One Piece

Have they sent anyone to pick him up yet? Is he out for the rest of the arc?

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Who cares? We need to see Brownie in action.

He'll share Bellemere's fate.


She is perfect.

Be honest. How many of you want to see Germa again because you genuinely like them, and not just because you want to know what Oda has planned for them?

Or more canon wise, Jack's fate.

It’s dumb, but I haven’t felt much emotional impact from the Luffy/Katakuri fight ever since he killed those chefs. No matter how cool or based Katakuri is supposed to seem, it’s in the back of my mind despite how inconsequential it may have been.

How much stronger has Luffy gotten during this fight? Like it seems like a lot of development..

I want to know what Reiju's devil fruit is

Best panel of the fight right here.

I like Reiju.

We don't know. There's nothing saying that he took it off, but they've had plenty of time for shonen bruises to heal.

She is just some tsundere cunt with a sob story.

OK, thanks.

>luffy finally reveals a new g4 form
>katakuri manages to steal the spotlight from luffy yet again

He literally can't stop winning

Hey we are practically time twins.


Is there any way to animate Katakuri's power without making them look similar in visual compared to Mr. 3's wax?

who cares about these bozos

That's what I wanted to find out.

I'd say he got some tips which way to improve. CoA and CoO. Not developed really much at this point in this fight. Yeah, he improved his CoO but it seems like he still not fully Kata's level at future vision.

What about

>people think kingbaum survived this

If all of Luffy's potential love interests got into a fight, who would win? Including Katakuri of course.

Will One Piece ever stop dragging out?


>Gear 4th is Kabuki/Nioh-themed
>Wano is One Piece's Japan

I don't think Snakeman is the last form of Gear 4th. Hell, maybe we won't even get Awakening in that arc.

If they killed each other except for Katakuri, because he could easily win, would you fags fuck off and kill yourselves?

It's about a rubber man, dude. Come on.

That's a time abortion, user.

i don't think you'll find many germa fans besides one or two anons going "i love reiju and her dick-sucking lips!"

what more modes do you think he will get

It cannot stop something it never started.

user, I love One Piece, but you'd have to be delusional if you don't think it could be better if it was at least a little bit more concise,

What is Sup Forums's official ship in One Piece?

Yo, that's fucked up, user. He was clearly just adopted, not aborted.


Except it's not dragging out, you retarded piece of shit?

>I'm so fucked up

Everyone x Adventure

One Piece x good arcs

Bao because she envisioned Luffy touching her breasts at her wedding.

What about it isn't concise? Nice buzzword though.

You already know user....

>get in the fucking mirror world katakuri

Kaidou is the leader of Beast pirates, so I think it would fit to have Luffy go Lionman.

Boa x luffy

Who the fuck?

Going Merry

He knows what he did to get that fate. He should've been here instead of blabbing about My Fair Lady.

Thousand Sunny


tsk tsk look at this so-called one piece fan

What is Boa was actually a dude named Bao?

Do you think she bonded with Luffy? Not in a sexual/love way, but in a form of motherly admiration type of way?

Post crying Pudding.

Post human Carrot.


Yes, she bonded with him in the way a damsel in distress bonds with the dragon guarding her tower.

Shippers? More like NIGGERS

I don't know who genuinely likes them since all of them but Reiju literally have no personality on purpose, and 1, 2, and 4 are extremely forgettable.
They're more of a plot device at this point, but it'd be hard to utilize them as something besides a way for the SHs to escape WCI.

I like Reiju rest can die painfully
Sanji gonna get that Reijussy

>Nitoryu Scans haven't posted an update

Man, they're 2 volumes away until they're done with rescanlating One Piece.

Man, I can't wait until Carrot is forgotten like the other girls of the arc and is never spoken of again

I didn't notice until this artist pointed it out but now the way Daifuku says "I'll open this door" really bothers me. In a sexual way.


This arc has good waifus.


What kind of eyes does blue and orange eyes give your kids?
Sanji x Nami

>multiple waifus
Kill yourself from Sup Forums

>Forgetting Pudding

>What kind of eyes does blue and orange eyes give your kids?
That's not how it works

>The annoying little cunt that is SO fucking judgemental and self-absorbed and shallow that even the older brother that loves all of his siblings get angry at her
>good waifu
Fucking Christ, user.

>third eye not secretly looking in the other direction
missed opportunity


He sounds way "cooler" than I imagined he would. Not sure if I like it.

Nigga, it's in plain view.

No, like she’s trying to look like she’s not looking at it but her third eye is

>looking in the other direction
that 's not how eyes work

Oh shit, he seems way cooler than what he is in the manga. That's going to be super disappointing for the animefags.

I don't think that's how eyes work.


>forgetting about Pudding, Galette and Cinnamon
>including the disgusting balloon loli

animefags are gonna stick with him destroying sanji at the tea party for a while so it all balances out



t. Spee D. Reader

>takes several days to remember hancucks name
>remembers katakuri's in less than 1

How can LuHanfags ever recover?

Huh. I knew she was weird but I didn't think she'd be creepy. That shows me.

>That sexy ass voice
>That Djinn animation
It's the someone from the animation team a hardcore Daifuku fan or something because his first appearance is so much better than Katakuri

I don't think the animators choose what they animate.

Is this and Katakuri's entrances all just enforcing how fucking useless Smoothie is? Does Japan just fucking hate Smoothie?

Flampe such a shit that not even Katakuri could love her.

I think it's just a way to pad out episodes. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets a reintroduction too.

It's showing more Charlotte children coming to WC Chateau after not being there for everything happening before the Tea Party. Smoothie is already there.

dog, they made the genie fucking massive

t. samefag

I'm just curious about Reiju's devil fruit. Her getting confirmed for having one is too odd of a detail to go unaddressed. We're going to find out what it is or does by the end of this arc.

see pic

No, I know what it actually is, I was just making a joke about how Smoothie just stood in a front of a door and did nothing.
