting into this franchise, fatemonkey.
Matthew Gutierrez
I knew Lancer won't win but I didn't expect this bullshit
Landon Baker
>is he an idiot? Short answer: Yes Long answer: Seriously, yes.
Owen Stewart
Lancer didn't deserve that shit
Sebastian Bailey
Shut up Saber, nobody likes you.
James Jackson
believe me no one hates saber like me but Lancer had the simple wish to serve his lord and had a honorable fight unlike all the other faggot servants, is it so much to ask?
Jack Morris
nippon disagrees
Henry Butler
It is the Lancer Servant's job to suffer at the hands of an incompatible master. Otherwise they might actually stand a chance against the Saber.
Adrian Evans
>kill or be killed tournament. >Muh honor! Saber and Lancer are the worst in F/Z
Isaac Rogers
He loved his fiancee and wanted to save her life. By the time he finished summoning him, she'd certainly be dead and maybe him too.
Ethan Miller
>he could let that thot get killed and possibly win. he still kind of loved her though. with her at least he also had the chance to pass on his legacy to the next generation, so it wouldn't end with his crippled ass
Brody Thomas
even in killing there must be some honor, we aren't animals
Landon Butler
How can you dislike saber? Have you no taste?
David Parker
Servants are too strong and fast to humans tho
Sebastian Powell
Of course not, animals don't know how to pack a building full of plastic explosives.
Michael Wood
The summoning wouldn't be instant. It would take a few seconds for Lancer to teleport in.
John Mitchell
>Only know each other for 15 minues. >Letting enemy servant gets close to your master without any protection. No surprise Kiritsugu shits on her though.
Aiden Evans
Saber and Lancer, though especially Saber, took it to a stupid extreme. Saber stood there in the forest and left Kiritsugu unguarded while Lancer intervened in the fight between their two masters. Lancer threatened to kill Kiritsugu if he refused to back down, as well. For all intents and purposes, Saber abandoned her master to his fate.
Lincoln Myers
Sup Forums truly always got a shit taste. Go back to your UMUcrap.
Isaac Johnson
as far as the serie has gone, she is the most useless servant. the saber class was hyped as fuck but it's muh
Logan Price
this type of shit is exactly why kiritsugu treated her as he did.
Joshua Kelly
pretty much every servant could rek artoria >fights against Cu >gets saved by plot armor >same with herc >same with sasaki >same with gil >same with lancelot >same with darimuid ???
Angel Hall
To be fair, if you treat your Servant like shit, it makes sense for them to decide to screw you over. A Servant can potentially decide to go looking for another Master as well.
Jaxson Turner
UMU is better than shitoria in every possible way
Isaiah Gutierrez
and okita shits on both
Matthew Green
Because she was fucking whining about honor in a war where scores of children were tortured and murdered, where people's lives and well being were immaterial to the whims of sociopathic mages.
She should've tried winning the fucking war, not stroking her ego in a bullshit vanity contest between two failures who couldn't hack it in their previous lives, let alone this one.
Kerry was a fucking edgelord, but he wasn't wrong.
I actually like Saber, but she was completely and utterly wrong in this matter. She acted like a child and it's inexcusable.
Connor Long
>Come here and fuck up this dude, Lancer. Kiritsugu would start shooting the instant he realized he was saying anything other than "kill yourself" or "commit suicide". At best, the "come here" goes through and Lancer teleports to a master full of holes. Bad for Kerry, sure, but not exactly a win for Fastwheels.
Even in a freakish best-case scenario where Kerry is so slow that Lancer can save them both, Kayneth still just lost because that was his last command seal. And for all he knows, he's still in serious danger because his (former) servant just lost his mana supply and the (supposed) Einzbern master is right outside with a fully charged Saber.
Ryder Phillips
>Obvious Saber Clone plus with sluttier looks to appeal horny teens. You need to be 18 to post on Sup Forums.
Colton Wood
she must get saved by her man, the swords' autist
Gavin Lopez
you must be a one kind of an idiot if you can't see UMU energetic personality against muh perfect king of knights
Jordan Gonzalez
>Sluttier = Energetic Like i said, go back when you're 18. Stay in school, & dont do drugs
James Collins
they're both garbage
Parker Price
Urobuchi turned Saber almost into a caricature because he enjoys breaking honorable characters. We are told in FSN that she had to do things such as sacrifice villages in order to defeat her enemies, which made people hate her. So she was supposed to be much more pragmatic and focused on victory than Urobichi made her.
Josiah Cooper
Don't they lose part of their memory or something when they're summoned?
Jace Kelly
No. Archer had temporary amnesia because Rin screwed up the summoning ritual, but even his memories came back after a day.
Ethan Wilson
>zero lancer is a top servant 2/10 made it too obvious
Kevin Cruz
Kiritsugu was wary of her, as he had every right to be because the entire Fate series often reminds us that servants are not slaves or automatons, but spirits whose personalities are total wild cards. Depending on who you summon, they could very well kill you on the spot. A master is right to be wary of a servant at least until a bond of trust has been built. Saber responded to his wariness by channeling her retarded son and adopting a mindset of "Fuck you you're not my real dad!" She made absolutely no attempt to understand Kiritsugu, nor his goals or motivations, while at the same time crying because he didn't do that either. Neither one made any real attempt to bond with the other, but it's worse in Saber's case because she was supposed to be fighting to win the grail, but she willingly threw away chances to win on several occasions for the sake of her own pride.
Andrew Brooks
>he could easily defeat saber
Blake Sanders
>King of England having sex with a Japanese broken-minded teen yep, don't forget homeworks kiddo
Cooper Smith
Kerry refused even to speak to Saber. And Saber tried to understand Kiritsugu by talking Irisviel. It's natural she got fed up with a Master who wouldn't even talk to her.
David Flores
Because Saber is shit both in terms of looks and personality. Lartoria is better.
Juan Ross
>could easily defeat saber which is why he DID easily defeat saber? oh wait no, he managed a close fight under favorable circumstances- fucking kojiro came closer to beating saber
Jordan Thompson
In my heart, her master was Iri
William Rogers
>Saber's case because she was supposed to be fighting to win the grail, but she willingly threw away chances to win on several occasions for the sake of her own pride. you mean like kerry not giving her Avalon (with which she could rolfstomp the entire war) because "fuck moralfags"?
Angel Garcia
Daily reminder that if Saber fought with Avalon from the beginning she would literally be undefeatable
Justin King
first fight >fuckes saber arm >no excalibullshit >didn't even break a sweat >fight is over because of broskander
second fight >forced to kill himself
are yo braindead? they never had a complete continuous bullshit-free fight
Parker Moore
first fight >employs element of surprise to preform successful attack >doesent manage a win fast enough therefore forced to retreat
second fight >fight on "even grounds" (both fighters gimp themselves) >doesent win fast enough and is forced to an hero
which one of these is the "easy defeat of saber" again?
Gavin Ward
Saber as a character was a mistake.
Kayden Bennett
Explain. Just how shit is the writing in this franchise?
Jacob Flores
Saber was also there and he wanted to save his cute wife
Christian Fisher
saber with Avalon would be strong enough to easily beat any of the other servants Gilgamesh included (from word of god and fsn)
Kiritsugu rather than give saber Avalon, decides to stick it inside Irisviel, because he dislikes saber and is an emotionally stunted manchild
Levi Cook
first fight >no surprise because Iri can sense servants and Lancer didn't use a trap, he just walk on
second fight >Lancer destroyed his NP that fucked artoria before for the greater good, not even ground
If only Lancer didn't have a shitty master who would tell him not to break his NP If only
Caleb Morris
kys secondary
Nolan Lewis
Slut-Ui was also a battery. Losing her gimps Fast wheels too.
Deermud at best is an average servant. >no I win button >no super special defense skill/NP
Cameron Peterson
He's a strong Servant, it's just that almost everyone summoned extremely strong Servants.
Benjamin Thompson
Daily reminder that she has to be summoned by a very specific master to even get it
Juan Myers
I think he'd be stronger in Saber class. Problem with lancer version he can't just compete with the others sans Assassin, since lelAssassin since he relies on wearing down the target until he can ezpz whack.
John Ramirez
>what is Gil caster
Anthony Robinson
>he just walk on >while saber is dealing with lancelot its like you forget why rider even joined in, to make it a 2v2
>before for the greater good and its because of that greater good that saber didn't Excalibur him after he did that
Noah Campbell
Underrated post.
Jason Hall
If he did, his waifu would die.
>he could let that thot get killed But he didn't want to, it's not very hard to understand why either, don't act like you're some ubermensch with no emotional attachment to anything.
Nolan Harris
That makes no sense. Saber is right there! If he called Lancer, his fiancee would be shot dead and Lancer would be mincemeat. It was a no-win situation.
Kayneth wants to get out of this alive, with his fiancee. Telling Lancer to kill Saber's Master isn't going to get him out of it.
Ayden Hill
>what is command seal teleportation
Isaac Gray
Why are you people so damn autistic? Are you so used to shitty flat characters that you can't understand characters that act like they have emotions? He had his waifu missing a hand and with a gun to her head in front of him, he was not acting logically and was not ready to take chances. Also would the teleportation be quick enough? Who knows, and he sure as shit didn't feel like taking the risk to find out.
Caleb Moore
She would still be dead before Lancer got there. He'd just shoot her in the head.
Hudson Fisher
>killing your father because some bitch did something bad with his research without asking what the FUCK was his problem?
Dominic Martinez
The same ones Kerry had? Now he has no command seals, he's at Kerry mercy and Saber and Lancer are still fight.
This from a logical point of view, Kerry pointed the gun at his wife instead of him directly to fuck up with his mind in case he might gone "well at least my wife is safe so fuck it!".
Adam Taylor
this thread is full of weak baits
Carter Lee
>damn I can't explain his logic better call it a bait
Luis Nguyen
OK then: >sup daddy, whats with zombie apocalypse >uh oh, I screwed up my research, nigerundayo >so, are we gonna continue this blasphemous degeneracy? >hell yeah, gonna reach Akasha yolo xD >then you leave me no choice other than go full seigi no mikata
>Urobuchi turned Saber almost into a caricature Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.
Asher Sanchez
Anyone who paid attention reading the VN noticed it.
Carter Sullivan
>zero lancer is a top servant and could rekt artoria any day. Sorry for being new and shit, but I have to ask: Is this a meme? Like fate-nerds always say that X servant would actually have won the war in a single night, if the conditions had been right. I swear that I have heard the same thing about almost every servant.
Jonathan Robinson
It applies to most servants.
Jaxon Thompson
except he didn't screw up anything
Cameron Myers
>I swear that I have heard the same thing about almost every servant.
There is a huge number of servants that can win HGW unless a direct counter hax is presented on the battlefield. For example Cu could take out every legit servant in Fuyuki HGW 1v1 outside of Herc because he absolutely no means to kill him and Herc is fast enough to protect Illya.
Nathaniel Mitchell
He didn't screw up anything, the dumb bitch fucked it all up.
Cameron Price
the popular one would, like Gilgamesh or Arthur or Cu it's just that servants from myths are op af so they always will get so kind of disadvantages.
zero lancer wouldn't win the war in single night but he defiantly can rekt saber
Alexander Martin
I get really triggered by comments like yours. Is it so hard to understand that they would rather forfeit the grail, rather than win using dirty tactics?
I do agree that she took it to an extreme with "muh honor", but all of you who says they should disregard their honor completely are soyboy scum.
Adrian Hughes
He could take Kerry one on one in a fair magic duel which is how he envisioned the war.
think of Kayenth as a Roman and Kerry as a barbarian,
Romans wanted real fights head to head no bullshit Germanic barbs hit and run non stop 24/7 ambushs out of the rear
Kevin Walker
Truly he is best boy
Logan Perry
Are you even vaguely aware that Romans dealt with that sort of shit for centuries during their eastern conquests?
Aaron Reyes
Cu is my fucking dog.
Bentley Carter
>he could do many things to survive that situation such as? >zero lancer is a top servant oh
Josiah Gutierrez
>zero lancer is a top servant lmao
Isaiah Taylor
>Fastwheels summoned a servant famous for NTRing his superior >decides to bring his fiance along Fastwheeels fucked up before he began.
Sebastian Allen
The fact that they were shot by Maya shows that Kerry was to the only one there. In your scenario, where lancer is ordered to kill kerry Sola would be shot before he had the chance to command lancer and Maya would shoot Kayneth. He had no chance. Plus Sola was providing the mana that kept Lancer around, so her dying was Lancer dying.
Isaiah Moore
That wouldn't have been a problem if Sola-Ui wasn't cockhungry to begin with. She allowed it to affect her.
Blake Hughes
What made Fate/stay night and Fate/zero popular? I do not understand the appeal of Type Moon
Brandon Martin
She was always an honorfag tho. She still gets mad when Shirou sugests she could kill innocents to gain energy or when Assassin cheats using the shadow
David Young
To be fair, Nasu underplays this parts of Seibah's character more and more
Bentley Jones
Their relationship was about the furthest thing from love or friendship possible user.
Nathan Foster
Wasn't also that when he is normally summoned(as a CG) he only has the information and power required for the job? I swore I read that in the VN or something.
Owen Watson
Gilgamesh was in both of em.
Ayden Butler
Fate powerlevels aren't like DBZ. They're more like Rock/Paper/Scissors. Something like >Gil > Most Servants >Redman > Gil >Most Servants > Redman
Brody Bailey
Full power Artoria can also fuck up any of those assholes, she just basically never has her full power available to her.
Colton Morris
He would continue his research and create more abominations. He was magus, duh.
Luke Ramirez
On the surface, there's obvious appeal to "dude, wouldn't it be awesome if king Arthur fought Gilgamesh!?" On a slightly deeper level, the Nasuverse is a really cool setting. Most importantly though, F/SN and to a lesser extent Zero have some great characters and well explored themes that leave a lasting impression and make you want to discuss and learn more about them.