Shows like this reminds me why I love anime so much.
Shows like this reminds me why I love anime so much
Unironcally this, the really it's really blunt and absurd, hits all the right notes consistently
It's already been a great ride.
Same for me. This series is bullshit bu the bullshit I like.
Power of love always wins baby
This episode was terrible and you're retarded for liking it
I'm glad you can enjoy it user
I personally found it incredibly bland and dropped it after 3 episodes, but I hope you enjoy the rest of the show
This episode was predictable and you are a retard for expecting anything else.
You love anime because it's riddled with cliches and tropes?
Darling is the AOTY, it has everything that’s good in anime. It’s what anime should be about.
Absolutely. And waifus
Also remember to always get into the fucking robot.
and the cute girls.
And mechas.
And dinos
This, do you really have high expectations for t his show? It'll be a cool mecha and that's it, not the next Evangelion
I think these guys took the speculations too seriously.
I'm unironically looking forward to hearing about this show for the next decade. It's going to imprint on young fans so hard.
They remind me of why it failed as a medium and its fans are delusional creeps.
>It'll be a cool mecha and that's it, not the next Evangelion
The people who like the show already see it as a cool mecha. Shitposters are the ones screaming their edgy fanfictions didn't come true
And alluring horns
I'm just enjoying this as a mecha with some generic romance in it.
No reason to think this is some game changing anime that will stop the world.
Just sit back and enjoy a pretty good show.
Will ichigo confess her love?
How will hiro/goro react?
It seems obvious that oni knows about ichigo's feeling and doesn't care so much since she knows darling will never leave his honey.
o my yellow platelets
She'll end up falling for Goro. You can screencap this.
Ichigo a cute
yes. anything wrong with that?
>Shows like this reminds me why I love anime so much.
This but unironically.
>I like generic willpower shit
black clover, fairy tail, one piece and db super threads are that way >>
>generic willpower
You mean love