
New episode out.
Chaper 36 translated, on dynasty soon.

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Rate Mei's fashion sense.

Well. After a good episode, the truck hit me once again.


Her feet were very intriguing. The anime team doesn't know to do walking scene. The characters look retarded all the time.

Matsuri best girl

>no security guards or metal detectors
0/10 would not study here.



This arc is gonna be great.

Just normal sister behavior here.

Still less of a cunt than Mei.
In retrospective Matsuri did absolutely nothing wrong.

It doesn't work that way.

they don't live in America

Why is this shit so interesting?
I started out kinda indifferent outside of enjoying yuri, but now it's my most anticipated weekly.

No Matsuri is a bigger cunt, since she actually purposely wants to hurt people. Mei is just autistic and broken.

Where would a girl in skirt carry a gun anyway, in her anus?


I wish.

The letter tries to frame volume 4 in a different light, by saying Mei was afraid of Yuzu causing her feelings to waiver toward her goal, so she purposely tried to distance herself from her. And only after Yuzu chased her and confessed did Mei accept Yuzu's feelings.

This feels like a cop out, since none of that is what felt like was going on in volume 4.

How is Mei a cunt?

You really don't want to know, yet.

I think it's Yuzu. At its core it's still a drama where unlikely events, misunderstandings, and not communicating drive the story. But Yuzu is such a sympathetic character that it never feels grating. She's wrestling with her kind personality and teenage lust and has legitimate reasons for the "JUST FUCKING TALK TO HER YOU DUMB CUNT" that plagues the romance genre. Just like the audience Yuzu wants to see Mei happy while simultaneously wanting to see Mei cum, and struggles to decide if these are mutually exclusive.

Noefags on suicide watch

Was Yuzu's daydream anime only?

No, it was the same in the manga.

Alright, this is going too fucking far here. The sign did nothing wrong.

Nothing can stop Matsuri.


Shut up, Nene. Your only purpose is to mock HaruYuzu shippers.

But it's the opposite.

Post pic of Matsuri erotically licking her ice cream container lid.

Who the hell put things like this?
I live in a civilizated country so we don't have to worry about things like that you ape

yuzu can



>months of loneliness as you can't see the only person in the world you want to see
>months of frustration having lost the future you were envisioning
>months of putting on a happy face while everyone walks on eggshells around you
>months on only a painful goodbye letter giving you any sense of closure

And Mei is just gonna be forgiven for it.

Final chapter?


You forget that the note is in the love love notebook. Yuzu had to read and see pages when she set the best of romantic knowledge she accumulated to find this fucking note.

Reminder that Saburouta doesn't understand her own characters that's why she can't write Mei properly

Eveytime I read it the letter sounds more and more like fucking bullshit.

God fucking dammit, why does it hurt so much?

Denial Mei. I chose the path... my ass.


>bonus chapter showing Mei in tears as she writes the letter, telling herself its the right thing to do

why is that loli hitting on that man

Cause lolis dig nerds.

This hand will fist Mei in volume 10.

I was about to post the same thing t b h
>post yfw nexr chapter is Mei writing the letter

When she wrote she was ending the releationship in order to not eventually break Yuzu's heart I actually screamed out loud at the screen.
Fuck Mei.

Fuck you Mei fuck your dying grandfather (hope he has a painful death) and that stupid academy of yours for making Yuzu suffer this much.

Says Anonymous, as he fails to understand Mei and her fucked up situation and life at all.

What if the bonus is Mei's grandfather forcing her to write the letter?

Dang Harumin's Harumis

I'm expecting the next chapter to cover her suffering as well.

When I read this post at first I was very angry, now I can't stop laughing.

This would be even worse for Mei's character. All this anxiety she's had for several chapters about her future, only to have gramps push her to break up? Someone fire Sabu.

>teleports behind you

Dumping chapter to relive the suffering.

Same format, with a letter Yuzu wrote to her, that she never opened.


Some mood music.


Where is Ume going? What was Yuzu going to tell her?



Her not being home just highlights how lonely Yuzu is later.
At the same time the fact that we see her talk about not being back suggests its something more important. Maybe she's gonna see Mei, and Yuzu was going to say something about it, but decided not to.


Work or wedding preparation but i doubt it. Mei is 18 in September, they will wait for it.
Yuzu was probably on the verge to say «it is ok, i am fine».


This one, this is a true troll page. You still don't know what's going on, there's been no Mei in the first few pages and now you see a glimpse of dark hair and Yuzu smiling... but then you discover it's just Harumin.

Fair point.

>Nene wasting pages

Yuzu is putting on a brave face for the whole chapter.

And you see Yuzu false mask of happiness. First, troubled and after that poker face.

>Yuzu is putting on a brave face for the whole chapter.
Her smile is different, tho. You can see it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

As if it wasn't fucking hard on her, too. She probably cries herself to sleep, too. Also, from her letter it's clear now she was being tormented all the time she was with Yuzu. I feel for her.

>"It was like she was looking at walking garbage." - Harumin
Also, sakura petals, so it's definitely 6 months.

Why is Yuzu so cute? I just want her to be happy, I don't give a fuck about this shit manga, plot and characters. I fucking hate Mei, I just want Yuzu to smile, I keep bothering with this trash for her.

Mei can.


Maybe it was the first day of school. But we can't tell due to no character dialogue.

Was there a one year time skip?

>tfw Mei thought that Yuzu couldn't stand looking at her
>it was the opposite

More like 6 months. Fall term of second year versus start of school in spring.

>nostalgic internal monologue

this isn't going to end well, will it?

Did the chapter show Yuzu's first day as a third-year? Or more time has happened since she started her last year?

Oh man, so she's going to return as used goods now? what about the hot lesbian sex?

It didn't even start well.

Oh, I see. I didn't really remember what season it was supposed to be.

It looks like it's been six months to me, based on the uniforms and the sakura petals.

I'm honestly not feeling anything. I mean, I've never taken the plot seriously because of how dumb it has always been. Also Mei is a terribly written character, she's been acting randomly and inconsistently since the beginning. She could redeem herself now, but no, fuck character development. It will be up to Yuzu once again.

We don't know, since the characters didn't talk, only Mei narrating her letter.



I just thought of something funny. The manga is back in spring, so this could resolve in the summer. So that unforgettable summer Saburouta mentioned might've been referring to this one and not the one before the start of their second year.

I think Yuzu going and saving Mei for the Nth time will be a really shitty cop out and will invalidate this chapter. I hope Mei goes along with it and Yuzu learns to deal with it.

I hope mei gets raped and murdered, that would be a nice plot twist.

Also forgot about her library speech. She was so full of shit.
