
Accelerator should have been redeemed with death instead of being allowed to live happily with his fake family. It sends the wrong message that no matter how evil you were, all it takes is an apology and some guilt and your crimes didn't matter.

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No one in-story considers Accelerator to be really forgiven for his crimes, least of all himself. The moral of the story was that just because you did bad shit doesn't mean you can't do good things in the future. All the Sisters would be dead if not for him (well, Aleister wouldn't have let that happen but disregarding that).

Really i'm just impressed Kamachi managed to make such an reprehensible character actually sympathetic. Killing 10,000 little girls isn't something most characters in fiction can bounce back from.

>Imagine actually believing this
God is disappointed in you.

>M-muh redemption
Dumb forgivenessfags

Living with something that repeats its own name 4 times each sentence is a far bigger punishment for his sins.

>killing off your only other popular male character
Nah there'd be too much Touma then. Hamazura is unpopular and Tsuchimikado isn't MC material. And Kamisato is a meme.

Chads always get away with it. Accept it and move on user.

Kamijou isn't popular either no matter what fanboys like you think. He just gets forced down our throats to make the other males look like his sidekicks

Dumb immobileposter with her imaginary statistics.

If the Sisters refuse to forgive him for anything, I think it will be him choosing to believe he's irredeemable. I dunno about you, but I were a Sister, I'd really tired of living my life as a "poor little innocent victim". I'd want my own life and to not be defined by the experiment. 10032 seems to hint at this. At some point there has to be a "Holy shit, it's fucking over. It was a fucked up thing. Everybody knows it was fucked up. Constantly saying "it was fucked up, you're a victim" is not going to solve anything"

Any sane person would hate the person who victimized them. People don't nor should they move on and accept trauma like that. And no, Accel wasn't a victim because the powerful can't be victims.

The Sisters weren't saved so they could go cry "Waaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaah I'm a victim!!11!! Pity me and NEVER EVER forget that I'm a victim OR let me have any kind of feelings or a life outside wanting victim reperations" They were saved so they could live.

Nice fallacy. It doesn't have to be a choice between acting like a victim and forgetting anything happened. There's a thing called righteous anger.

They should probably point that righteous anger at the scientists or Aleister, not the guy that they mindlessly tried to kill 10,000 times.

The point is the Sisters value being able to live above victimhood points. If you'd read the series, particularly NT10, you'd know this.

*Never stood a chance of killing even after 10000 times

This, too. Accelerator didn't wake up one day and say, "Hmm, Imma make some clones and kill them". He was victimized too and his "power" did not help him.

kamisato coming in for the kill. Already ranked higher than Hamazura.

He will die fighting Lola or get sent to World rejector land

What's Accelerator's death going to actually accomplish? Is it going to comfort the remaining clones or bring back the dead ones? No. Is it going to make Mikoto or Touma happy or feel a sense of peace? No. Are the majority of fans going to feel a dark satisfaction from it? No. At best it MIGHT accomplish buying Touma time or temporarily protecting Last Order/the Sisters, and that's if he dies in battle.


It isn't about anyone "feeling" better, but about justice happening in the end. If he or Aleister die happily, fine, but one shouldn't get their crimes overlooked because of excuses like "someone else made me do it" or "I was only acting for the greater good."

I actually feel like Accelerator's eventually going to be forced to make a choice between sacrificing himself and making Touma's job easier (maybe even a gauranteed win) OR living and making whatever they're trying to accomplish much harder. All that "make a choice" foreshadowing has to be going somewhere. I feel like him having to choose between "well I can die and for sure save the world or live and make the world saving gig a bit harder" would be fitting.


There are idiots on this board who think a literal mass murderer should just be rewarded with happiness without any reconciliation for what he did.

If he dies, he's probably just gonna go to Will and live wherever she does with her anyways. If she were to say "Welcome home" with a smile, would it piss off the "Accelerator needs to die for justice" shitposter?

So is getting shot in the head a dedicating the rest of his life to protecting them not even a good start or what? He's a lot less helpful if he's dead.

Saten is truly best girl.

Never forget the 6 billion.

Accelerator's hardly a happy person. And his reconciliation is devoting the rest of his life to protecting the other half of the Sisters.

Salome is a she user

Touma is kind

>Mass Murderer
>Never actually kills anyone on screen

How'd she get that title anyways?

This could be partially solved if Kamachi just commits to having Mikoto as another POV in the novels. It seems that Kamachi purposely left holes in OT and early NT for the Railgun manga to fill in later, but at this point in NT it'll take the manga 10 years or something to get to it, if it doesn't end before then.


Fuck that half-assed shit. It's just unrealistic feel-good writing to have an irredeemably evil person be "saved" because they want to protect someone now.

Reminder that way over half the dead clones probably killed themselves on his power without him lifting a finger or saying a word

Accelerator isn't evil. The novels outright tell you he's unstable and COULD swing either to evil or good.

shut up Yuiitsu, dead people can't talk

He's shown the ability to alter his reflection to make projectiles go in different directions though, and is completely invulnerable. It's sorta like asking if Superman is justified in killing someone in self-defense if they shoot a gun at him. For a normal person sure, but Superman was never in actual danger.

I'm not saying this necessarily makes what he did worse, but I don't think it's as simple as saying "the clones just killed themselves on his reflection and Accelerator possesses no guilt for their deaths". He willingly entered into a death match, so it's still his fault.


Mikoto basically is another POV at this point though. She shows up way more than Hamazura or Accelerator at this point. She's practically the secondary protagonist of NT.

>irredeemably evil
He isn't though. He's just an antisocial brat who didn't think of the clones as people.

There's a whole lot of "make a choice" and "go one direction or the other" foreshadowing for Accelerator. So I'm guessing in the end, he's going to have to make some kind of agonizing choice- maybe it's whether or not to sacrifice himself, maybe it's whether or not to abandon Last Order, or maybe it has something to do with Touma. But I bet you anything he's going to have to make gut wrenching choice and the choice he makes will swing him towards either a good ending or bad one.

If someone else had stepped up to protect the Sisters maybe you'd have a point. But no one did, so there you go. Asking Accelerator to die is the same as asking the clones to lose their protection from everyone in the world who wants to fuck them over.

Sure, maybe Last Order would have just tracked down Touma, but that was the point of NT9 as well. Just because someone else could have done it doesn't change who actually did it.

What is the point of Touma protecting Crowley from Accel when knows there are a billion more and Crowley would probably win any way. Same with Hamazura acting tough.

Accelerator dying wouldn't even provide the justice the guy seems to believe it will, anyway.

I think Touma was just making a point. Crowley would shitstomp Accel obviously.

Hamazura acted really weird in that scene though.

I'm guessing because Touma's gained a new Important Person in addition to the two he already has

Maybe it was actually Accelerator Touma was protecting in that case?

I think the message is "nobody is beyond redemption if they're genuinely willing to atone" and it's a pretty uplifting message if you ask me.

I don't think Touma considers Crowley to be on that level. He sees her as similar to how he sees Accel I think, a somewhat reformed villain but not somebody he feels personally close to.

>don't do it man he will hit you with ten big bangs and summon Aiwass



We can't have uplifting, positive messages here, don't you know? 'Justice'fag wants blood.

Only when her own arc is relevant. I doubt it's going to last once she solves her AAA and powerlevel problem

You can't fool me, the Queen must die.

Will the series have all that much time left by the time that arc is concluded? I feel like it's coming to a close at least.

I feel like it's wrapping up too. But we can't exactly be sure.

Maybe. Aleister still seems to be in the strongest position on the planet despite also being in the odd position of being protected by Touma. If anything she seems to be stronger now than she was before.

He probably does feel some kind of connection with the guy. They are pretty damn similar and they shared an interesting moment of understanding before they tried to beat each other down.

I mean there's a level of connection there sure, but certainly not any more than the level of connection he feels with say, Stiyl.

>implying we aren't getting the aeon of horus

I'd stop the twink from trying to kill the guy who big bang'd the universe too. Hell, Accelerator might have his own PTSD from Aiwass at this point.

>Tsuchi isn’t MC material

He is. Much better than Accel.

I think Tsuchi might be too competent honestly. He'd never fuck anything up. He's much better as a supporting character.

Acqua is well liked and popular, but its a shame that he's in jail

When was the last time he was relevant before VO happened?

At the end of OT he ranked 16 in the top 30 most popular LN male characters. He's arguably the only Gods Right Seat member that became popular.

>At the end of OT
Reminder that this was like 8 years ago.

Yes, but he did say before VO. Hell, he was more relevant in NT8-10 when he actually went around with Carissa.

Plenty of people like Acqua. Remember when he was released in the MMO and how hype people were? Hes one of the characters I use a lot in game AND one of the things I'm really looking forward to in s3 material

Did we all forget that there is a literal serial killer in Kamisato’s faction that everyone seems cool with?

The third "MC" of HO is already a mass killer

Serial killer is just a normal occupation in the kamachiverse at this point

That's because this is how Japan feels in regards to children. Or at least used to. Japan's laws had no way to deal with "evil" children for an extremely long time. The Junko Furuta incident was what reminded the world of that fact.

Icing on the cake: He has no family to tell him "no". The closest thing he had to a family told him it was okay to kill them because they weren't really humans. Mikoto and Touma are the only people who probably told him otherwise, and he didn't even believe them at first.


Being a cute barefoot girl balances it out

Is it me or was NT really lacking in adult women compared to OT?

That's not true. NT's just had more characters overall. OT had a rather small amount of characters until late OT

She slaughtered insane cultists and druglords and shit.

You know, its the little things about the LN that I like more.
The "You don't like cats" "But I know you do" conversation between Kuroko Mikoto. Or how Touma keeping Index's hat was subconsciously deliberate because he wanted to see her again.

> Queen
> Willing to atone
She doesn't give a fuck about anything other than Kyosuke anyway.

Her causing problems is his fault, he should take responsibility and marry her.

>Kyousuke marries the White Queen
>A month later
>The White Queen gets bored and kills everyone.
You don't really have any choice outside of killing her.

> You don't really have any choice outside of killing her.
Yet Kyosuke keeps making things worse with every attempt.

>Believing Kyousuke's excuses
He's just being a deadbeat husband and father.

How does Biribiri always manage to find so much iron sand in the soil? Pretty sure the ground isn't always conveniently enriched with magnetic iron ore everywhere.

>18 years old
What the fuck is kamachi doing

Doesn't she only do it when there's stuff like gravel around?

Didn't Will use the same reasoning in NT9 to prevent Touma's suicide? Saying that he had no guarantee that, even if Othinus kept her promise, he had no way of knowing if she wouldn't simply grow bored eventually and destroy everything.

isn't that what our lord and savior jesus teaches us?

Go look up big-breast porn, I'm sure you'll find plenty of 18-year-olds with busts of that size.

Legally you're considered one at 18, not that most people consider you as one at that age

The situation is reversed. Othinus created the perfect world to break Touma while the Queen allows crazy shit to happen so that Kyousuke will pay attention to her. When he was taking care of her in the garden she never harmed anything until the March Hare project was blown.

Yeah but she needs iron rich ore sand specifically to make her blades. Regular gravel isn't magnetic.

> Witness me, aniue!

Iron sand is actually pretty common, especially in areas around volcanoes or near coastlines. So her finding a shitload iron sand in Japan isn't unreasonable, hell it was used more than proper iron ore back in the day for smelting purposes in Japan. It just makes shittier iron, which is the reason for the whole "folded thousands of times" shit with katanas.

Her finding it in the middle of a tundra in Russia might be weirder though.

Touma himself knew that Othinus would probably destroy the Omega world, but just couldn't throw it away. Will was the one that told him to value himself over everyone else in this instance.

ITT: autists who don't seem to understand the concept of atonement