Sentou Hakai Gakuen 8

from p036
D: Jyakennou!
D: I've been looking for you!
D: jyake...
J: Oh Dosegi and Uramizaki
J: What are you guys doing here?
D: Mm? Uramizaki-kun did you want Jyakennou for something?
D: Ah.. no.. President you first..
D: Oh, a intricate chemistry experiment creations.
D: Anyway Jyakennou, my father's coming want to come welcome him?
J: Ooh! Your father's coming?

D: You haven't been coming to our house right
D: This is a good chance to see each other!
J: Uumm that so
J: But well.. how do I...
J: I am a bit embarrassed.. Your father.. only know me from elementary school..
D: Hahaha! That's true since that time you're larger and smellier!
D: Well isn't this good? Father wanted to see you too! Come come!
D: Ah got it coming coming!
K: There there, want some crepe?
rub rub
it's crepe, this thing
don't want it

D: There's something embarassing!
D: Don't you want to show it to my father?
D: Our image protecting the school!
D: We made this peaceful school.
Baru: Huhuhu today there's a lot
Student Council Third Year Baru Power: Ura Guilty
B: of spy activity needed

what's DEATHko's power aside from being the cutest?

Student: Ah
Sex Cafe
S: AAh!
S: AHi
S: Ahiihihii
splat splat
D: ... better make sure not to show that...
D: really...
Saki: Otome-kun? Spacing out?

O: Aa.. no I just though it's peaceful..
S: huhu what's with that, the change
O: I understand now..
O: Here... is a world Harmageddon didn't start..
S: Harmageddon?
O: Yes..
O: If Harmageddon didn't start
O: Then Student Council and Banchou Group wouldn't crush each other..

This school's Majin, everyone
would live peacefully
O: But Harmageddon did start
O: In truth everyone.. everyone died..
O: Jyakennou-san, Kyouko-san, really.. everyone everyone...
O: Everyone..
O: .. so
O: That's
O: at least

O: only you
O: I'll trade my life to protect.
O: Please wait..
O: Saki.
S: .... un....
S: I'll wait.. Otome-kun

She can mark someone she loves with incredible bad luck and suicidal tendencies. Basically they will try and kill themselves until either they die, cease to be the object of her affection (in this story by changing the guy she likes into a girl), or killing her.

>kyouko giving out free orgasms
Sign me the fuck up.

Come quickly..
Come help me..
Y: We're here.
Y: Ryouseiin

Y: Welcome
Y: To Transfer Student's base

I will definitely save you!
Betting on just one
chance to turn this around.

Chapter 38 Trinity
O: Saki
K: You know her?
K: But no
K: I want her to sleep a bit more
K: So don't do anything weird.
K: I don't want to
K: kill you yet.

Anti-Majin cuffs
Designed so 90% of Majin can't break them
impossible for a non-strength like me.
K: Thank you for being obedient.. I am happy..
O: .. Don't mention it...
I don't understand the truth yet..
when the conditions for the reverse comes..

O: This girl is..
Y: That girl's Tomozuri Ayu
Y: Student Council's girl.. you know?

O: .. Yes..
O: But never met face to face..
O: I know
O: about her
I was forced to join Harmageddon because of this girl
Meeting her like this...
O: Is she dead?
Y: Yea.. but we need her for our plan so we brought her.
Y: Huu..
K: Are you alright Yukimi?
Y: Aah.. afterwards we'll need to return quickly and have Mister Harima take a look.

Y: Now then
Y: Let's start Ryouseiin
Y: Before that I want to confirm
Y: about your gender transform ability.. you can change the male and female right?
Y: From Male to Female is already known
Y: But Female to Male?
O: Yes.. I can do it.

Y: Ummu that's good to hear
Y: Ryouseiin we want your help to kill "all the majin" in this school.
O: I also want to confirm.. you said "all the Majin" includes me too?
Y: Yes
Y: You too
O: Is that so..
It's nothing to be surprised.. I intend to save Saki even if I lose my life.

Y: Every Majin in school ground.
Y: Banchou Group... Student Council.. and the recently fought black dressed soldiers Majin Platoon
Y: Banchou Group besides you are all dead
Y: Student Council too wipe out (though a few may have survived) and next Principal Kurokawa Mei and her underlings about 30 members.
O: Eh? Wait a minute!
O: Student Council is wiped out? And what's with Principal Kurokawa?
Y: Nn ahh I see.. you don't know then we'll need to explain.
Y: This has my conjecture mixed in..

O: That!
O: If that's true..
O: this entire incident is the principal's fault.. no the Japanese Government's tyranical cause.
O: Jyakennou-san, Kyouko-san and everyone..
O: Fighting for this stupid reason
If this war didn't start then Saki
wouldn't be dragged in

All the pieces are in place.

Y: The principal's goal is went as planned
Y: But her biggest miscalculation is we Transfer Student's existence
Y: Well, her existence was our miscalculation
Y: Anyway for our contract fee, they'll have to die.
Y: But Ryouseiin, we need to borrow your power.
O: I understand!
O: I'll help!
O: I don't know how I can help, but I can not accept the principal getting away.

O: Please use me however you need.
O: I don't mind if you take my life.
Y: O oh!
Y: Thank you Ryouseiin!
Y: It's really helpful you agree so quickly..
O: But
O: There's a but
O: On one condition, please promise
O: she..

O: Amane Saki's life
O: Will be saved
Y: Sorry Ryouseiin..
Y: That condition can't be swallowed.
Y: Amane Saki is Transfer Student's reward.
Y: If there's no reward then there's no meaning for us to fight..

Y: After completing the contract Amane Saki's body
Y: Will be split by us into two and taken back to Transfer Student's world.
Y: Transfer Student can not lie.. so I can only tell you straight
Y: Sorry but you can only give up Amane Saki
O: It can't.. why..
O: Why is that..
Y: There's a reason
Y: But we can't say it, that's the rule
O: What if I say I won't help! Then what?
O: Don't you need my help!?

Y: Not helping.
Y: Is a bother..
Y: It's a bother but it won't stop us.
Y: We have methods but there's problem after but still we can kill you and then borrow just your power.
Y: Let me make a point by explaining the strategy
Y: Understanding will help greatly

Y: To start, I'll introduce myself
Y: My name is Yukimi power is Have Nothing
Y: Majin's power effective range
Y: can be freely enlarge or shrink.
Y: I just need a map and red pen.
Y: Circle any parts on a map with the red pen and the targetted Majin affective range will be the circled area.
Y: Even if I die but this map remain
Y: Have Nothin's effect still works.

Y: And this child's my partner Kurosuzu
Y: Power name XYZ
Y: Majin's head turns into pudding
Y: When finished eating that person's power can be used for a time
O: I see.. so taking Kyouko was for that..
O: her ability to gather information
Y: The useable power is only one ability
Y: If a new ability is eaten then the previous one is lost

Y: Next this child.. Student Council Majin Tomozuri Ayu
Y: Power name.. speaking of which I didn't hear
O: ... "Saitama"...
O: It should be Saitama
O: I hear it's a virus power to kill only men
Y: Oh oh you know Ryouseiin, that speeds things up
Y: Oh right Banchou Group
Y: Was wary of her so they transformed to girls

Y: And lastly Ryouseiin
Y: your gender transform ability.. what is the name?
O: It is called
O: Chinpai
Y: Chinpai
Y: A good name.
Y: Alright Ryouseiin, the key are these four powers.
Have Nothing
Y: And three of us to conduct it
Y: This combined every Majin in this school can be buried in one go.



Using Yukimi's Have Nothing
Ryouseiin's Chinpai range can be increased to cover the whole school
And when Chinpai is used on everyone
to turn their gender to male

Next without using Yukimi's power Ryouseiin will use on the four people here
individually turning Yukimi, Kurosuzu, Ryouseiin, Amane Saki into female
At this point there are only four females in school
And after Kurosuzu's XYZ
will take Tomozuri's Saitama
Lastly Yukimi will extend Kurosuzu's power to cover the school
Saitama becomes area kill power to take all Male life in this school

O: This... method..
O: it does eliminate Majin!
O: And this Have Nothing
O: It's over powered
O: Before Yukimi said to need a map and red pen
O: If that map is map of Japan..
O: No.. a map of the world..
O: Circling outside the map
O: Then the world can be ended.
Y: I said it before Ryouseiin
Y: This plan is possible without your help.

Y: Kurosuzu can eat your power to do what is needed
Y: But there's a problem remaining, and what that problem is
Y: After the operation is done and you're not alive
Y: then there's no one to turn me from female back to male. I'll have to live the rest of my life as a female.
I see
Transfer Student doesn't know there's a way to return to their gender even if I am dead.

Y: If you won't help then it can't be helped
Y: You'll be killed. I have the will to live my life as a woman.
Y: But of course as I don't want to be female so I'll threaten
Y: I don't want to say it but listen if you won't help
Y: Then if possible you'll die the most painful death
Y: But if you do help, then if possible you'll be killed painlessly and we'll try to respond to any not unreasonable request.

Y: This is Transfer Student maximum concession..
Y: Think carefully before answering..
O: Think...

This condition
Can it
be overturned
and this turning hand
in my head it can only hurriedly lock my thoughts
there's no basis
O: I understand

O: If I become obstinate nothing good will come
O: Fine... I'll help.
Y: Thank you
Y: For understanding
O: But
O: I have three conditions please.. swallow them
From here
all must happen

Having an unlimited range is stupid broken.

Y: Ah, as said before, we'll respond if within possibility
Setting the stage for over turning
Y: Say it.
O: First
O: Please kill me last.
Y: ... Accepted.

O: Second...
O: Please do not look inside this bag.
Y: ... That's also accepted.
O: Third..
O: Please teach me the secret to Transfer Student's strength

Y: .. What ..
Y: Do you mean..? That Ryouseiin
Y: The secret
Y: to our strength?
O: I understand..
O: I should rephrase..

O: How to become a Transfer Student
O: Please teach me that.

K: ... well..
K: Isn't it fine?
Y: I understand
Y: That will also be accepted.

Y: Well?
Y: Do I tell you now?
Y: N?
O: .. No
O: I don't mind after...
O: First of all
O: Let the fight start..

Y: Fine
First of all
This hand

December 8th
Student: Oi, he there? No
S: Here, search here!
Tokyo, Bunkyo area
Y: haa haa
Y: haa haa
Pro Ma Alliance ex-member Yukimi Power: Have nothing

The late 1960s student revolution era
Chapter 39 Majin loved by God I

D: Yukimi-kun
D: Your power Have Nothing is
D: bluntly, messed up
D: For group of Majins
D: This can shake the root of the world
Pro Ma Alliance Chairman Doseigi Katsuya
D: You know this point the most
D: That's why I can only hide it too..

D: This Tokyo-University Takada Auditorium battle
Overturn Majin discrimination
Majin segregation over
D: Your power and mine ensures our victory.
D: but this power do not
D: Tell anyone else about this

Yukimi and Katsuya's power combo killed seventy percent of the mobile police surrounding Takada Auditorium.
And after with unusual speed the School Self Rule Law was passed
Because of the Takada Auditorium incident the Majin involved were pursued by Majin Security, Doseigi Takuya went into retirement publicly to hide himself
School Self Rule Law instituted made the Student Common Battle (All Majin Student Common Battle Committee)
lost their purpose of existence

>The late 1960s student revolution era
Interesting, so this is what the prequel manga is going to cover than. Also while it's been a while I remember the minor understanding of the student revolts that Japan had from watching Concrete Revolutio.

Y: UoOh!
Y: Ku..
Majin: Found ze
M: Yukimi

M: You don't need to run okay?
M: Just listen to us
M: We're comrades right?
Y: Benibatake-san...
Y: The School Self Rule Law is established.. our battles are over.
M: Established? Estblished you say..
M: Our goal to end complete Majin discrimination isn't reached yet no?

M: Katsuya-san won't do
M: That person believes the School Self Rule is the goal. He says that but he's welcoming it with a face of a waiting grandpa.
M: So we will have to do it.
M: Step over the School Self Rule Law and complete push for more revolution.
M: Yukimi, why do you think the School Self Rule Law passed? Because we killed a lot of the police in the Todai battle..
M: First the remaining mobile police and Majin security will have to all be killed.. and that's not enough, will need to kill 200~300 people in the heart of the city to demonstrate more of our power
Y: I am.. just a non-powerful Majin..
Y: I can't be of help..
M: No
M: It's because of

M: you right? People saw you beside Katsuya
M: Katsuya-san's power is strong but incapable for one to cause that much massacre. He borrowed your power right!
M: Everyone too, when you became a comrade they'll see victory and then they'll move
M: So please Yukimi
M: Come with us
M: And kill lots of police.


M: Hey hey
M: What with that small knife?
M: You are Yukimi-kun right?
M: I heard from Doseigi..

Madam: Please sit
Fortune Teller Silvia Lilin Scarlet Power: Melancholy of Möbius
M: My power Melancholy of Möbius..
M: control distance concept, the difference of infinity and finity and zero are lost.
M: Direction and distance those concept will not be understood.
M: Simply put, a power to become the ultimate direction idiot.
Y: I don't mid, use it please.
With this, my power
"Have Nothing"
will be sealed.

M: Oi oi oi oi!
M: Not so fast Yukimi!
Silvias power Melancholy of Möbius
couldn't seal my "Have Nothing".

It beats other's power as if it's stronger, my power
seems to be a power loved by God.
Human extinction is not impossible with this power..
I can't hand this over to them.
Katsuya-san and the others hard won victory, and glory..
can not be covered with barbaric mass murder
Y: Shi..

>M: Simply put, a power to become the ultimate direction idiot.
What does this mean?

i think it means he loses the concept of distance and direction

Y: Ohgu!?
M: Huhuhuhu.. you got lazy Yukimi
Y: .. Aga..
M: As thouhgt you're too naieve..
M: we'll use your power to more effective means

only love my power?
Have Nothing can break other's power
But my body is this powerless..
Am I abandoned by God?
............ No....
If I am abandoned then would God give me this power? No... Majin's power is a Majin's emblem
Then my power means myself...

God loves my power then
God too to myself
Y: I am..
Y: given...
M: Nnn?
M: What's that you say?
Y: I am..
Y: Given love

Y: I am
Y: loved by God!

Man: Welcome
M: To the world of Transfer Students

September 22nd
12:10 Pm
K: And..
K: this is fine?

O: Yes
O: Just that amount is fine
K: Un..
Y: Then Ryouseiin put this in your breast pocket
Y: it has the area circled.
O: Alright
O: "Have Nothing"
this really

extends my power
to cover the whole school!
Operation's first stage
Change every Majin in this school to males.
O: Starting!

K: Nn..
S: N..
S: N..
O: Chin
O: Pai!!


K: It.. came off
O: Good job.
K: Ah something came out between my crotch!
Y: Splendid
S: U...
S: Uun

oh fuck, i remember what comes next

S: O..
S: Otome-kun?
O: Saki!
Y: Che..
Y: She woke, the disturbance is a bother
S: Eh..? This..
S: What is..? Eh..
O: Saki it's alright
O: Believe me
S: Un..

O: Let me explain okay?
Y: Aa.
O: Saki.. the suddenness may suprise you
O: But please listen
Ryouseiin's spke
Her current circumstance, he being a Majin
Banchou Group and Student Council's elimination, Majin Platoon
And finally how he is in Transfer Student's combo group

Of course, what happens to himself and Amane Saki afterwards
is promised death is not spoken of.
Y: Strong, Amane Saki, a normal girl would panic on hearing this
the strength of trust between the two
is the reason...
S: The suddenness of it
S: I can't say I understand it all but
S: Right now I can't do anything
S: I'll believe in you Otome-kun

S: Good luck Otome-kun
S: Don't die.
O: Thank you Saki..
O: ... Of course not.
K: Wh.. what is that!!?
K: Why is mine different??
K: Ne Yukimi.. is touching this fine?
Y: N? That of course
K: EEeh?! Wow!
K: A so this is how it's done!!
K: F.. fun!

K: Look look Yukimi! This extend like this..
Y: A no sorry Kurosuzu! Now.. please this take precedence!
K: So..sorry.. I got into it...
Y: No.. I understand your feeling
K: Ryouseiin.. can you teach me how to return to before?
O: It's simple to return
O: Just place the breasts back into position
O: Don't confuse right and left, carefully done right and you'll return to being female.

Y: So it doesn't need your power to return?
O: It does not. Only the first step requires my power.
Aa so that's why
Please kill
me last.
I thought returning to man requires Ryouseiin's power so there was no desire to kill him till last
O: Please protect the promise.
Y: Aa, understood.
If he wasn't needed till last then he'd be killed.
Y: But... this simple method to return then won't the Majin Platoon realize it?
O: There is a possibility.. but I think it's probably okay being so simple may be a blindspot for them.

K: I did it...
Y: Don't have that face Kurosuzu, here do Amane please
K: ~~ Yeees

K: Yoisho
O: Kurosuzu-san, please do it well
O: Saki's a girl too
K: Un..
K: I understand
S: Kyaa
Y: Ummu
Y: No problem

K: Yukimi
K: With this besides us everyone else will be males right?
K: We can't confirm but it should be.
Y: Is it alright?
Y: Ryouseiin
O: Yes
O: No problem.

Soldier: Co.. commander!!
S: My breast... my breast fell!!
S: M.. mine too!
S: My breast fell!
S: And..
S: something grew from my crotch!

Reika: We..
R: were attacked!
R: You lot calm down!
R: es! How many more dance!?
e: Almost!
e: Just three more
e: 2.. 1..


e: zero!
Necromance Dance
Doseigi's memories 5 minutes before death is shared!

e: There! Doseigi's memory!
e: This is likely gender change power!
e: the student Ryouseiin Otome's power!
That child!
I bugged Student Council meeting and knew there's a chance Ryouseiin would join battle! I casually contacted them after school..
Shit..! And he got involved with Harmageddon afterwards.

R: Calm down you lot!! es's power just confirmed!
R: This is just a gender transform ability!
R: Not a curse or disease!
R: There's no problem! Calm down
But.. why did they choose this time to transform gender?
True a sudden change would cause chaos but the enemy isn't using the chance to assault.
Then is gender change itself the goal?
We becoming males, what does that mean

Be Male
S: Sir!?
S: Where to!?
aiming for...

S: Sir
S: What is this!?
R: Tomozuri!
R: Find Tomozuri Ayu!

Y: Now then
Y: On to the next stage.

R: es!
R: Is there a hint in Doseigi Takuya's memory where Tomozuri could go!?
e: Three Transfer Students are at the old school building! One was defetead by Student Council but there's a user with abbility to se UFO to transfer
R: Che! Transfer Students!
Tomozuri Ayu is taken by Transfer Students, shit!
They have a ressurectionist to revive Tomozuri!? Or copy ability!?
in all case Transfer Student
has methods to use Tomozuri's ability.

R: Tomozuri's ability radius is 20 meter! Surround them get them in one go!
R: Each squad keep a distance to each other, and head to the old school building on different routes.
R: The old building has Transfer Student and Ryouseiin Otome!
R: Kill the Transfer Student!
R: We need Ryouseiin to turn our bodies back! Do not kill him!
Shit! Arayashiki Warrant Officer's Large Gill could avoid the virus!
But she's not replying to radio, Transfer Student may have killed her!
Shit shit shit! We..
are going to die for stopping the stupid kid's plans for "nation creation"!?
No that's fine! Doseigi Takuya's theater has only 1% chance but any threat to that country is worth betting our life for..!

But why!
Why do we and Transfer Students..
Just why do we have to fight these monters!?
Chapter 40 Majin loved by God II
O: Chin
O: Pai!

Y: Mu!
O: It's done!
O: To return just do the same as before, plase this back in position please. You'll be a man in an instant.